Lots 1 - 153, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
1 | ** | C2-3 | 1918, Curtiss Jenny, 16c green and 24c carmine rose and blue, nicely centered, full OG, NH, mostly VF, C.v. $250
75.00 |
2 | ** | C86c | 1973, Progress in Electronics, 11c multicolored, a single with olive color omitted and only traces of vermilion frame are presented, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $800
200.00 |
3 | ** | C92a, C98 var | 1978-80, Wright Brothers 31c, three vertical se-tenant pairs with strongly shifted or practically missing colors, in addition Philip Mazzei 40c with red color shifted to the top, full OG, NH, VF, a common stamps are included
100.00 |
4 | ** | C115a | 1985, Trans-Pacific Air Mail, 44c multicolored, horizontal imperforate pair, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $550
150.00 |
5 | ** | C125b | 1989, 20th UPU Congress, Futuristic Mail Delivery, 45c multicolored, top right corner sheet margin se-tenant block of four with ZIP imprint, light blue (engraved) color omitted, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $475
150.00 |
6 | ** ![]() |
C128a | 1991, Harriet Quimby, 50c multicolored, left sheet margin block of four, imperforate horizontally, perfect condition, full OG, NH, VF and scarce, C.v. $1,600 as two pairs
400.00 |
7 | P | 3261-62 Pa, Pb | 1998, Space Shuttles, imperforate proofs of $3.20 in magenta and $11.75 in cyan, two sets of two values in left sheet margin vertical pairs, printed on coated and uncoated paper, no gum as issued, NH, VF and scarce, C.v. $900 for stamps on uncoated paper, pairs on coated paper are priced with "-", Est. $1,000-$1,500
500.00 |
8 | ![]() |
1924 (March 17), First Aerial Circumnavigation (First Leg) Flight from Clover Field in Santa Monica, CA to Saint Point in Seattle, WA, stationery postcard 3c red, two confirmation markings on front and Seattle"MAR.20.1924" arrival ds on reverse, VF, Est. $300-$400
150.00 |
9 | ![]() |
1924 (September 5-28), First Aerial Circumnavigation (Coast to Coast Leg. Atlantic to Pacific) Flight from Boston, MA to Seattle, WA, stationery postcard 1c green, uprated by Franklin 1c green, "Boston First Landing in US of World Fliers" machine cancel, all appropriate markings and Seattle "SEP.28.1924" arrival ds, VF, Est. $200-$250
100.00 |
10 | ![]() |
1924 (March 24), Alaska Pioneer Flight (4th Trip) stationery postcard from Fairbanks to McGrath, "Aero Mail" with Wings in red confirmation, pilot Carl B. Eielson signature, the same day McGrath arrival ds, mostly VF
75.00 |
11 | ![]() |
1931 (January 7-8), First Commercial Trans-Atlantic Flight by Mrs. B. Hart and Lt. W. McLaren with itinerary New York - Bermuda - Azores - Paris, stationery postcard 1c green on leg from NYC to Bermuda, uprated by Bermuda 1/2cgreen, appropriate arrival markings and pilot 's sign on reverse, VF, Est. $200-$250
100.00 |
12 | ![]() |
C17 | 1933 (June 10-July 7), First Non-Stop Round Flight to Haiti by "Columbia", mixed franking cover, franked by Winged Globe 8c olive bister, specially issued surcharged stamp of 60c/20c blue applied for return flight (Haiti #C4A), tied by Port-au-Prince "6.JUL.33", six-line cachet with flight itinerary and crew members, NYC "JUL.7.1933" arrival ds, VF, Est. $300-$400
150.00 |
13 | ![]() |
CE1 | 1935 (May 20-24), U.S.S. Beaver (AS-5) at Midway Island Navy Mass Flight to Honolulu and Los Angeles, pre-printed cover franked by Special Delivery 16c dark blue, Pearl Harbor "MAY.24.1935" transit and Los Angeles "MAY.30.1935" arrival ds, signed by pilot, mostly VF, Est. $500-$600
250.00 |
14 | ![]() |
1935 (August 20-23), PAA Wake Island - Honolulu Pacific Survey Flight legal size cover, franked by Washington 3c violet, tied upon arrival with Honolulu machine "AUG.23.1935" ds, black Wake Island cachet, autographed by PAA official C. Schildhauer on reverse, VF and scarce, Est. $400-$500
200.00 |
15 | ![]() |
1938 (May 24), Richard Archbold Trans-Pacific Flight cover carried in the PBY Catalina Flying Boat NC777 "Guba II", four-country franking with US, Dutch Indies, Australia and Seychelles, "Hollandia" cancellation"10.5.38" with month error, signed by Richard Archbold on boxed flight itinerary, backstamped with C.& W. Ltd. "12.JUN.39" Cocos, VF, AAMC #867, C.v.$1500
300.00 |
16 | ![]() |
C19, C23 | 1938 (July 10-14), Howard Hughes Record Around the World Flight, specially prepared legal size cover, bearing US, French and Soviet Union air post adhesives, confirmation markings and NYC arrival ds, VF. Howard Hughes' Flight by Lockheed 14 took 91 hours, with stops in Paris, Moscow, Omsk, Yakutsk, Fairbanks, Minneapolis and New York, AAMC #TO1307, Est. $800- $1,000
400.00 |
17 | ![]() |
UC16b | 1951, DC-4 Skymaster, stationery envelope 10c chocolate on pale blue paper, error of color, 4-line text on reverse, VF and scarce, a common envelope No. UC16 is enclosed, C.v. $450
100.00 |
18 | ![]() |
UC19a | 1951, DC-4 Skymaster, inverted "REVALUED 6c P.O. DEPT." on stationery envelope 5c red, very fresh, unused and VF. This error is listed but priced with "-" in the Cat., Est. $800-$1,000
400.00 |
19 | ![]() |
Selection of Pioneer Flights 1927-82, 12 items, including "Lindbergh Celebration" St. Louis-Chicago, cover delivered by S.S. Aquitania for Flight London-Munich- Berlin-Vienna of 1928, cover from Boston with portion delivery from Galway to London of 1929 and etc., mainly fresh and flawless, F/VF and conservative retail is $250 Click the numbers below to see additional images: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
100.00 |
20 | ![]() |
Balance of Air Postal History Collection 1924-51, six Pioneer Flight covers, arranged on album pages, including Around the World Flight of 1924 (1st landing in Boston), US Catapult Flight to Bremen of 1931, Hungarian FFC from Szeged to Budapest of 1932, New York - Rome Flight of 1935 with Notary Public Seal, unused envelope for Amelia Earhart 2nd Take Off Around the World Flight of 1937, air mail cover from Midway Island, HI to Berkley CA of 1941, in addition two stationery postcards with FD cancel, including color error #UXC1a (C.v. .$250), occasional conveyance flaws possible, F/VF, Est. $500-$600 Click the numbers below to see additional images: 2, 3, 4, 5 |
250.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
21 | ![]() |
554 | 1925 (July 4), Airship (Z.R.1) Shenandoah, Governors' Conference Flight, cover sent from USS Patoka to Lakehurst, franked by Washington 2c carmine, circular "via Air Mail Service USS Shenandoah"in violet and two-line "by U.S. Navy Dirigible "Shenandoah" in black, next day Lakehurst arrival on reverse, Michel #2, €750, Frost #ZR1-Bb, C.v. $1,000
250.00 |
22 | ![]() |
620 | 1925 (July 4), Airship (Z.R.1) Shenandoah, Governors' Conference Flight, cover sent from Bay Harbor to Lakehurst, franked by Norse-American 2c carmine and black, tied by machine postmark with inverted "4", USS Patoka ds, circular "via Air Mail Service USS Shenandoah" and two-line "Via Air Mail by Navy Dirigible" confirmation markings, Lakehurst "JUL.5.1925" arrival on reverse, Michel #2, €750, Frost #ZR1-Bb, C.v. $1,000
250.00 |
23 | ![]() |
1925, Airship (Z.R.3) Los Angeles Direct and Return Flights to Puerto Rico, five covers, one for direct and four different for return flight, cancelled at San Juan or Mayaguez, bearing different types of confirmation markings, in addition two covers delivered by Graf Zeppelin on different legs of Around the World Flight of 1929, arranged on pages from a Collection, mostly VF, Sieger #20U, T, V, W, 28-29, C.v. €1,100
Click the numbers below to see additional images: 2, 3, 4 |
250.00 |
24 | ![]() |
620 | 1925 (June 6), Airship (Z.R.3) Los Angeles Flight Lakehurst to Minneapolis, cover franked by Norse- American 2c red and black, tied by appropriate Lakehurst machine marking, "U.S.S. Los Angeles" confirmation in black, five-lines arrival "JUN 12. 8.10PM.1925" date stamp, VF and rare, US Navy Airships did not deliver mail with just a few exceptions, Sieger #20X, C.v. €650
200.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
25 | P ![]() |
1954, Aerogramme 50c gray blue, printer's plate proof in unsevered horizontal pair with 134mm gutter between and 130mm selvage at left on bluish paper, three-line instead of two-line inscription at the bottom (one reverse), and indicia is in 4mm from the border (common - about in 10mm), insignificant folds, still VF and rare item
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
26 | ** | C15-21 | 1928, First Flight Across the Adriatic, violet black 4-line overprint on 5q-3fr, complete set of seven, full OG, NH, VF, each one with Elliott guarantee hs, Mi #162-68, C.v. €450
75.00 |
27 | ** | 606 fn, var | 1962, Yuri Gagarin's Space Flight, maroon overprint "Posta Ajore" (Air Post) on 50q-11L, complete set of three and the high value with double overprint, full OG, NH, VF, only a handful exist with double overprint, expert's sign, Est. $300-$400
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
28 | ![]() |
66 | Zeppelin Flight 1933 (June 3-6), 2nd SAF registered postcard to Brazil, franked by eight adhesives, including 10fr brown and rose, tied by Alger date stamp, Friedrichshafen "3.6.33" connection, green confirmation marking, Pernambuco receiver on the back, VF and scarce, M. Fehr certificate, Sieger #214 |
300.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
29 | ![]() |
1900(c), "Feliz Ano Nuevo", view of the Canal de Beagle (3c) and view of Bahia Lapataia (5/15c), two stationery envelopes with illustrations inside promoting pigeon mail, both are unused, the last one with minor flap thin, still VF and scarce, Est. $200-$250
View stationery envelopes 2. |
100.00 |
30 | P ![]() |
CB1-5, B12 | 1950, Air Post Semi-Postal stamps, International Philatelic Exhibition, 10+10c - 5+5p, complete set of six imperforate trial color proofs in blocks of four, printed on thick wove paper, no gum as issued, NH, VF, Est. $300-$400
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
31 | ** | C32-46 | 1935, Airplanes over Landscapes, 5g-10s, complete set of 15, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $150, ANK #598- 612, €240
50.00 |
32 | ![]() |
Mainly Balloon Post 1949-52, eight items, including three different illustrated envelopes of Bregenz Flight of 1949, two different of Austrian Kinderdorf on Postflug Balloon Helvetia Dornbirn, both from 1950, printed to order stationery cover to Pestalozzi Foundation of 1952 and mixed franking (Germany) IFRABA Philatelic Exhibition Flight cover, all are fresh and mostly VF, Est. $150-$200 Click the numbers below to see additional images: 2, 3, 4 |
100.00 |
33 | ![]() |
C30, C36, C39, C42 | Zeppelin Flight 1936 (May 6-9), Hindenburg (L.Z.129) 1st NAF Special Delivery cover to NYC, franked by four air post values, tied by Vienna "5.V.36" ds, Frankfurt (d) connection, NYC "5.9.1936" arrival postmark on reverse, F/VF, Sieger #406, Mi #12 |
75.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
34 | ![]() |
C4 | 1930 (December 5), two Pioneer Flight covers to Belgian Congo, originated from Brussels or Antwerp, franked by three or four stamps, including Airplane over Ostend 5fr brown lake, appropriate arrival makings, mostly VF, Est. $150-$200
100.00 |
35 | ![]() |
1935 (February 9-23), Inauguration Sabena Round Flight to Leopoldville, postcard with mixed franking of 2 Belgian and 3 Belgian Congo air post values, appropriate confirmation and arrival markings, VF, Est. $100-$150
75.00 |
36 | ![]() |
C3, C7 | 1937 (August 23 - September 1), Air Mail registered cover from Brussels to US Air Mail Service New York - Cheyenne, WY via Huron, Pierre, Hot Springs (all SD) and Scottsbluff, NE, confirmation marking in lilac, arrived to NYC on August 30 and first time to Pierre on September 1, after trip completion postmarked in Pierre on April 17, 1938 (6 months later) and uprated by Washington 2c carmine, VF and very unusual mailing, Est. $150-$200
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
37 | ![]() |
C4 | 1936 (May 6-9), Airship "Hindenburg" 1st NAF cover, franked by three values, including a pair of Airplane 5fr red brown, tied by Brussels "5.5.36" ds, letter "c" (Frankfurt) red confirmation cachet, backstamped NYC on May 9, VF, Sieger #406C
75.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
38 | ![]() |
86 | 1925 (April 24-25), Airship (Z.R.3) Los Angeles Flight two covers from Hamilton to Lakehurst, each one franked by Caravel 2 1/2p apple green, machine "16.APR.25" cancel or "17.APR.25" ds,2- or 3-line Bermuda confirmation markings, postmarked on arrival, mostly VF, Sieger #20O, P, C.v. €180
75.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
39 | ![]() |
C12-14 | 1932 (May 14), Strasbourg Exhibition Flight cover from Sofia, addressed to Paris, franked by Rila Monastery complete set of three, tied by red special Sofia date stamps, part of postal receipts seal and Paris "23.V.32" arrival marking, mostly VF, Est. $100-$150
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
40 | ![]() |
202 | 1929 (October 16), Balkan and Silesia Flight cover from Sofia to Pforzheim, franked by 6L dark blue and pale lemon, tied by Sofia date stamp, the same day Zeppelin onboard marking, four-line cachet on reverse, mostly VF, Sieger #42-43 var, Est. $400-$500
200.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
41 | ** ![]() |
CL40a | 1927, Western Canada Airways, (10c) black and pale rose, complete pane of 50, insignificant separation at bottom margin, one stamp with paper adhesion, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $350, Unitrade C.v. CAD$450
100.00 |
42 | ** ![]() |
CL41 | 1927, Western Canada Airways, Jubilee issue, (10c) black and orange, complete pane of 50, minor perf separation at bottom, still full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $600, Unitrade C.v. CAD$800
150.00 |
43 | P | CL42 | 1927, Yukon Airways and Exploration Co. Ltd, reversed image die proof of 25c in black, printed on thick card, size 98x75mm, perfect condition, no gum as produced, NH, VF, Unitrade C.v. CAD$450
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
44 | ![]() |
203, 217 | 1935 (July 31 - August 2), S.S. Europa Flight registered cover from Sydney-Halifax to NYC, franked by seven stamps, "Europa" Southampton in blue and Canada Air Mail. Experimental Service. Sydney to Halifax" in brown confirmation markings, all appropriate cancellations on front and reverse, VF and scarce, Est. $600-$700
300.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
45 | ** | C51 var | 1946, C.N.C. double black surcharge $100 on Hong Kong printing of $2 light brown, left sheet margin single on paper without watermark, unused, no gum, VF, Chan #A51a, SG #823a, C.v. £600
250.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
46 | ** S | C121-23, C145-47 var | 1946-47, Soccer Championships, text "Febrero 1946" 25c, 30c and 55c, complete set of three with red "MUESTRA" overprint; in addition inverted black surcharge "Habilitado para..." 15c/25c, 15c/30c and15c/55c, complete set of three, all with full OG, NH, VF, only 150 sets were issued with inverted surcharge, Est. $300-$400
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
47 | ![]() |
C4, C7, C10-11 | 1933 (May 6-9), 1st SAF registered postcard to Brazil, franked by six air post stamps, tied with Benghazi "30.4.33" ds, Friedrichshafen "6.5.33" connection, blue confirmation cachet, Pernambuco "9.V.33" receiver on the back, VF and rare card, Sieger #202
300.00 |
48 | ![]() |
C15 | 1933 (May 30-June 9), Italy Flight registered cover, franked by Cyrenaica Zeppelin stamp of 12L blue together with three values of Italian Colonies, tied by Tripoli "29.5.33" ds in violet, blue flight cachet and Rome machine marking of May 30, forwarded to Zeppelin 2nd SAF to Brazil and bearing Pernambuco "9.VI.33" receiver, VF and very rare two-Flight cover, Sieger #212L/214, C.v. €800++
400.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
49 | P | C1-2 | 1929, two trial Airplane surcharges 14k (brown) and 24k (blue) on imperforate Hradcany 1000h violet, large part of OG, VF and scarce, properly expertized
100.00 |
50 | P | C3 | 1920, seven trial Airplane surcharges 28k on imperforate Hradcany stamps of 20h greenish blue (black), 20h carmine (black), 25h (black), two of 200h (black and brown), two of 500h (blue and greenish black),large part of OG, VF and scarce group, each one properly expertized
250.00 |
51 | * | C7a, C8a | 1922, inverted black Airplane surcharges 50h on 100h and 100h on 200h, large part of OG, VF, both are properly expertized, C.v. $300
150.00 |
52 | ![]() |
C7-9 | 1927 (April 19-20), Pioneer Flight Prague - Braunschweig registered cover, franked by four stamps, including complete set of air post surcharges, all appropriate markings and arrival ds, mostly VF
75.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
53 | ![]() |
C10, C14-15 | 1936 (May20-24), Air France cover prepared for 2nd SAF, addressed to Buenos Aires, franked by five air post stamps, tied by Smrzovka "19.V.36" ds with Prague transit, red German confirmation marking letter "e", apparently delivered by German Luftpost with Buenos Aires "24.5.936" machine arrival on reverse, mostly VF
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
54 | ![]() |
C29 | 1931 (June 28), Schwaben Flight postcard, franked by two stamps, tied by oval date stamp, Friedrichshafen "28.6.31" connection and Boeblingen the same day arrival marking, violet confirmation cachet, VF, Sieger #112
75.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
55 | ![]() |
C9-10 | 1936 (May 6-9), Airship "Hindenburg" 1st NAF cover, franked by three values, including two air post stamps, tied by Copenhagen "4.5.36" ds, Frankfurt connection and letter "d" red confirmation cachet, arrived to NYC on May 9, VF, Sieger #406C, Mi #12, €250
100.00 |
56 | ![]() |
C7-8, C10 | 1936 (May 25-28), Airship "Hindenburg" 2nd SAF (5th SAF of Zeppelin and Hindenburg in 1936) registered postcard to Chile, franked by four stamps, including three air post values, tied by Copenhagen "23.5.36"ds, red letter "e" confirmation cachet, arrival marking on picture side, VF, Sieger #412, Mi #16, €450
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
57 | ![]() |
122-27 | 1932 (October 24-27), 9th SAF registered postcard, franked by 6 values of the African Types and Scenes 15c-5L, tied by Asmara "27.9.32" ds, Friedrichshafen "24.10.32" connection, red confirmation cachet and Pernambuco "27.X.32" receiver, VF and rare, Sieger #195, C.v. €700, Scott C.v. $1,125 for cover franked by these stamps
500.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
58 | **/* | C7-8, 152 imp | 1923-40, black surcharge 10m and red surcharge 20m on 5m+5m yellow, black and light greenish blue, set of two perforated (11 1/4, Teetsov's private perf) values, in addition Carrier Pigeon 15s brownish red, two horizontal imperforate pairs on chalk-surfaced paper, all with full OG, LH or NH (imperf pairs), perf stamps expertized by Dr. Jemtschoujin, Est. $300-$400
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
59 | ![]() |
179 | 1932 (October 24-27), 9th SAF registered cover to Brazil, franked by Woodchopper 25m brown black, tied with Helsinki "20.X.32" date stamp, Stockholm (21.10) and TPO Berlin-Sassnitz (22.10)transits, Berlin-Friedrichshafen connection and confirmation markings, backstamped in Pernambuco on October 27, mostly VF, Sieger #195B, Mi #286b, €380
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
60 | U | C14, C15 | 1936, Plane over Paris, 50fr emerald and 50fr Burelage, both are postally used, nicely centered, fresh and VF, C.v. $635
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
61 | ![]() |
251A, 254 | 1932 (June 8), Air Orient Flight cover to Saigon, franked by three stamps, including Port du Gard 20fr bright red brown, perforation 11 (rare stamp), postmarked on arrival (June 16), vertical fold did not affect the stamps, F/VF, ex-"Hermione" Collection, C.v. $750++, Est. $400-$500
200.00 |
62 | ![]() |
253 | 1932 (August 3), Air Orient Flight cover from Paris to Hanoi, franked by 9 stamps, including Port du Gard 20fr red brown (type I) in block of four and 3 singles, postmarked on arrival on August 14, mostly VF, ex-"Hermione" Collection, Est. $300-$400
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
63 | P | C20/43 | Epreuves de Luxe Selection 1941-57, 13 items, representing 6 Ministerial and 7 Artists' die proofs, including three high values of the Trimotor Airplane, three different Pierre de Brazza artist's proofs and more, mainly nice and fresh unit, mostly VF, suggested retail $400 Click the numbers below to see additional images: 2, 3, 4, 5 |
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
64 | ** ![]() |
C53 var | 1963, First Flight from Conakry to New York, two complete sheets of 20, representing inverted or doubled black overprint on 200f emerald, brown and lilac, full OG, NH, VF, Est. $200-$250
View Sheet 2. |
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
65 | ![]() |
C1 | 1937-47, four Pioneer Flight covers, including "Roland Garros" stamp on FFC from St. Dennis to Paris, three stamps franking on cover from St. Pierre to Paris (1937), cover from St. Dennis to Madagascar (1938) and cover from Pointe Des Galets to France, occasional conveyance flaws, still F/VF, Est. $200-$300
View Part 2. |
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
66 | ![]() |
126, 128 | 1935 (November 16-18), 1st Shuttle Return Flight cover from Bathurst to Recife, franked by three King George V Silver Jubilee stamps, tied by Bathurst "16.NO.35" date stamp, Recife arrival"18.XI.35" on reverse, VF and rare, Est. $500-$600
300.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
67 | ![]() |
1929 (April 19), South West Germany Flight two postcards and one cover, franked by 3pf (cards) or 8pf (cover), cancelled by Baden-Baden, Mannheim and Stuttgart, each one with red confirmation"19.APR.1929" marking, housed on pages from a Collection, Sieger #023.Ic, d, e, C.v. €830
View Part 2. View Part 3. |
250.00 |
68 | ![]() |
C37 | 1929 (April 23-25), Mediterranean Sea two Flight covers, both addressed to Chicago, franked by Zeppelin stamp of 2m ultra, tied by board cancel, red confirmation cachet, drop markings of Seville (machine "24.ABR.29")or S.Remo ("25.4.29"), mostly VF, Sieger #24d, var, C.v. €450
100.00 |
69 | ![]() |
1929 (September 17), Germany Flight one cover and four postcards, properly franked and tied by the "17.9.29" cancellations of Brand, Eschweiler, Aachen, Osnabruek and Oldenburg, each one with red on-board the same day markings, mounted on 5 pages from a Collection, VF and rare assemblage, Sieger #34d, f, g, h and k, C.v. €2,100
Click the numbers below to see additional images: 2, 3, 4, 5 |
400.00 |
70 | ![]() |
379, C28 | 1929 (October 17), Silesia Flight postcard (Graf Zeppelin), franked by two stamps tied on-board "17.10.1929" cancellation, the same day Beuthen drop (63 cards flown), in addition card from the same flight but with on-board"7.10.1929" ds and Breslau drop, Sieger #43c, 43AI, C.v. €390
100.00 |
71 | ![]() |
C32 | 1930 (June 22-25), Germany Flight two postcards, franked by German Eagle 1m black and salmon, first one cancelled on-board "22.6.1930" and has Copenhagen and Berlin "22.6.30" markings, the other one tied by Berlin-Staaken "24.6.30" ds and with Friedrichshafen arrival of June 25, both are on Collection pages, VF, Sieger #68Bd and Fa, C.v. €340
View Page 2. |
100.00 |
72 | ![]() |
C35 | 1931 (June 14-15), Hanover Direct and Return Flight postcards, each franked by Zeppelin stamp of 1m carmine, tied by on-board "14.6.1931" or the same day Hanover ds, all appropriate markings, arranged on two pages from a Collection, VF, Sieger #111Ab, Ba, C.v. €190 plus €200 as premium for franking
View Page 2. |
100.00 |
73 | ![]() |
C35 | 1931 (July 5-6), Upper Silesia Direct and Return Flight postcards, each franked by Zeppelin stamp of 1m carmine, tied by on-board or Glewitz "5.7.1931" date stamps, violet confirmation and arrivals of Glewitz (5.7) and Friedrichshafen (6.7),arranged on two pages from a Collection, VF, Sieger #115Ab, Ba, C.v. €170 and €200 as premium for franking
View Page 2. |
100.00 |
74 | ![]() |
C41 | 1931 (July 24-25), North Pole Flight cover to Leningrad, franked by "Polar-Fahrt 1931" overprint on 2m ultra, tied by Friedrichshafen "24.7.31" ds, red confirmation marking and Leningrad special arrival marking, VF, H.-D. Schlegel certificate, Sieger #119E, C.v. €375
100.00 |
75 | U | C42 | 1931, brown Polar-Fahrt 1931 overprint on 4m black brown, cancelled on a part of Zeppelin envelope with Friedrichshafen "24.7.31" ds, VF, C.v. $675, Mi #458, €900
100.00 |
76 | ![]() |
C35 | 1933 (June 20), Two Short Flights to Switzerland, cover franked by two stamps, including Zeppelin 1m carmine, tied with on-board "20.6.33" cancel, "Mit Luftschiff "Graf Zeppelin" line confirmation marking, VF and scarce, Sieger #0216 I, C.v. €250 plus €100 as a premium for franking
100.00 |
77 | ![]() |
B82-89 | 1936 (August 1, 5-8), two covers from Airship "Hindenburg" Olympic Flight and 6th NAF, both franked by Olympic stamps, first one by complete set of 8, the other one by 8 stamps (2 se-tenant blocks) from Olympic souvenir sheets, confirmation markings and appropriate arrival ds, VF, Sieger #427Bb, 428D, C.v. €525
Click the numbers below to see additional images: 2, 3, 4 |
150.00 |
78 | ![]() |
C57-58 | 1937 (May 6), after crash of Airship "Hindenburg" illustrated cover intended for Return Flight from Lakehurst to Frankfurt, bearing two Zeppelin stamps, red lilac four- line cachet "Intended for first eastbound trip of Airship"Hindenburg" in 1937...", fresh and VF, Sieger #454Ea, C.v. €350
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
79 | ![]() |
84, 97 | 1933 (October 14-17), Chicago (Century of Progress) Flight registered cover to Brazil, delivered on leg Friedrichshafen - Recife, franked by two King George V adhesives, triangle confirmation marking on front and Berlin-Friedrichshafen connection on reverse, both in red, arrival ds, VF, Sieger #238A, C.v. €850
250.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
80 | ![]() |
200 | 1933 (May 6-10), 1st SAF cover from London to Uruguay, franked by four King George V 1s bister, tied by London "5 MY 33" ds, red Berlin - Friedrichshafen connection, blue confirmation cachet and Montevideo "MAY.11.33"arrival marking, slight foxing, mostly VF, Sieger #202
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
81 | ![]() |
213, 225 | 1933 (August 5-9), 5th SAF registered postcard to Brazil, franked by two stamps in British Currency, Friedrichshafen "5.8.33" connection, red confirmation cachet, Pernambuco"9.VIII.33" arrival, VF and scarce, Sieger #223
200.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
82 | ![]() |
C27-28 | 1933 (August 15), First Flight Godolla - Budapest, 4th Boy Scout Jamboree color PPC, franked by two air post values together with definitive stamp, brown confirmation and all appropriate markings, mostly VF, Est. $150-$200
100.00 |
83 | ** | C66 | 1949, Chain Bridge in Budapest, souvenir sheet of 50ft carmine lake, size 137x99mm, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $350
75.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
84 | ** ![]() |
C27 | 1930, Trans-Atlantic Squadron, 7.70L deep blue and gray, four corner sheet margin blocks of four from each corner of a complete sheet of 50, absolutely gorgeous unit, full OG, NH, VF and rare, specially for a serious airpost collector, each stamp with Bolaffi guarantee hs and signed in pencil, C.v. $14,400 as singles, Sassone #A25, C.v. €22,000 without a premium for centering
View the backside. |
3000.00 |
85 | ** ![]() |
C27, a | 1930, Trans-Atlantic Squadron, 7.70L deep blue and gray, left sheet margin block of nine, stamp with "7 Stars" variety in the middle, folded once along horizontal perforation between 2nd and 3rd rows, perfect quality otherwise, full OG, NH, VF, rare and desirable positional piece, each stamp signed by A. Bolaffi with his certificate, C.v. $11,200 as singles, Sassone #A25, a, €18,000
View the certificate. |
2500.00 |
86 | * | CO1 | 1933, General Balbo Flight, black overprint "Servizio Di Stato" on triptych 5,25L + 44.75L, fresh condition, large part of OG, previously hinged, VF, C.v. $3,300, Sassone #1, C.v. .€4,200
750.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
87 | ![]() |
C17-18 | 1933 (October 14-17), Chicago Flight postcard to Brazil, franked by 3 stamps, including 2 air post values, tied with Milan ds, Friedrichshafen "14.10.33" connection, red confirmation cachet, Pernambuco "17.X.33" arrival marking, VF, Sieger #238Aa, €750
250.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
88 | ![]() |
C15-17 | 1932 (September 26-30), 7th SAF registered cover to Brazil, franked by nine stamps with Aegean and five of Rhodes overprints on Italian Garibaldi stamps (very high C.v. for stamps off cover), tied by Rodi (Egeo) "15.9.32" ds, Friedrichshafen "26.9.32" connection, brown confirmation cachet, Pernambuco "30.IX.32" arrival marking, F/VF and very rare cover, Sieger #183
500.00 |
89 | ![]() |
58, 61 | 1933 (July 1-4), 3rd SAF registered mixed franking postcard to Brazil, franked by three Rhodes values and uprated by three Italian air post stamps, tied by Rodi (Egeo) "28.6.33" ds, Friedrichshafen "1.7.33"connection, blue confirmation cachet, Pernambuco "5.VII.33" receiver, VF and rare, Sieger #219
400.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
90 | ** | C27 var | 1934, 10th Anniversary of the March on Rome, 50L blue, bottom sheet margin single imperforated at bottom, full OG, NH, VF and rare, Sassone #A29b, C.v. €3,800 as hinged
600.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
91 | ![]() |
97, 101, 104 | 1936 (May 11-14), Airship "Hindenburg" Return 1st NAF cover to England, franked by three values, tied by Kingston "MY.5.36", violet American confirmation cachet, machine Frankfurt"14.5.36" arrival ds, F/VF and rare, Sieger #409S, C.v. €1,500
400.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
92 | P | C4/13 | 1938, Airplanes and Birds, imperforate plate proofs of 1c-$1, set of ten in pairs, each stamp with "Proof" overprint in black, less 20c (not issued as such), but including two of 4c in orange (issued color) and yellow, perfect condition, full OG, NH, VF and rare, Est. $400-$500
200.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
93 | ![]() |
40-41 | 1932 (August 29-September 1), 5th SAF registered postcard to Brazil, franked by two Sibyl stamps of 40c and 60c plus seven stamps of Italian Colonies Dante Society and one Tripolitania stamp, all tied by Tripoli "24.8.32" date stamp, Rome "24.8.32" and Friedrichshafen "29.8.32" connections, violet confirmation cachet, Pernambuco "1.IX.32" receiver, VF and rare card, Sieger #171
400.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
94 | ** ![]() |
C1-6 | 1930, Airplane over Mountains and Vaduz Castle, 15rp-1fr, complete set of six, nicely centered unfolded blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $2,072++, SBK #F1-6, C.v. CHF3,000 as singles
400.00 |
95 | ** | C7-8, C15-16 | 1931, Zeppelin and Airship Hindenburg, 1fr and 2fr, two complete sets of two, nice centering and fresh colors, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $725, SBK #F7-8, F14-15, C.v. CHF1,100
150.00 |
96 | ** ![]() |
C17-23 | 300.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
97 | ![]() |
C1-5 | 1930 (November 11), Netherlands Flight postcard, franked by 5 air post stamps of the first issue (C.v. $273 for stamps on cover), tied by Schaan ds, Friedrichshafen "10.11.30" connection, blue and violet confirmation markings, mostly VF, Sieger #98
100.00 |
98 | ![]() |
C15-16 | 1936 (May 6-14), Airship "Hindenburg" 1st NA Direct and Return Flights cover franked by Zeppelin stamps of 1fr and 2r, upon arrival to NYC uprated by 50c lilac, German and American confirmation markings and all appropriate transit and arrival date stamps on reverse, mostly VF and scarce mixed franked cover, Sieger #408c var
200.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
99 | ![]() |
C5 | 1931 (October 11), Meiningen Flight mixed franking cover, bearing Airplane stamp of 1 3/4fr blue, upon arrival to Friedrichshafen uprated by Eagle 2m black and blue, oval confirmation marking and Meiningen "11.10.31" arrival ds on reverse, VF, Sieger #132
100.00 |
100 | ![]() |
C3-4 | 1932 (October 9-13), 8th SAF registered mixed franking cover to Brazil, bearing three Luxembourg air post stamps, cancelled with October 6 date stamp, upon arrival to Stuttgart uprated by three German adhesives, connection marking and confirmation cachet in red, Pernambuco "13.X.32" receiver, mostly VF and scarce, Sieger #189 var, Michel #282c, €650
200.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
101 | ** ![]() |
C74 | 1935, Amelia Earhart Flight to Mexico, violet overprint on "Eagle Man" 20c lake, right sheet margin plate No.67021 block of four, perfect quality, full OG, NH, VF and rare multiple, that is one of three known plate number blocks of four, only 300 stamps were overprinted, sufficient part of those were used on correspondences, one stamp with K. Lissiuk guarantee hs, MEPSI certificate, C.v. $24,000 as four single stamps
View the certificate. |
8000.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
102 | ** | C409a | 1958, International Expositions of the Year, 25c-10C, imperforate souvenir sheet of six, full OG, NH, VF and scarce, only a handful printed, Est. $200-$250
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
103 | ![]() |
110 | 1925, Roald Amundsen's Attempted Flight to North Pole by flying boat "Dornier Do J Wal", double- sided small size postcard sent from USA to Norway on April 9, 1924 to be delivered to North Pole, upon arrival uprated by two Norwegian stamps, including Polar Bear 25o red issued to help financing the Expedition, cancelled by Kings Bay (Svalbard) "18.VI.25" and Kristiania (Oslo), then returned to New Jersey, mostly VF
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
104 | ![]() |
292-95, 298 | 1932 (October 1-4), 7th SA Return Flight postcard to Germany, mixed franking of five Peruvian and two Brazilian adhesives (one with Zeppelin surcharge), cancelled by Lima "7.SEP.32" and Rio"29.SET.32" ds respectively, Brazilian violet confirmation marking and Friedrichshafen "4.10.32" machine receiver, mostly VF and rare card, Sieger #184A, C.v. €900
250.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
105 | withdrawn
0.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
106 | ** | C1, C2-5 | 1922-23, red Airplane overprint on 45r green and black, Fokker F.III, 1r-10r, unissued complete set of four, all are in horizontal or vertical pairs, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $199++
75.00 |
107 | ** | C10-11, C12-13, a | 1927-30, Hague Air Post Conference, 10k and 15k, complete set of two, plus 15k with red color permeated on gum side and olive green in very pale shade (LH), Zeppelin issue, 40k and 80k, two complete sets, perforation 12 1/2 and 10 1/2, all with full OG, NH, mostly VF, C.v. $653++
200.00 |
108 | ![]() |
C10-11 | 1927 (September 27), Pioneer Flight registered cover from Moscow to Riga, franked by 4 stamps of the Hague Air Post Conference, one 10k with broken undercarriage variety, backstamped Moscow-Exp. date stamp, minor reversal foxing, mostly VF
View enlarge fragment. |
75.00 |
109 | ** | C12-13, C25, b | 1930-32, Zeppelin issue, 40k and 80k, perforation 12 1/2, stamp of 80k with a spot over second "C" in "CCCP"; and two stamps of Airship over the Dnieper Dam, 15k gray, engraved printing, perforation 12 1/2 and 14, all with full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $347
100.00 |
110 | ** | C15-19 | 1931, Airships, 10k-1r, imperforate complete set of five, enlarged margins, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $390
100.00 |
111 | ** | C20-24, a, C25, b | 1931-32, Airships, 10k-1r, three complete sets of five, four and two, perforation L12 1/4 or comb 12 1/2x12, 12x12 1/2, 10 1/2x12; in addition Airship over the Dnieper Dam 15k gray, engraved printing, two stamps with perforation 121/2 or 14, all unit has full OG, NH, VF and scarce, C.v. $792
250.00 |
112 | ** | C23 var | 1931, Airship over the Arctic Region, 50k dark brown, comb perforation 10 1/2x12, right sheet margin single with double impression of the design, nice and post office fresh, full OG, NH, VF and very rare, only a handful of this rarity exists, this stamp is definitely the best preserved example, Raritan Stamps guarantee, Est. $4,000-$5,000
2000.00 |
113 | (*) | C23a | 1931, Airship over the Arctic Region, 50k dark gray blue, color error, perforation 10 1/2x12, unused, expertly regummed, fresh condition with no hidden defects, VF appearance
View Page with stamp. |
100.00 |
114 | ** ![]() |
C25 | 1932, Airship over the Dnieper Dam, 15k gray black, engraved printing, perforation 12 1/2, complete sheet of 40 (5x8), perfect condition, full OG. NH, VF, C.v. $480++
200.00 |
115 | ![]() |
C25b | 1932, Airship over the Dnieper Dam, 15k gray black, perforation 14, used on registered philatelic exchange cover from Moscow to Prague together with five other values in 1936, two tax stamps on reverse tied by 13-linecachet, address partly erased, otherwise VF and scarce franking
100.00 |
116 | ** | C26-29 | 1931, Ice-Breaker Malygin and Graf Zeppelin issue, 30k- 2r, imperforate complete set of four, nice margins all around, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $217
75.00 |
117 | ** | C34-35 | 1932, International Polar Year, 50k carmine, perf 12 1/4, and 1r green, perf 10 1/2, complete set of two, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $225
75.00 |
118 | ![]() |
C34-35 | 1932 (August 26-28), Franz Josef Land - Arkhangelsk Flight cover, franked by complete Polar Year set of two values, in addition postcard franked by 50k carmine from the same issue, both with triangle confirmation and all appropriate markings, cover with minor foxing, still F/VF, Est. $300-$400
150.00 |
119 | **/* | C37/75 | 1933-37, Balloons of 1933, Civil Aviation watermarked issue, the Stratosphere Disaster of 1934 and Aviation Exhibition of 1937, the total is 18 values, full/large part of OG, NH (Balloon 20k and Airplanes of 1937) or LH/hinged, mostly VF, C.v. $1,147
300.00 |
120 | ** | C40-44 | 1934, Civil Aviation, 5k-80k, complete set of five, printed on watermarked paper, perfect condition in all respects, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $690
300.00 |
121 | ** | C45-49 | 1934, Civil Aviation, 5k-80k, complete set of five, most with sheet margins, post office fresh quality, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $530
250.00 |
122 | ** | C53-57 | 1934, Airships, 5k-30k, complete set of five, nice set in every respect, full OG, NH, VF and scarce in premium quality, C.v. $1,020
300.00 |
123 | ** | C58-67 | 1935, Chelyuskin Rescue, 1k-50k, complete set of ten, nice and flawless unit, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $2,058
750.00 |
124 | ** | C68 | 1935, Moscow - San Francisco Flight, red surcharge 1r on S. Levanevsky 10k dark brown, surcharge position 1 of 25-stamp setting, full OG, NH, VF, Soviet Philatelic guarantee hs, Z. Mikulski certificate, C.v. $1,275
400.00 |
125 | ** | C68 | 1935, Moscow - San Francisco Flight, red surcharge on S. Levanevsky 10k dark brown, surcharge position 12 of 25- stamp setting ("v" of "Sev." completely broken), full OG, NH, VF, Soviet Philatelic guarantee hs, C.v. $1,275
400.00 |
126 | * | C68 | 1935, Moscow - San Francisco Flight, red surcharge 1r on S. Levanevsky 10k dark brown, broken "5" of "1935", surcharge position 15 of 25-stamp setting, full OG, previously hinged, VF, C.v. $500
250.00 |
127 | ** | C68 | 1935, Moscow - San Francisco Flight, red surcharge 1r on S. Levanevsky 10k dark brown, surcharge position 22 of 25-stamp setting, full OG, NH, VF, A. Rendon certificate, C.v. $1,275
400.00 |
128 | ** | C68b | 1935, Moscow - San Francisco Flight, red surcharge 1r on S. Levanevsky 10k dark brown, small "f" variety, surcharge position 9 of 25-stamp setting, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $2,250
600.00 |
129 | ** | 625/720 | 1938-39, North Pole Flight, 2nd Trans-Atlantic Flight, Papanin's Expedition and Flight to Far East, four complete issues, the total is 14 stamps, full OG, NH, mostly VF, C.v. $295
100.00 |
130 | ** | 992A-1001, C69-75 | 1937-46, Soviet War and Civil Airplanes, three complete sets, the total is 25 stamps, full OG, NH, mostly VF, C.v. $249
75.00 |
131 | ![]() |
C73-75, C75a | 1938, two air post covers to Germany and England, first one - stationery envelope 50k blue, uprated by seven stamps, including 50k, 80k and 1r of Aviation set of 1937, the last one is philatelic exchange cover franked by two stamps, including imperforate single of 1r from imperforate souvenir sheet, appropriate markings, F/VF, Est. $300-$400
150.00 |
132 | ![]() |
C76-76D | 1939 (August 21), Day of Aviation, overprints in various colors on 10k-1r, complete set of five, used on registered air mail cover from Moscow to Buenos Aires, met appropriate air post rate of 2.30rub, arrival ds on reverse, F/VF, Est. $200-$300
100.00 |
133 | P | C109-14 | 1977, History of Aviation, 4k-20k, complete set of six die proofs in gray black, artist E. Aniskin, engravers M. Silyanova and V. Smirnov, approximate size 120x100mm, each one with side printer's markings, produced on gummed paper with hinge traces, VF and extremely rare, especially in complete set, Est. $3,000-$4,000
1500.00 |
134 | P | C122-26 | 1979, History of Aviation, (2k-32k), complete set of five sunken die proofs and extra proof of TU-154 with unfinished fuselage, artist E. Aniskin with group of engravers, approximate size120x100mm, five with printer's side markings, produced on stamp gummed paper, proof of IL-86 with tiny thin from hinge removal, others with traces of hinges, generally VF and extremely rare in complete set, Est. $2,500-$3,000
1200.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
135 | ![]() |
C26, C28 | 1931 (July 25-27), North Pole Flight registered postcard franked by Ice-Breaker "Malygin" imperforate stamps of 30k and 1r, tied by Leningrad (25.VII) and bearing Ice-Breaker (27.VII) special date stamps, red confirmation cachet and all appropriate markings, VF, Sieger #120Ba
75.00 |
136 | ![]() |
C21-23 | 1932 (August 29 - September 1), 5th SAF postcard to Brazil, franked by three Airships adhesives, cancelled Moscow on August 22, Berlin transit and Friedrichshafen connection, violet confirmation cachet, Pernambuco"1.IX.32" arrival ds on reverse, VF, Sieger #171
300.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
137 | ![]() |
1936 (May 6-9), Airship "Hindenburg" 1st NAF cover, franked by three values, tied by Malmo "4.5.36" ds, letter "c" (Frankfurt) red confirmation cachet, arrived to NYC on May 9, VF, Sieger #406C
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
138 | ![]() |
1929 (November 2), Zurich-Duebendorf Flight Swiss mixed franking stationery postcard 20c carmine, tied by Zurich Luftpost "2.XI.29" date stamp, uprated by pair of German Eagle 50pf orange with the same day on-board cancel, black on red Express label, VF, mixed franking item is not listed in Sieger or Michel
75.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
139 | ![]() |
C4-C6 | 1921 (October 5), four surcharged values - 1p/20c in pair, 5p/1fr and 10p/2fr, used on flown cover from Aleppo to Alexandretta, postmarked on arrival, F/VF and rare, Est. $300-$400
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
140 | ![]() |
C1-4 | 1924 (March 15), Pioneer Flight cover from Latakia to Deir El Zor, franked by first air mail surcharges, postmarked on arrival on March 20, slight fold away from the stamps, F/VF, Est. $150-$200
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
141 | ![]() |
1939-47, two covers, Nakhon Phanom - Bangkok and Bangkok - Manila by Pan Am First Clipper Flight, franked by five or four stamps, mostly F/VF, Est. $100-$150
75.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
142 | ![]() |
C10-12 | 1931 (January 7), registered cover from Bizerta to Germany, franked by complete surcharged set of three, Marseille (8.1) and Geneva (9.1) transits, Berlin January 10, 1931 arrival ds, minor soiling, still F/VF, Est. $100-$150
75.00 |
143 | ![]() |
C12 | 1932 (May 16), Tunis - Rome Flight special postcard commemorating 1st Regional Philatelic Exposition, franked by two stamps and bearing Exhibition label in claret, mostly VF, Est. $100-$150
75.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
144 | ![]() |
C21 | 1933 (May 29-30), Italy Direct and Return Flights mixed franking registered postcard from Tripoli to Germany, franked by Zeppelin stamp 3L brown and two Libyan Pittorica stamps, violet confirmation cachet, Friedrichshafen "30.5.33" special drop marking and Lorch "2.6.33" arrival ds, minor soiling did not detract, F/VF and scarce franking, Sieger #213A var
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
145 | ![]() |
641 | 1933 (May 6-9), 1st SAF cover to Brazil, franked by three stamps, including Mustafa Kemal 50k carmine and black, tied by Istanbul "30.4.33" ds, blue confirmation cachet on front, Berlin "3.5.33" connection and Sao Paolo arrival on reverse, VF and scarce, Sieger #202
250.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
146 | ![]() |
9 | 1931 (April 1-2), FFC Rome - Munich - Berlin, mixed franking cover bearing Vatican 1.25L blue and Italy Virgil 1L orange, appropriately cancelled, Munich and Berlin Luftpostamt markings in red, Berlin "2.4.31"arrivalds on reverse, mostly VF, only 48 items flown, Est. $200- $250
100.00 |
147 | ![]() |
3 | 1931 (June 11), FFC Rome - La Valetta, three-country franking cover of Vatican 20c violet and Italy Virgil 1L orange, appropriately cancelled, marked "T" upon arrival to Malta and Postage Due stamp of 1/2p green was applied, mostly VF and rare, 56 items were carried and only a few uprated upon arrival, Est. $300-$350
150.00 |
148 | ![]() |
68-71 | 1939 (July 12-19), Special Flight Brussels - Rome mixed franking cover, bearing two Belgian Basilica stamps, tied by Brussels 2nd International Salon de l'Aeronautique "12.7.39" special marking, uprated by Vatican Pope Pius XII, complete set of four, cancelled with "19.7.39" ds, Rome the same day arriving handstamp, VF and rare, 19 items carried, Est. $300-$400
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
149 | **/* | C181-88 imp, C188 var | 1944, Red Cross issue, imperforate complete set of eight in horizontal (45c - vertical) pairs, in addition a single of the high value with double impression of dark blue color, full OG, NH or LH, VF, Est. $100-$150
75.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
150 | ![]() |
C228-30, imp | 1947-48, three registered covers from Caracas delivered with different flights to NYC or Buenos Aires (2), franked by various air post stamps with errors, either imperforates or inverted/double surcharges, all appropriate markings and arrival ds, VF, Est. $150-$200
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
151 | P | C10 | 1955, Phoenix, imperforate 5pi multicolored essay of not approved design and denomination (issued with 4 pi), printed on gummed paper, NH, VF and scarce, Est. $200-$250
100.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
152 | ** | C55, C21 | 1953, Esperanto Congress, 300d, three stamps, two for Yugoslavia and one for Trieste Zone B, the last one has right margin and with red overprint "STT. VUJNA", full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $630
150.00 |
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
153 | */U | 1920's- 50's, well over hundred #102 cards filled with mainly mint complete sets and singles of countries from "A" to "T", including mint never hinged Fr. Andorra #C1,Cyrenaica#C6-11, C24-29, Trieste "A" #C2-6, C16, Montenegro #2NC18-23, Romania #C43-44, Spain #C144 and many more, full OG or used, F/VF, C.v. $3,750
Click the numbers below to see additional images: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 |
400.00 |