Lots 1 - 67, Catalogue of Auction #45 Raritan Stamps, Inc
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
1 | U | 18 | 1861, Franklin, 1c blue, type I, grid cancellation, nice copy, VF, PF certificate, C.v. $700
200.00 |
2 | U | 20 | 1857, Franklin, 1c blue, type II, New York town cancellation, perfect item, VF, PF certificate, C.v. $300
100.00 |
3 | P | 112P4-22P4 | 1969, Pictorial issue, 1c-90c, complete set of ten card plate proofs, fresh, no gum as produced, VF, C.v. $1,015
600.00 |
4 | P | 113-E3e | 1869, Postrider, eight small value numeral perforated essays of 2c in different colors, 9x9mm grill, fresh, full OG, previously hinged, F/VF, C.v. $640
400.00 |
5 | ** | 336 | 1909, Washington, 6c red orange, excellent centering and intact perforation, full OG with insignificant disturbance, NH, XF, C.v. $150
75.00 |
6 | ** | 564 var | 1920, Cleveland, 12c brown violet, block of six (2x3), "opened" pre-printing paper fold is affecting three left stamps, full OG, NH, F/VF and an attractive item
250.00 |
7 | ** | 730 var | 1933, Century of Progress issue, 1c green, imperforated souvenir sheet of 25, spectacular pre-printing paper fold is affecting three stamps at the bottom left corner, no gum as issued, NH, VF
300.00 |
8 | ** | 1053 | 1956, Hamilton, $5 black, top left corner margin plate No.25367 block of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $260
150.00 |
9 | ** | 1055c | 1954, Jefferson, 2c carmine rose, coil stamp, horizontal imperforated pair, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $500
200.00 |
10 | ** | 1125a | 1959, Jose de San Martin, 4c blue, horizontal pair imperforated between stamps, full OG, NH, VF and scarce, according to Datz 20 pairs reported, C.v. $1,000
500.00 |
11 | ** | 1340a | 1968, Hemis Fair' 68, (6c) multicolored, white color omitted, full OG, NH, VF, PF certificate, C.v. $925
450.00 |
12 | ** | 1436a | 1971, Emily Dickinson, (8c) multicolored on greenish paper, black and olive colors are omitted, bottom sheet margin copy, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $525
250.00 |
13 | ** | 1484a | 1973, George Gershwin, 8c multicolored, left sheet margin vertical pair with missing horizontal perforation, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $175
80.00 |
14 | ** | 1504 var | 1973-74, Angus and Longhorn Cattle, 8c multicolored, bottom left corner margin block of eight (2x4), full reverse offset of the bottom block of four, full OG, NH, VF, spectacular and unrecorded error
500.00 |
15 | ** | 1541b | 1974, Minerals, 10c multicolored, top right corner margin se-tenant block of four, light blue and yellow litho colors omitted, full OG, NH, VF and scarce, according to Datz quantity of this error is 24-28 se-tenant blocks, APEX certificate, C.v. $1,500
750.00 |
16 | ** | 1542a | 1974, Kentucky Settlement, 10c multicolored, black (litho) color omitted, full OG, NH, VF, PF certificate, C.v. $575
250.00 |
17 | ** | 1547b | 1974, Energy Conservation, (10c) multicolored, green and orange colors omitted, full OG, NH, F/VF, APEX certificate, C.v. $500
250.00 |
18 | ** | 1547c | 1974, Energy Conservation, (10c) multicolored, top left corner margin (ZIP) copy, green color omitted, full OG, NH, F/VF, PF certificate, C.v. $700
300.00 |
19 | ** | 1555a | 1975, Griffith, 10c multicolored, brown engraved color omitted, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $575, a common stamp is added for comparison
250.00 |
20 | ** | 1556b | 1975, Pioneer-Jupiter, 10c multicolored, dark blue color is omitted, full OG, NH, VF, PF certificate, C.v. $675
300.00 |
21 | ** | 1579a | 1975, Christmas, (10c) multicolored, bottom right corner sheet margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $180++
80.00 |
22 | ** | 1610a | 1979, Americana issue, ($1) multicolored, candle holder is omitted (brown engraved color), right sheet margin copy, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $225
100.00 |
23 | ** | 1610b | 1979, Americana issue, $1 multicolored, tan, orange and yellow colors omitted, bottom sheet margin copy, full OG, NH, VF, a common stamp is added for comparison, C.v. $250
120.00 |
24 | ** | 1615Cf | 1978, Piano, 8.4c dark blue on yellow paper, coil stamp, pre-cancelled "OKLAHOMA CITY. OKLA", horizontal imperforated pair, full OG, NH, VF and rare, C.v. $1,500
700.00 |
25 | P | 1789pg | 1979, John Paul Jones, 15c multicolored, imperforated proof of finished design, block of four with horizontal gutter in the middle, some usual paper wrinkles, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $1,200 as two pairs
400.00 |
26 | ** | 1831a | 1980, American Eagle, 15c multicolored, horizontal imperforated pair, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $300
150.00 |
27 | ** | 1833a | 1980, Education issue, 15c multicolored, bottom sheet margin horizontal pair imperforated between stamps, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $175
80.00 |
28 | ** | 1897b | 1983, Omnibus, 1c violet, coil stamp, imperforated horizontal pair, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $500
200.00 |
29 | ** | 1898Ad | 1982, Stagecoach, 4c reddish brown, coil stamp, horizontal imperforated pair, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $700
300.00 |
30 | ** | 1926a | 1981, Edna St. Vincent Millay, 18c multicolored, black engraved inscription omitted, top sheet margin copy, full OG, NH, VF, a common stamp is added for comparison, C.v. $275
120.00 |
31 | ** | 2026a | 1982, Christmas issue, 20c multicolored, imperforated block of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $250++
120.00 |
32 | ** | 2142a | 1985, Special Olympics, 22c multicolored, top sheet margin vertical pair, imperforated horizontally, full OG, NH, VF, PF certificate, C.v. $400
200.00 |
33 | ** | 2145b | 1985, AMERIPEX, (22c) multicolored, red and black colors omitted with only traces of blue presented, full OG, NH, VF, a common stamp is added for comparison, PSE certificate, the stamp is listed, but has no price in Datz Cat.
300.00 |
34 | ** | 2149c | 1985, George Washington, 18c multicolored, coil stamp, pre-cancelled "PRESORTED FIRST CLASS", horizontal imperforated pair, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $625
300.00 |
35 | ** | 2210a | 1986, Public Hospitals, 22c multicolored, vertical pair imperforated horizontally, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $275
120.00 |
36 | ** | 2238b | 1986, Blankets, (22c) multicolored, se-tenant block of four, black engraved color (denomination) omitted, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $325
150.00 |
37 | ** | 2280c | 1989, Flag over Yosemite, 25c red, ultra and blue green, coil stamp on prephosphored paper, horizontal imperforated strip of five with plate No.7, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $500
200.00 |
38 | ** | 2281a, b | 1988, Honey Bee, 25c multicolored, horizontal imperforated pair and a single with black engraved color omitted, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $95
50.00 |
39 | ** | 2425c | 1989, Prehistoric Animals, (25c) multicolored, se-tenant block of four, black engraved color (denomination) omitted, perfect centering, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $550
300.00 |
40 | ** | 2482a | 1990, Bobcat, ($2) multicolored, black engraved color omitted, full OG, NH, fine, C.v. $225
100.00 |
41 | ** | 2511b | 1990, Sea Creatures, (25c) multicolored, right sheet margin se-tenant block of four, black engraved color (denomination) omitted, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $350
150.00 |
42 | ** | 2551 var | 1991, Desert Storm Medal, 29c multicolored, block of four with missing horizontal perforation, ABN printer's waste, full OG, NH, VF and scarce
500.00 |
43 | ** | 2579b | 1991, Christmas, (29c) multicolored, right sheet margin vertical pair, imperforated horizontally, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $375
150.00 |
44 | ** | 2635a | 1992, Alaska Highway, (29c) multicolored, black color (denomination) omitted, top left corner margin copy, full OG, NH, VF, PF certificate, C.v. $700
300.00 |
45 | ** | 2870 | 1994, Recalled Legends of the West, 29c multicolored, complete pane of 20 in USPS intact pack, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $275
100.00 |
46 | ** | 2870 | 1994, Recalled Legends of the West, 29c multicolored, complete pane of 20 in USPS intact pack, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $275
100.00 |
47 | ** | 2869-70 | 1994, Recalled Legends of the West, 29c multicolored, complete pane of 20, in addition a common sheet is included, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $290
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100.00 |
48 | ** | 3007d | 1995, Christmas issue, bottom sheet margin imperforated se-tenant block of four, full OG, NH, VF, APEX certificate, C.v. $475
200.00 |
49 | ** | 3066a | 1996, Jacqueline Cochran issue, 50c multicolored, black engraved color omitted, block of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $220++
100.00 |
50 | ** | C13-15 |
1500.00 |
51 | C13-14 | 1930, Zeppelin issue, 65c green in horizontal pair and a single of $1.30 brown, used on FDC, cancelled "Washington, DC, April 19, 1930", delivered by Zeppelin First Pan-America Flight, German and American Flight markings, Lakehurst arrival machine ds on reverse, VF and scarce three stamps FD cover, C.v. $1,700++
750.00 |
52 | * | C18 | 1933, Century of Progress Issue, "Baby Zeppelin", 50c green, bottom sheet margin plate #21172 block of six, full OG, hinge remnant is on the left stamps, others are NH, VF, C.v. $500++
250.00 |
53 | ** | C76a | 1968, Moon Landing issue, 10c multicolored, rose red litho color is practically omitted (two tiny spots remained, visible only under magnifier glass), full OG, NH, VF
150.00 |
54 | ** | C92b | 1978, Wright Brothers, (31c) multicolored, bottom sheet margin vertical se-tenant pair, ultramarine and black (engraved) colors omitted, full OG, NH, VF, a common pair is added for comparison, C.v. $600
300.00 |
55 |
1200.00 |
56 |
750.00 |
57 | SB | BK191 var |
250.00 |
58 | SB | BK215a | 1994, Flowers, ($5.80) complete unexploded booklet contains four se-tenant strips of five stamps, all with black engraved color (denomination) omitted, fresh, VF, C.v. $1,050
500.00 |
59 | SB | 4127k | 2009, "FOREVER", (44c) multicolored, complete self-adhesive booklet of 20, front side of eight stamps with die cutting omitted, slight marginal wrinkle of natural origin on the right, post office fresh, NH, VF, this error is mentioned, but has no price in Scott Cat.
500.00 |
60 | SB | BKC1 |
150.00 |
61 | ** | RW1 |
400.00 |
62 | ** | RW2 | 1935, Canvasbacks, $1 rose lake, top sheet margin plate number copy, full OG, NH (hinged on margin), fine, C.v. $800
250.00 |
63 | ** | RW3 | 1936, Canadian Geese, $1 brown black, top sheet margin plate number copy, minor usual gum bends, full OG, NH, fine, C.v. $350
120.00 |
64 | ** | RW5 | 1938, Pintail, $1 light violet, full OG, NH, fine copy, C.v. $475
150.00 |
65 |
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750.00 |
66 | ** | C1-3 |
120.00 |
67 | U1 var |
1000.00 |