Lots 1 - 89, Catalogue of Auction #83 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
1  1

For this listing we are using Catalog of "Post Advertising Stamps and Labels" by A. Mramornov and V. Pantyukhin (1997)

Labels Issued in Moscow

1923-29,"Autopromtorg" (Automobile Industry and Trade), label in black and red, soldier 7k brown is affixed over and neatly cancelled, fresh and VF
2  1
1925, "Autopromtorg" label in black and red with soldier 7k brown affixed over, used on reverse of cover from Rybinsk to Leningrad, tied by Rybinsk "10.7.25" postal marking, machine arrival Leningrad "13.VII.25" ds, VF
3  2
1923-29, "Vigonevy Trest" (Spinning Mill Trust), multicolored unused label, insignificant gum waves, mostly VF
4  2
1923-29, "Vigonevy Trest" (Spinning Mill Trust), multicolored label, unused, no gum, fresh and VF
5  2
1926, "Vigonevy Trest" (Spinning Mill Trust), multicolored label in block of four, definitive stamps of soldier 7k brown are affixed over, used on reverse of registered pre-printed cover from Moscow to Stockholm, tied by Moscow "8.3.26" date stamp, no arrival postmark as often exists, mostly VF and probably unique multiple of scarce label on postal history item
6  3
1923-29, "Shveiny Syndicat" (All-Russian Syndicate of Clothing Industry), label in black, red and green, peasant 6k blue is affixed over, unused, no gum, VF
7  3
1923-29, "Shveiny Syndicat" (All-Russian Syndicate of Clothing Industry), top sheet margin label in black, red and green with double perforation on margin, peasant 6k blue is affixed over, neat postal cancellation, VF
8  4
1923-29, "Electro-Tekhnichesky Trest" (All-Union Electrotechnical Trust), label in black, red and yellow, horizontal pair, each one bearing soldier 7k brown, unused with full OG, right label has small thin, still F/VF and scarce in pair
9  4
1924, "Electro-Tekhnichesky Trest" label in black, red and yellow, horizontal pair of soldier 7k brown is affixed over, used on reverse of registered cover from Yekaterinodar (now - Krasnodar) to Moscow, "21.10.24"Yeakaterinodar Train Station ds, Moscow "24.10.24" arrival marking, cover is slightly reduced at the bottom, still F/VF
10  4
1925. "Electro-Tekhnichesky Trest", label in black, red and yellow, bearing three definitive stamps, used on reverse of cover from Lugansk to Moscow, tied by "3.2.25" postal marking, Moscow "7.II.25" arrival ds, VF
11  4
1926, "Electro-Tekhnichesky Trest", label in black, red and yellow, bearing soldier 7k brown, used on reverse of cover from Sumy to Moscow, uprated by worker 1k orange, all appropriate markings and arrival ds, slight fold at right did not affect stamps, F/VF
12  2-4
1923-29, "Vigonevy Trest", "Shveiny Syndicat" and "Electro-Technichesky Trest", each one is bearing definitive stamp and neatly cancelled (one on a piece), fresh quality, mostly VF
13  5
1923-29, "Goslaborsnabzhenie" (State Supplies for Chemical Laboratories), label in blue, red and yellow, unused with full OG, NH, VF
14  5
1923-29, "Goslaborsnabzhenie" (State Supplies for Chemical Laboratories), label in blue, red and yellow, unused with full OG, NH, VF
15  5
1925, "Goslaborsnabzhenie" label in blue, red and yellow, stamp of soldier 7k brown is affixed over, used on reverse of cover from Moscow (17.9.25) to Yalta, postmarked on arrival on September 20, 1925, mostly VF
16  5
1925, "Goslaborsnabzhenie" label in blue, red and yellow, bearing soldier 7k brown, used on reverse of cover from Moscow to Leningrad, tied by Moscow "23.9.25" postal marking, machine arrival "24.IX.25" ds, mostly VF
17  5
1925, "Goslaborsnabzhenie" label in blue, red and yellow with soldier 7k brown affixed over, used on front of postal receipt (delivery confirmation) from Baku to Leningrad, all appropriate markings, VF
18  5
1925, "Goslaborsnabzhenie" label in blue, red and yellow bearing soldier 18k violet, used on reverse of official "Goslaborsnabzhenie" registered cover from Leningrad to Novocherkassk, tied by Leningrad "29.10.25" postal marking, delivered on "2.11.25", VF and an interesting item
19  6
1923-29, "Gosmetr" (Government Office for the Procurement and Sale of Weights and Measures), label in black and deep orange, peasant 6k blue is affixed over, Kharkov postal cancellation, mostly VF
20  7
1923-29, "Gosmetr" (Government Office for the Procurement and Sale of Weights and Measures), label in black and olive yellow, worker 4k carmine is affixed over, neat postal cancellation, mostly VF and scarce
21  8
1923-29, "Gosselsyndicat" (State Agricultural Syndicate - Cow and Sheep), multicolored unused label, bearing soldier 7k brown, full OG, NH, VF
22  8
1931, "Gosselsyndicat" multicolored label with soldier 7k brown affixed over, used on advertising envelope to Moscow, posted in the mail on TPO "Minsk- Moscow No.42", uprated by Revolution of 1905 3k red, Moscow arrival ds on reverse, VF
23  9
1923-29, "Gosselsyndicat" (State Agricultural Syndicate - Harvest), multicolored unused label, bearing soldier 7k brown, full OG, LH, VF
24  9
1927, "Gosselsyndicat" multicolored label with soldier 7k brown affixed over, used on reverse of registered cover from Leningrad to Denmark, uprated by five different adhesives on front, tied by Leningrad "10.1.27"postal cancellation, Aalborg "14.1.27" arrival ds, mostly VF and rare foreign destination
25  11
1923-29, "Gostorg" (State Commercial Bureau), label in red and black with text in Roman letters, worker 14k gray blue is affixed over, unused, full OG, apparently NH
26  5, 9, 11
1923-29, three labels promoted State Enterprises, "Goslaborsnabzhenie", "Gosselsyndicat" and "Gostorg", bearing different definitive stamps, postally used, mostly VF
27  12
1923-29, "Gostrest Tochnoi Mekhaniki" (State Trust of Fine Mechanics), right sheet margin label in black, red and yellow, soldier 7k brown is affixed over, unused, full OG, NH, VF
28  12
1923-29, "Gostrest Tochnoi Mekhaniki" (State Trust of Fine Mechanics), top sheet margin label in black, red and yellow, soldier 7k brown is affixed over, neat Simferopol postal cancellation, VF
29  12
1925, "Gostrest Tochnoi Mekhaniki" label in black, red and yellow, with soldier 7k brown is affixed over, used on reverse of cover from Tashkent to Novocherkassk, tied by Tashkent "5.12.25" postal marking, arrived on 14.12.25, mostly VF
30  13
1923-29, "GUM" (State Department Store - Building on Red Square), imperforated at the top label in dark blue, red and yellow, bearing soldier 7k brown, unused, full OG, hinged, VF
31  13
1926, "GUM" label in dark blue, red and yellow, with soldier 7k brown is affixed over, used on cover from Moscow to Sebezh, all appropriate markings and arrival ds, slightly reduced at left, still F/VF
32  14
1923-29, "GUM" (State Department Store - the Globe), unused label in black, red and blue, peasant 6k blue is affixed over, full OG, previously hinged, VF
33  14
1926, "GUM" label in black, red and blue with worker 8k olive brown, used on cover from Sverdlovsk to Moscow, tied by Sverdlovsk "26.3.26" date stamp, machine arrival "28.3.26" is on reverse, mostly VF
34  14
1928, "GUM" label in black, red and blue with worker from the 2nd definitive issue of 10k brown, used on registered cover from Moscow to Dmitrov, all appropriate markings and arrival ds, cover reduced at left, still fine
35  14, 27
1929, "GUM" and "Mospolygraph", two different labels with definitive stamps of peasant 6k blue affixed over, used on reverse of registered cover in Moscow, uprated by October Revolution stamp of 3k carmine, violet marking "Removed from a Mailbox", appropriately cancelled with arrival ds, mostly VF and scarce
36  15
1925, "Donskaya Gosudarst. Tabachaya Fabrika" (Don State Tobacco Factory), label in black, red brown and olive yellow with worker 4k red affixed over, used on reverse of cover from Voronezh to Harbin (China), uprated by four definitive stamps on front, tied by Voronezh "3.1.25" postal marking, arrived to Harbin on "16.1.25", some conveyance faults, still fine and very rare destination
37  16
1923-29, "Zhurnal Dlia Khozyaek" (Magazine for Housewives), imperforated on the right label in black bearing soldier 7k brown, neat Odessa postal cancellation, fresh and VF
38  16
1925, "Zhurnal Dlia Khozyaek" label in black, bearing soldier 7k brown, used on reverse of cover from Odessa to Leningrad, tied by Odessa "07.01.25" postal marking, delivered to Leningrad on 12.1.25, significant soiling by postal glue, still fine and scarce
39  17
1923-29, "Syndicat de Cuir" (Russian Leather Syndicate), bottom sheet margin label in brown on deep orange colored paper, unused with full OG, NH, VF
40  17
1923-29, "Syndicat de Cuir" (Russian Leather Syndicate), two labels in brown or red brown on yellow orange or deep orange colored paper, both with worker 14k gray blue affixed over, postal cancellations, VF
41  17
1925, "Syndicat de Cuir" label in red brown on deep orange colored paper with worker 14k gray blue, used on cover from Moscow to Ludse (Latvia), tied by Moscow "11.1.25" postal cancellation, arrival "4.II.25" ds on reverse, mostly VF
42  17
1925, two labels "Syndicat de Cuir" in red brown on deep orange colored paper, each one bearing worker 14k gray blue, used on reverse of registered cover from Moscow to Hankow via Shanghai, tied by Moscow "22.10.25"datestamp, Shanghai "7.11.25" transit and Hankow arrival marking in Chinese, minor soiling, still F/VF and extremely rare
43  17
1926, "Syndicat de Cuir" label in red brown on deep orange colored paper, bearing soldier 7k brown, used on registered cover from Vladivostok to Harbin, uprated by two imperforated stamps of Revolution of 1905, tied by Vladivostok "29.4.26" ds, Harbin "4.5.26" arrival marking, VF and scarce
44  18
1923-29, "Krasny Proletariy" (Printing Company "Krasny Proletariy") unused label in black and red bearing worker 4k carmine, full OG, apparently NH, VF
45  18, 27
1923, two labels of different Printing Companies, "Krasny Proletariy" and "Mospolygraph", each one bearing worker 4k carmine, used on reverse of registered cover from Moscow to New York, uprated by 11 RSFSR stamps5r x1, 20r x10) and vertical pair of soldier 10k dark blue, tied by Moscow "30.10.23" ds, NYC arrival marking, minor paper waves and bottom left corner imperfection, still F/VF and extremely rare mixed franking mailing to foreign destination
46  19 var
1923-29, "Krymconservtrest" (Crimean Canning Trust), unused label in dark blue, red and yellow, full offset of blue and yellow colors on reverse, soldier 7k brown is affixed over, usual rough perforation, no gum, VF
47  19 var
1923-29, "Krymconservtrest", two labels in dark blue, red and yellow, each one with soldier 7k brown affixed over, first one with full blue and partial yellow offset on reverse, the other one has red offset, both are postally used, one with ironed fold, mostly VF
48  19 var
1925, "Krymconservtrest" label in dark blue, red and yellow, bearing soldier 7k brown, misperforated vertically, used on reverse of cover from Orenburg to Irkutsk, tied by "22.9.25" postmark, arrived on 30.9.25, minor envelope waves, still VF
49  20
1923-29, "Krymtabaktrest" (Crimean Tobacco Trust), unused label in dark blue, deep orange and magenta, soldier 7k brown is affixed over, full OG, NH, VF
50  20 var
1923-29, "Krymtabaktrest" top sheet margin label in dark blue, deep orange and magenta, imperforated at the top, soldier 7k brown is affixed over, postally used, mainly VF
51  20
1924, "Krymtabaktrest" label in dark blue, deep orange and magenta with soldier 7k brown, used on cover from Leningrad to Vitebsk, tied by "11.12.24" date stamp, arrived to Vitebsk on 13.12.24, mostly VF
52  20 var
1929, "Krymtabaktrest" label in dark blue, deep orange and magenta, imperforated on the left and at the bottom, soldier 3k brownish red is affixed over, used on reverse of registered advertising cover in Moscow, uprated by two definitive stamps on front, tied by Moscow "15.XI.29" ds, another marking of "16.XI.29" is alongside, archival pinholes at right, still F/VF
53  21
1923-29, "Moskovsky Mashinotrest" (Moscow Machinery Trust) unused multicolored label, soldier 7k brown is affixed over, full OG, LH, VF and very rare
54  23-26
1923-29, "Moskust" (Joint-Stock Company Moscow Combined Group), four different multicolored labels, each one bearing peasant 6k blue, postally used, mainly VF
55  23
1924, "Moskust - Kozhtovary" (Moscow Combined Group - Leather Goods) multicolored label with peasant 6k blue, used on reverse of registered cover from Borisoglebsk to Tambov, uprated by another 6k stamp, tied by 9.5.24" ds, arrival "11.5.24" marking is alongside, F/VF
56  24
1924, "Moskust - Krasny Kozhevnik" multicolored label, peasant 6k blue is affixed over, used on reverse of cover from Tambov to Moscow, tied by "13.4.24" postal marking, arrived to Moscow on 14.IV.24, small piece of white paper on front, still F/VF
57  24
1924, "Moskust - Krasny Kozhevnik" vertical pair of multicolored labels, each with peasant 6k blue is affixed over, used on reverse of registered cover from Odessa to Moscow, tied by "23.5.24" date stamp, arrived to Moscow on May 26, minor labels soiling and some conveyance flaws, still F/VF and very scarce
58  26
1923-29, "Moskust - Chugunno-Liteiny Zavod" (Joint- Stock Company Moscow Combined Group - Iron Foundry), multicolored label without definitive stamp, unused, no gum, VF
59  26
1924, "Moskust - Chugunno-Liteiny Zavod" multicolored label with peasant 6k blue is affixed over, used on home-made cover from Krasnoufimsk to Yekaterinburg, tied by "21.5.24" postal marking, Yekaterinburg"23.5.24" arrival ds on reverse, mostly VF
60  26
1926, "Moskust - Chugunno-Liteiny Zavod" multicolored label bearing worker 8k olive brown, used on cover from Rostov-on-Don to Moscow, Rostov "13.4.26" postal marking, Moscow arrival "16.4.26" ds on reverse, mostly VF
61  27
1923-29, "Mospolygraph" (Moscow Printing Company) unused label in lilac brown and gray green, no definitive stamp, full OG, LH, VF
62  27, var
1923-29, "Mospolygraph" two labels in lilac brown and gray green, one has bottom left corner margin, the other one with gray green background shifted to the top, both bearing various definitive stamps, postally used, mainly VF
63  27
1924, "Mospolygraph" label in lilac brown and gray green, bearing worker 4k carmine, used on registered philatelic exchange cover from Moscow to Sweden, uprated by three definitive values and exchange tax stamp on reverse, tied by Moscow "4.1.24" postal marking, no Sweden arrival, mostly VF and scarce
64  28-30
1923-29, Tobacco Packs, "Prombank" and "Richard Kablitz", three multicolored labels, each one with different definitive stamps, all are postally used, mostly VF
65  28
1925, Tobacco Packs multicolored label with soldier 7k brown affixed over, used on reverse of small size envelope from Tiflis to Kaluga, tied by "23.7.25" date stamp, delivered to Kaluga on 29.7.25, mostly VF
66  29
1923-29, "Prombank" (Russian Commercial and Industrial Bank) unused label in black, red and yellow, no definitive stamp, full OG, NH, VF
67  29, 38, 40
1923-29, "Prombank" and "Electrobank", three multicolored labels, last two with text in Russian or English, each one has definitive stamp affixed over, all postally used, mostly VF
68  29
1923, "Prombank" label in black, red and yellow, bearing worker 5k lilac, used on reverse of official pre-printed cover of Commercial and Industrial Bank ("Prombank"), sent in Moscow, tied by "29.12.23" date stamp, mostly VF
69  29
1923, "Prombank", horizontal strip of three labels in black, red and yellow, worker 1k x2 or soldier 3k are affixed over, used on reverse of official pre-printed Prombank cover, sent in Moscow, tied by "3.11.23" datestamp, delivered at the same day, mostly VF and very scarce
70  30
1926, "Richard Kablitz" (Manufactures of Domestic and Industrial Equipment) multicolored label with soldier 18k violet is affixed over, used on reverse of registered cover from Baku to Taganrog, tied by Baku "26.5.26" ds, arrived on 29.5.26, VF
71  30
1926, "Richard Kablitz" multicolored label, stamp of soldier 18k violet is affixed over, used on registered cover from a manor Sheshurino to Kholm uezd administration of Pskov Gub. via volost Tyapolovo, label is tied by Sheshurino "6.11.26" date stamp, Tyapolovo transit (8.11.) and registration marking, backstamped Kholm at November 9, light vertical fold, still F/VF and scarce rural PO mailing
72  31-32
1923-29, "Sovtorgflot" (Soviet Merchant Fleet), two unused labels in blue, black and red from different issues, first one has no definitive stamp, the other one with minor perf irregularities at right, full OG, NH, VF
73  31, var
1923-29, "Sovtorgflot" (Soviet Merchant Fleet), unused label in blue, black and red, bottom sheet margin horizontal pair from the first issue, imperforated at the bottom, in addition right stamp with data error "20.000"instead of "200.000", no definitive stamps, full OG, NH, VF and scarce double error pair
74  31 var
1923-29, "Sovtorgflot", three marginal labels in black, blue and red, all from the first issue, imperforated at the top, bottom or on the left, each one with definitive stamp affixed over, all are postally used (one - on a piece),mostly VF
75  31
1926, "Sovtorgflot" label in black, blue and red with worker 20k green is affixed over, used on reverse of registered cover from Vladivostok to Harbin (China), uprated by worker 4k carmine in vertical pair, tied by Vladivostok Train Station oval "4.2.26" date stamp, Harbin "7.2.26" arrival marking, damaged top right corner, still fine and scarce destination
76  31
1926, "Sovtorgflot" label in black, blue and red bearing worker 20k green, used on reverse of registered cover from Vladivostok to Japan, uprated by worker 8k olive brown, three-line marking "Removed from a MailBox",tied by Vladivostok "5.5.26" postal marking, no Japanese arrival date stamp, VF
77  31
1926, "Sovtorgflot" label in black, blue and red, worker 20k green is affixed over, used on reverse of money letter from Ust-Kamenogorsk to Moscow together with two other definitive stamps, tied by Ust-Kamenogorsk "16.2.26"ds,arrived to Moscow on February 25, wax seal, opened by razor at the bottom, F/VF
78  32
1926, "Sovtorgflot" label in black, blue and red, the second issue, worker 8k olive brown is affixed over, used on reverse of cover from Odessa to Moscow, tied by "18.10.26" postal marking, arrived to Moscow on20.10.26, the label has broken top left corner, otherwise F/VF
79  32-33
1923-29, "Sovtorgflot" (2nd issue) and "Soyuzflot", two labels bearing definitive stamps, postally used, first one with natural paper inclusion at the top left, still VF
80  33
1923-29, "Soyuzflot" (Soviet Passenger Fleet) unused label in black and carmine, no definitive stamp, full OG, NH, VF
81  33
1923-29, "Soyuzflot" (Soviet Passenger Fleet) unused label in black and carmine, worker 14k gray blue on paper without watermark, perforation 14 1/2x15 is affixed over, full OG, LH, VF
82  35
1923-29, "Farfortrest" (Porcelain Trust) multicolored label, no definitive stamp, minor ink soiling and 2mm repaired tear at the bottom, no gum, VF appearance
83  35
1926, "Farfortrest" multicolored label with soldier 7k brown, used on reverse of cover from Likhoslavl to Sebezh, tied by "14.1.26" postal marking, Sebezh "15.1.26" arrival ds, VF
84  36
1923-29, "Sharikopodshipnik" (Plant "Ball Bearing") unused label in black and carmine, the first printing, no definitive stamp, no gum, VF
85  36
1923-29, "Sharikopodshipnik" (Plant "Ball Bearing") top margin unused label in black and carmine, the first printing, imperforated at the top, soldier 7k brown is affixed over, full OG, LH, VF
86  36
1927, "Sharikopodshipnik" label in black and carmine, the first printing, definitive stamp of soldier 10k dark blue is affixed over, used on registered cover from Ozery to Moscow, uprated by October Revolution stamp of8kbrown and black, tied by "21.12.27" postal marking, arrived to Moscow on 22.12.27, archival pinholes at left, still F/VF
87  37
1926, "Sharikopodshipnik" label in black and carmine, the second printing, definitive stamp of worker 8k olive brown is affixed over, used on pre-printed cover from Tver to Moscow, tied by "2.12.26" ds, arrived to Moscow on 3.12.26, damaged at reverse and vertical fold away from the label, fine and rare postal history item
88  38
1923-29, "Electrobank" (Electrification Bank - Cyrillic letters) top right corner margin unused multicolored label, no definitive stamp, full OG, NH, VF
89  39, var
1923-29, "Electrobanque" (Electrification Bank - Roman letters) two multicolored labels, both with definitive stamp affixed over, one has top sheet margin and significant shift of red color to the bottom right, postally used, VF

Raritan Stamps, Inc