Lots 1273 - 1279, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
1273 **   2439-6055
     31-Year Complete Collection in 4 Illustrated Hingeless Leuchtturm Albums
1961-91, over 3500 mint never hinged stamps and about 250 souvenir and miniature sheets, apparently all stamps are presented with many extras, imperforate Space sheet of 1962, North Pole sheet with red surcharge of 1962, Green Tokyo Olympics sheet of 1964, imperforates from 1961-64 and etc., perfect quality unit, full OG, NH, mainly VF, Est. $1,000-$1,200
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1274 **   
     Remainder of a Collection in Red Stockbook
1923-91, over 240 mint stamps and 40 souvenir sheets, including some better items, starting with Agriculture Exhibition of 1923, mainly full OG, NH and F/VF, total C.v. is over$1,150, including in pre-1961 about $900
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1275 **/*   
     Balance of a Consignment of Pre-World War II
Material 1923-41, 385 apparently mint stamps, including two complete sheets, 13 blocks of 4, 6 or 9 stamps, some better singles of definitive and commemorative stamps, small varieties and more, nice quality overall, a few stamps regummed, others with full OG, mainly NH, F/VF, C.v. is over $2,000, Est. $500-$600
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1276 **/*   
     Balance of a Consignment of Postal History and Scarce Stamps
1848-1992, 22 covers or cards, including 2 early stationery envelopes of 1848 and 1855 (first one with mirrored watermark), 4 Middle Asia items, 5 Ship Mail postcards, 5 American Relief Administration cards (one with mixed franking, some faults), Crimea Civil War issue in pair on cover, several stockcards with stamps, including 3 inverted St. Petersburg surcharged sets of 1992 in se-tenant pairs, in addition some fakes and bogus items, neatly arranged on stockpages, postal history pieces with occasional conveyance defects, still F/VF, Est. $500-$600
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1277    265-68, 279-72
     Lenin Mourning issue - Fabulous Collection
1924-47, 118 items, starting with imperforate complete sets on covers dated by January 30 and February 1, 1924, the total is 12 cards or covers franked by imperf or perf complete sets, one cover franked with stamp bearing "pin on tie variety" along 14 other values, three - are philatelic exchange covers, five items were mailed with various Pioneer Flights, interesting destinations, franking combinations with other commemorative and definitive stamps, each item is perfectly inscribed on attendant pages, occasional flaws possible, still great unit, which is absolutely impossible to duplicate, F/VF, Est. $2,000-$2,500

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1278    907/1540
     Three Covers franked by Complete Sets
1944-51, Tehran Conference, UPU Anniversary (perf and imperf), Spasski Tower and Kyrgyz Republic placed over three registered covers, two addressed to USA and sent in Leningrad, appropriate markings and arrival ds, VF
     FDC and Special Cancellations Assemblage
1932-56, 37 items, including 26 different FD covers or cards (most properly went through the mail), and 11 various special markings, including two envelopes of 800th Anniversary of Moscow, two chess items and much more, a beautiful holding, fresh condition, mostly VF, generally items the V. Ustinovsky Collection, great lot for retail, Est. $800-$1,000
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Raritan Stamps, Inc