Lots 1298 - 1308, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
1298 **   C2-9, C12-13, a
1923-30, Airplane Fokker F.III, 1r-10r and surcharges 5k/3r-20k/10r, two complete sets of four; Zeppelin issue 40k and 80k, two complete sets with perforation 12 1/2 and 10 1/2, all with full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $670
1299 **   C12-13 var
1930, Zeppelin issue, 40k dark blue with a spot on "CH" in "POCHTA", 80k carmine, right sheet margin single with a red spot between "p" of "kop" and "8" of "80", both with perforation 12 1/2, full OG, NH, mostly VF, suggested retail $600
1300 **   C15-19, C20-25
1931-32, Airships, 10k-1r, imperforate and perforated (L12 1/2) complete sets of five, in addition 15k engraved stamp with perforation 12 1/2, full OG, NH, mostly VF, C.v. $700
1301 **   C20/24, var
1931, Airships, 10k violet in block of six, 20k carmine in block of four, 20k pale red in block of six, all with comb perforation, 50k brown, two blocks of four with line and comb perf, 1r dark green in block of six, comb perforation, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $520 as singles
1302 **   C34-35, C35a
1932, International Polar Year, 50k carmine, perforation 12 1/2 and two of 1r green, perforation 10 1/2 and 12 1/2, full OG with minimal waves on 1r (12 1/2), NH, VF, C.v. $390
1303  C37-39
1933, Stratostat "USSR 1", 5k, 10k and 20k, complete set of three, large part of OG, 5k and 20k apparently NH, 10k with hinge remnant, VF, C.v. $310
1304 **   C68
1935, Moscow - San Francisco Flight, red surcharge 1r on S. Levanevsky 10k dark brown, surcharge position 1 of 25-stamp setting, full OG, NH, VF, Soviet Philatelic guarantee hs, C.v. $1,275
1305 **   C75a
1937, Aviation Exhibition, souvenir sheet of four stamps 1r black, buff and red brown, fresh condition, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $450
1306 **   C94 var
1955, definitive issue, Airplane over the Globe, 2r deep blue, right sheet margin single imperforate vertically with strong perforation shift, full OG, NH, VF and a spectacular piece
1307 **   C95-96, var
1955, North Pole - Moscow Flight, red overprints on definitive stamps of 1r and 2r, two horizontal pairs with top line of overprint is 14.2mm (type II) and 15mm (type III, wide space between "Sev." and "polus"), full OG, NH,VF, only one stamp of type III exists in sheet of 72 of the second issue overprints
Special Delivery stamps
Lot   Cat.#
1308 **   E1-3
1932, Postal Transports, 5k, 10k and 80k, complete set of three, full OG without usual creases, NH, VF, C.v. $338

Raritan Stamps, Inc