Lots 1314 - 1330, Catalogue of Auction #45 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#

General Revenue Collection

1875-1960, over 900 stamps and labels, also 26 official papers bearing various revenue stamps, representing duty, control, saving, judicial, distillery, tobacco, local city tax issues and etc., in addition Polish Corps, North and North West Armies, Siberia, South Russia and other locals, condition is a little mixed, but mostly F/VF, Barefoot C.v. is about ?4,500, documents not counted
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1315  Barefoot 1/47

St. Petersburg Residence Permit issues

1889-1908, 33 cancelled stamps on a stockpage, neatly identified by Barefoot Cat., generally fresh and nice, F/VF, C.v. ?580
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The World War I Charity Labels

1914-18, 409 stamps and one cover on stockpages in a binder, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Fellin, Riga, Viatka and other cities production, in addition Military 5 1/2% Bond stamps, apparently clean and flawless, F/VF
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Invalids of War Charity Labels from the Soviet Period

1920-30, 316 stamps on stockpages in a blue folder, including Charity labels for Invalids and in addition several dozens of DOSARM membership dues, generally fresh condition, F/VF
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Child Welfare and Homeless Charity stamps

1918-30, 445 stamps on stockpages in a blue folder, including Central Commission issues, Arkhangelsk, Armavir, Baku, Odessa, Tiflis, Ural and etc. regional stamps, mostly fresh, F/VF
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Unemployed and Homeless Charity stamps

1918-24, 66 stamps on stockpages, representing Moscow, Altay Reg., Arkhangelsk, Barnaul, Harbin, Kazan, Vladivostok and etc. issues, mainly clean and flawless, F/VF
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Charity Labels for Culture and Education

1925-35, 71 stamps on stockpages, including issues of Kharkov, Simbirsk, Tiflis, Vitebsk, Yaroslavl and etc., nice and fresh, F/VF
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Struggle Against Illiteracy

1920-30, 141 stamps on stockpages in a blue folder, including All-Union issues, also Caucasian Reg., Voronezh, Perm, Ukrainian and etc. provisional stamps, some membership dues, mainly clean, flawless quality, F/VF
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Leaders and Communist Propaganda labels

1920-32, 43 items on stockpages, representing issues of Kazan, Simferopol, Sverdlovsk, Tashkent, Viatka and etc., mostly flawless, F/VF
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International Revolutionaries' Aid Association (MOPR) Charity stamps

1922-37, 166 stamps on stockpages in a white folder, including issues of Byelorussian, Ukrainian, Abkhazian Republican Committees MOPR, various city issues, as well as membership due stamps, mainly clean and nice, F/VF
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Radio and Communications stamps

1926-30, 59 stamps, including 47 pieces of Radio issue of 1926 (the high value with toned gum), neatly housed on a stockpage, mainly fresh condition, F/VF
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Rail Road and Locomotive Charity and Advertising stamps

1911-26, 25 stamps on a stockpage, including four Russian Finland, others issued by various Rail Roads, manly fresh, F/VF
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Exhibition Advertising labels

1910-23, 27 stamps on a stockpage, including the Car Show in St. Petersburg and various exhibitions in Kiev, Yekaterinoslav, Odessa and etc. issues, fresh and nice, F/VF
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Red Cross and Medicine Charity and Propaganda labels

1915-36, 71 stamps on stockpages, including Central Committee issues, as well as local stamps and membership dues, mostly fresh, F/VF
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Anti-Tuberculosis Campaign stamps

1922-26, 84 stamps on stockpages in a red folder, including nice Tiflis issue of six pieces, also Kharkov, Nizhni Novgorod, Voronezh and etc. stamps, mainly perfect quality, F/VF
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Charity stamps for Deaf, Mute and Blind People

1925-30, 33 stamps on stockpages, representing labels of All-Russian Society, as well as produce of Kazan, Saratov, Sverdlovsk and etc., generally clean, F/VF
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Various Thematic Labels

1910-70, 106 stamps on stockpages, representing Sports, Charity for Earthquake Victims, Anti-Alcoholism Propaganda and etc., also some membership due stamps, generally clean condition, F/VF
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Raritan Stamps, Inc