Lots 1446 - 1476, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Catalogued by Scott of 2024
Lot   Cat.#
1446  237
1996, 100th Anniversary of Modern Olympic Games, bottom sheet margin imperforate proof of 40,000kb in blue, light blue and buff, text "UKRAINA" at left (issued stamp has it at right), full OG, NH, VF and scarce, Kramarenko (2013) #154P, C.v. 2,500UAH=US$312.50
1447 **   239 imp
1996, 5th Anniversary of Independence, 20,000kb multicolored, bottom top margin imperforate block of four, full OG, NH, VF and rare, Kramarenko (2013) #158Pa, 10,000UAH=US$1,250 as singles
1448  247
1996, 125th Anniversary of the birth of Ivan Poddubny, famous Ukrainian Wrestler, multicolored imperforate proof of 40,000kb (issued stamp has value 40k), top margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF and rare, Kramarenko (2013) #166P, 11,200UAH=US$1,400 as singles
1449  268
1997, Ivan Kupalo Festival, imperforate proof of 20k multicolored with background in dark blue instead of black, bottom margin vertical pair, full OG, NH, VF and rare, Kramarenko (2013) #188P, C.v. 7,000UAH=US$875 as singles
1450 **   345 imp
1999, History of Shipbuilding, 30k x2 multicolored, horizontal se-tenant pair, imperforate block of eight, containing 4 pairs, full OG, NH, VF and rare multiple, Kramarenko (2013) #288-89Pa, C.v. 32,000UAH=US$4,000 as pairs
1451 **   346 imp
1999, Yaroslav Wise, imperforate souvenir sheet of 1.20h multicolored, enlarged margins, especially at right with control markings, full OG, NH, VF, M. Kramarenko Bl.13Pa, C.v. 40,000UAH
1452 **   379 imp
2000, Europa issue, 40k multicolored, right sheet margin imperforate block of four, full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko (2013) #353Pa, C.v. 14,000UAH as singles
1453 **   386-89 imp
2000, Sydney Olympic Games, 30k-1h, imperforate complete set of four, all with top margins, full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko (2013) #366Pa-69Pa, C.v. 16,000UAH=US $2,000
1454 **   386-89 imp
2000, Sydney Olympic Games, 30k, 30k, 70k and 1h, imperforate complete set of four, top left corner sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko (2013) #366Pa-69Pa, C.v. 64,000UAH=US $8,000
1455 **   390 imp
2000, Petro Prokopovych, Famous Apiarist, 30k multicolored, top sheet margin imperforate block of four, full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko (2013) #330Pa, C.v. 12,800UAH=US$1,600++
1456 **   392 imp
2000, Tatiana Pata, Ukrainian Artist, 40k x2 multicolored, top left corner sheet margin horizontal imperforate se- tenant pair with label in the middle and control signs on the edge,, full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko (2013) #373-74Pa,C.v. 12,000UAH=US$1,500
1457 **   399 imp
2000, Endangered Amphibians, multicolored 30k and 70k, horizontal se-tenant pair, right sheet margin imperforate block of four containing two pairs, full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko (2013) #383-84Pa, C.v. 20,000UAH=US $2,500++
1458 **   403 imp
2000, Folk Tales, 30k x3 multicolored, horizontal se-tenant strip of three, imperforate block of six containing two strips, full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko #399-401, imperforate strip is not listed, Est. $600-$700
1459 **   405-07 imp
2000, Churches, 30k, 30k and 70k, imperforate complete set of three in three-side margin blocks of six (2x3) printed on watermarked Braiding paper, folded along margins, stamps are not affected, full OG, NH, VF and very rare, M. Kramarenko #403Pa-05Pa, C.v. 90,000UAH
1460 **   409 imp
2001, Dmytro Rostovsky, Religious Leader, 75k multicolored, vertical imperforate pair, full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko (2013) #407Pa, C.v. 8,000UAH
1461 **   426 imp
2001, Holy Trinity, 30k multicolored, top left corner sheet margin imperforate block of eight (2x4), full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko (2013) #431Pa, C.v. 25,600UAH
1462 **   440 imp
2001, International Year of Dialogue among Civilizations, 70k multicolored, imperforate miniature sheet of 9, control signs at top, full OG, NH, VF and very rare, only a few such sheetlets exist, M. Kramarenko #453 Ga, C.v. 40,000UAH=US$5,000
1463 **   441 imp
2001, Black Sea Marine Life, imperforate souvenir sheet of 30k and 70k multicolored, full OG, NH, VF and rare, M. Kramarenko Bl.33 var, not listed in the Cat.
1464 **   444 imp
2001, New Year, 30k multicolored, three-side margins imperforate block of eight (4x2, bottom part of a sheet), full OG, NH, VF and rare multiple, M. Kramarenko #458Pa, C.v. 32,000UAH=US$4,000
1465 **   446-48
2001, Regional Costumes, multicolored 20k and 50k, complete set of three horizontal se-tenant pairs, each one is in cross-gutter block containing 8 pairs, full OG, NH, VF and scarce set of multiples, Kramarenko (2013) #461-66,C.v. 11,400UAH=US$1,425++
View Part 2.
View Part 3.
1466 **   446-48 imp
2001, Regional Costumes, 20k and 50k multicolored, imperforate complete set of three horizontal se-tenant pairs, each one in block containing two pairs, full OG, NH, VF and rare, M. Kramarenko #461-66, not mentioned in the Cat.
1467 **   494 imp
2003, Speed Skating, 65k multicolored, bottom right corner sheet margin imperforate block of four, plate position 3 and order number at right edge, full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko #536, imperf variety is not listed, Est. $400-$500
1468 **   498
2003, Javorivsky National Nature Park, souvenir sheet of 1h+1h+1.50h, uncut pane of two souvenir sheets, control markings at top and on the right, full OG, NH, VF and rare, M. Kramarenko Bl.39 Ga, C.v. 10,000UAH
1469 ** B  499c, imp
2003, Europa, Poster Art, imperforate se-tenant pair of 1.75h+1.75h multicolored, booklet pane containing two pairs, full OG, NH, VF and rare, a common booklet with perforated pane is included, M. Kramarenko #547-48
1470 **   500-03 imp
2003, Space Pioneers, the second issue, 45k-80k, imperforate complete set of four in blocks of four with vertical gutter in the middle, all with parts of joined stamps at left and bottom margins, which are reduced on65k and 70k, full OG, NH, VF and rare positional multiples, M. Kramarenko #549-52 var
1471 **   507-08, 523
2003, Mykolaiv and Zaporizhia Oblast, View of Yevpatoria, three values of 45k multicolored in horizontal gutter blocks of 12 (3x2+3x2), full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko (2013) #582, 586-87, C.v. 4,500UAH++
View Part 2.
1472 **   512
2003, Volodymyr Monomakh, Grand Prince of Kyiv, souvenir sheet of 3.50h multicolored, uncut pane of four souvenir sheets, control markings at bottom, full OG, NH, VF and very rare, M. Kramarenko Bl.40 Ga, C.v. 20,000UAH as two uncut pairs
1473 **   527
2003, Christmas, 45k multicolored, bottom sheet margin block of eight with vertical gutter in the middle, full OG, NH, VF, M. Kramarenko #590 Ga, C.v. 1,600UAH as two gutter pairs
1474 **   573
2005, Inauguration of President Yushchenko, 45k multicolored, special miniature sheet of 7 plus label, order No.5-3125, horizontal pair of uncut sheets, plate positions 7-8, control signs at top, full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko #676 II, Est. $300-$400
1475 **   445/525, F1
     Group of 7 Gutter Multiples
2001-03, Shevchenko- Tsereteli, L. Hlibov, Marine Life, Philatelic Exhibition, B. Hmyria, H. Kvitka-Osnovianenko and definitive "F" rate, all are in vertical or horizontal blocks of 8, except "F"stamp in block of 24, all with full OG, NH, VF, Kramarenko (2013) C.v. 8,800UAH=US$1,100++
Click the numbers below to see additional images:
2, 3, 4
1476 **   483/630
     Booklets and Booklet Panes
2000-06, three complete booklets - Marine Life, joint issue with Kazakhstan (booklet and separate pane), Europe 2004 (booklet), Europe 2005 (booklet) and Europe 2006 (booklet pane),full OG, NH, VF, M. Kramarenko Booklets 2/6, C.v. 1,305UAH
View Part 2.

Raritan Stamps, Inc