Lots 1502 - 1509, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
1502 */U   
     Highly Valuable Group of Worldwide stamps
1841-1951, 33 items, including mint and used Classic singles from Albania to Sweden, all identified, complete sets of Greece, Ireland and Israel, three sets in blocks from Luxembourg, 4 forgeries of Scott #615 from Spain, some faults (mentioned) and short margins (shown), generally collectible quality unit with astonish C.v. of about $60,000, Est. $1,500-$2,000
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1503 **/*   
     Large Retail Ready Selection in a Box
1930's-90's, over 500 sets and singles housed on No.102 cards and in glassines, loading with high catalog value items, including Denmark #B3-5, French Polynesia #C48, C54, Mali #C5-8, Liechtenstein #130, Marianna Islands #31 (2), Spain #C138, So. Vietnam booklet, nice selection of Trieste and many more, full OG, generally NH with just occasional LH, mostly VF, C.v. is over $7,500, Est. $1,500-$2,000
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1504 */U   
     Mainly Mint Accumulation in a Box
1870's-1960's, over 600 glassines and #102/104 cards filled with thousands of stamps representing countries from A to Z, among better unused Alaouites #C1-4, PRC #1283-85, Germany #634-36,Spain #358-70, Turks and Caicos #121-24 and many more needed to be mentioned, occasional faults, overall clean and high potential stock, total C.v. is about $8,000, Est. $1,500-$2,000
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     Nice Postal History Group
1830's-1970's, over 200 items from entire world, including 10 early stampless correspondences, most powerful presentation from Europe, Middle East, Asia, including China and Japan, Latin America, individually priced from $3 to $75, condition varies from minor faults (just a few) to VF, total conservative retail is $1,800
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1506 */U   
     Balance of Eastern European Collections
1918-50, two album pages representing Memel issues of 1923 with total C.v. about $80, stockbook filled with mint and used Poland with mint and used material from 1918 to 1950s,complete and part sets, C.v. $700; and Collection of Slovakia of 1939-44 in and album with first overprints, semi-postal, air post and back of the book, C.v. is over $1,000. Total C.v. for the lot is $1,800
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1507  D  
     Old Engraved Prints of European Historical Places
1840- 50's, 6 different prints, representing view of Kammer Przykos (Cave in Austria), Wharf of Marienburg (Germany), views of Suli (Northern Greece, Krakow and Wieliczka Salt Mine (Poland), Engpass Kosan (Serbia), some edge soiling did not affect the engraving, printed in Germany, VF, Est. $200-$300
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     Worldwide Venues and Exhibitions - Selection of Color Postcards
1890-1900, 21 pieces, including Great Britain Penny Postage Jubilee of 1890, Chicago Official postcard of 1893, Bordeaux Exhibition of 1895, Leipzig of1897, Munich of 1898, Venice of 1898 (very scarce), several cards of Paris Exhibition of 1900, Art Nouveau of 1900 stunning set of six cards and etc., generally unused and VF, conservative retail is $600
View Part 2.
View Part 3.
     Stamps on Postcards Topical Unit
1895-1910(c), 30 unused color postcards, including Brazil, Hong Kong, Monaco, Persia, Russia, Siam, Switzerland, USA and more, minor duplication, VF and beautiful embossed cards, Est. $200-$250
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Raritan Stamps, Inc