Lots 165 - 236, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Modern Errors and Varieties
Lot   Cat.#
165 **   1183 imp
1962, Space Project Mercury, 4c dark blue and yellow, vertical imperforate pair, perfect condition, full OG, NH, VF and very scarce, Est. $500-$600
166 **   1298a
1967, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 6c gray brown, vertical imperforate pair of coil stamps, full OG, NH, VF and scarce, C.v. $1,250
167 **   1384c
1969, Christmas issue, 6c dark green and multicolored, light green color omitted, block of ten (5x2), full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $300 as singles
168  1384m
1969, Christmas issue, 6c green and multi, inverted and shifted to the bottom Baltimore, MD pre-cancel in green, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $225
169  1384t
1969, Christmas issue, 6c dark green and multicolored, inverted black Atlanta, GA pre-cancel, top sheet margin plate No.31097 and 31157 block of four, full OG, NH, VF and scarce multiple, a common pre-cancelled Atlanta, GA block is included, PSAG certificate for block of ten, the offered block was at left, C.v. $2,000 as singles
View the certificate.
170 **   1467a var
1972, Wildlife Conservation, 8c multicolored, complete transition pane of eight se-tenant blocks of four, black engraved color (picture, description and denomination) strongly (3-10mm) shifted to the bottom left, resulting in stamps at top four horizontal rows have doubled or omitted "United States" variety, full OG, NH, VF, an attractive and rare item, especially in complete pane, Est. $1,000-$1,200
171 **   1528a
1974, Horses Rounding Turn, 10c yellow and multi, bottom right corner sheet margin plate No.35115-35114 block of four, blue "Horse Racing" omitted, red color (US Postage 10 cents) shifted to the top, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $2,000 as four singles
172 **   1547b
1974, Energy Conservation, 10c multicolored, a single with green and red colors omitted, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $275
173 **   1555a
1975, D.W. Griffith, 10c multicolored, brown (engraved) color omitted, right sheet margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $1,000 as four singles
174 **   1716a
1977, Marquis de Lafayette, 13c blue black and red, top sheet margin block of four with "Mail Early..." message, upper stamps has missing red color due to strong shift of horizontal perforation, while bottom ones have red inscription at top instead of bottom, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $600 as two singles
175 **   1763a var
1978, Wildlife Conservation, Owls, 15c x4 multi, top left corner margin se-tenant block of four, black and brown engraved colors are strongly shifted to the left, full OG, NH, VF and a spectacular item
176 **   1769
1978, Christmas, Hobby Horse, 15c multicolored, block of four with horizontal gutter between stamps, full OG, NH, VF and scarce multiple, priced in Scott with "-" for vertical pair with gutter
177 ** P  1789Ad, 1789Pg
1979, John Paul Jones, 15c multicolored, top sheet margin vertical pair imperforate horizontally and imperforate proof of complete design in vertical gutter pair, both with full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $715
178 **   1800a, b
1979, Christmas, Gingerbread Santa Claus, 15c multicolored, two error stamps, one has green and yellow omitted, the other one is corner margin single with green, yellow and tan omitted, usual centering, full OG, NH, a common stamp is included, C.v. $800
179 **   1804 var
1980, Benjamin Banneker, 15c multicolored, left sheet margin vertical imperforate pair with gutter in the middle, colors perfectly aligned, full OG, NH, VF and scarce, Est. $300-$400
180 **   1804 var
1980, Benjamin Banneker, 15k multicolored, imperforate pane of 50 with control colors at bottom and plate No.A0016-A0011, some color misregistration, full OG, NH, VF and rare multiple, which is according to Scott came from a printer's waste, Est. $1,500-$2,000
181 **   1841b
1980, Architecture, 15c black and red, top left corner sheet margin se-tenant block of four with red color missing on two top stamps due to strong perforation shift, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $400
182 **   1853 imp
1984, Richard Russell, 10c greenish blue, top right corner imperforate block of four, full OG, NH, VF and scarce, reportedly this imperfs are from a printer's waste, US Errors C.v. $300 as two pairs
183 **   1863f
1985, John J. Audubon, 22c dark blue, horizontal strip of 6 and a half stamps, imperforated between 5th and 6th values, full OG, NH, VF and rare, US Errors Cat. reported 10 pairs only, C.v. $1,300
184 **   1897b
1983, Omnibus, 1c violet, horizontal imperforate pair of coil stamps, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $325
185 **   1906b
1985, Electric Auto, 17c ultramarine, coil stamp in horizontal imperforate strip of three, plate No.1 under right stamp, full OG, NH, F/VF, Scott is not priced imperf plate strips, US Errors C.v. $950
186 **   2037b
1983, Civilian Conservation Corps, 20c multicolored, vertical pair imperforate horizontally with faint traces of vertical perforation, full OG, NH, VF and very rare, two PF certificates of 1997 and 2006, priced with "-" in Scott, US Errors Catalog considered this pair as unique
View the certificate.
187 **   2058b
1983, American Inventors, (20c) x4 multicolored, top left corner se-tenant block of four with black engraved color omitted, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $275
188 **   2096b, var
1984, Smokey Bear, 20c multicolored, bottom left corner sheet margin ZIP block of six (2x3), imperforate between top and middle stamps and at the bottom, full OG, NH, VF and scarce positional piece, C.v. $300 for two pairs imperforate between stamps
189 **   2103a
1984, Hispanic Americans, 20c multicolored, vertical pair imperforate horizontally, full OG with 3mm slight wrinkle at left of the top stamp, NH, VF and scarce, C.v. $1,250
190 **   2135a
1986, Dog Sled, 17c blue, horizontal imperforate pair of coil stamps, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $300
191 **   2194d, var
1989, John Hopkins, $1 dark blue, complete pane of 15 plus 5 top halves at foot due to considerable and unusual miscut, plate No.1 at left and right, top margin is approximately 35mm, full OG, NH, VF and very rare, Est. $1,000-$1,500
192 **   2228b, 2453a
1986-91, Stagecoach 4c reddish brown and Canoe 5c brown and gray, two horizontal imperforate pairs of coil stamps, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $400
193 **   2247a
1987, Pan American Games, (22c) multicolored, a single with silver color omitted, usual centering, full OG, NH, according to US Errors Cat. only 30 copies recorded, Scott C.v. $550
194 **   2283d
1988, Pheasant, 25c multicolored, vertical pair of booklet stamps imperforate between, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $275
195 **   2400 var
1988, Christmas, Sleigh Village Scene, 25c multicolored, top right corner sheet margin plate No.11111 block of 42 (7x6) with vertical gutter and parts of adjoining stamps at left and bottom, caused because the press sheet was turned sideways through the cutter, full OG, NH, VF and scarce, C.v. $1,350 as six gutter pairs
196  2401
1989, 100th Anniversary of the Montana Statehood, imperforate plate proof of 25c multicolored (complete design) in vertical pair, nice margins all around, no gum as produced, NH, VF and scarce, this item erroneously considered as printer's waste, Est. $400-$500
197  2401
1989, 100th Anniversary of the Montana Statehood, imperforate 5 stage proofs of 25c in blocks of four, mounted on large USPS page with inscription of colors, fresh, VF and extremely rare, only a few such pages were produced for presentation purposes, Est. $3,000-$4,000
198  2418
1989, Ernest Hemingway, imperforate proof of 25c multicolored in block of four with horizontal gutter, very slight fold along the gutter, otherwise full OG, NH, VF and rare, C.v. $4,000 as two pairs
199 **   2419b
1989, 20th Anniversary of the Moon Landing, $2.40 multicolored, right sheet margin plate No.11211 horizontal imperforate pair, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $350
200 **   2427b
1989, Christmas, Madonna and Child by Carracci, 25c multicolored, a single with red color omitted, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $300
201 **   2440a
1990, Love, 25c multicolored, top sheet margin vertical imperforate pair, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $550
202 **   2492h
1995, Rose, 32c pink, green and black, vertical pair self- adhesive booklet stamps, imperforate at left and with die cutting omitted between stamps, backing paper intact, VF, C.v. $400
203 **   2529 imp
1991, Fishing Boat 19c multi, coil stamp of type I, imperforate block of four from a printer's waste, full OG, NH, VF, Est. $200-$250
204 **   2532 imp
1991, 700th Anniversary of Switzerland, 50c multicolored, vertical imperforate pair, full OG, NH, VF and scarce item, considered to be from a printer's waste
205  2540 Pl
1991, White Headed Eagle, perforated proof of $2.90 multicolored in complete design, cross-gutter block of four, control No.5 on vertical gutter, full OG, NH, VF and very rare multiple, this item priced with "-" in the Cat., Est.$1,200-$1,500
206 **   2550a
1991, Cole Porter, Composer, 29c multicolored, top margin vertical pair imperforate horizontally, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $400
207 **   2567b
1991, Jan E. Matzeliger, Inventor, 29c multicolored, top sheet margin vertical strip of three, imperforate horizontally, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $550 for vertical pair
208 **   2579a
1991, Christmas, Santa Claus in Chimney, (29c) multicolored, bottom left corner sheet margin ZIP block of six (3x2), imperforate vertically, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $350 for two pairs imperf vertically
209 **   2618a
1992, Love, 29c multicolored, top sheet margin block of four, imperforate vertically, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $600 as two pairs
210  2646a Pb-i
1992, Hummingbirds 29c in se-tenant strip of five, 8 imperforate stage proof strips in yellow, magenta, blue, brown (birds), brown (USA and 29c), green and orange frames and complete design, some usual miscuts, still full OG, NH, VF and rare, C.v. $3,600
211  2718a Pd
1992, Christmas Toys, proof se-tenant booklet pane of four 29c stamps with wrong layout (stamps from the bottom placed at the top), imperforate horizontally between stamps, selvage at left with plate No. A11111, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $1,200
212  2754 Pa
1993, Centenary of the Cherokee Strip Land Run, perforated proof of 29c multicolored in horizontal gutter pair, ZIP and USPS inscription on gutter, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $250++
213  2754 Pb
1993, Centenary of the Cherokee Strip Land Run, imperforate proof of (29c) multicolored, but with purple and black inscriptions omitted, horizontal pair with gutter between, fold along the gutter, full OG, NH, VF and rare, this pair priced with "-" in Scott, Est. $300-$400
214  2778a Pg
1993, American Music, 29c multicolored, vertical imperforate se-tenant booklet proof pane of four, plate No.222222 at top margin, finished design, full OG, NH, VF and rare, C.v. $1,500
215  2788a P
1993, Classic Books, proof pane of 40 stamps of 29c multicolored, containing ten se-tenant blocks or strips of four, perforated horizontally at top and vertically between stamps of the upper row only, imperforate everywhere else, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $4,000 as ten blocks
216 **   2835 var
1994, World Soccer Championships, 40c multicolored, two sheet margin horizontal imperforate pairs, one with omitted black color and another one has omitted all colors except black, both with full OG, NH, VF and considered to be from a printer's waste, a common pair included, Est. $400-$500
217 **   2866b
1994, Wonders of the Sea, 29c x4 multicolored, right sheet margin imperforate se-tenant block of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $350
218 **   2872e
1994, Christmas, Stocking, 29c multi, block of four imperforate horizontally between stamps, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $250
219 **   2877b
1991, the "G" Rate make up stamp, (3c) with double impression of red color, bottom left corner sheet margin block of six, ZIP and USPS imprints at left selvage, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $1,050++
220 **   2904c
1996, Mountain Nonprofit Org. (5c) multicolored, horizontal imperforate pair of coil stamps with control No.04020 on reverse, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $250
221 **   2980a
1995, Woman Suffrage, (32c) multicolored, black engraved color omitted, bottom left corner sheet margin block of four, plate No.P1111, centering is much better then usual, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $1,100 as singles
222 **   3001 imp
1995, Naval Academy, 32c multicolored, right sheet margin horizontal imperforate pair with USPS imprint, full OG, NH, VF and very rare, according to Scott this item considered to be from a printer's waste, Est. $300-$400
223 **   3060a
1996, Year of the Rat, 32c multicolored, bottom left corner sheet margin plate No.S1111 imperforate block of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $650 as two pairs
224 **   3069a
1996, Georgia O'Keeffe, 32c multicolored, imperforate complete pane of 15, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $675
225 **   3422a
2004, Wilma Rudolph, 23c red and black, self-adhesive stamp in bottom sheet margin vertical pair, "Plate Position" imprint on selvage, die cutting omitted, backing paper intact, VF, C.v. $600
226 **   3523a
2001, Lucille Ball, 34c multicolored, horizontal pair of self-adhesive stamps with die cutting omitted, backing paper intact, VF, C.v. $700
227 **   3557a
2002, Langston Hughes, 34c multicolored, self-adhesive stamp, left sheet margin horizontal pair with die cutting omitted, backing paper intact, VF, C.v. $725
228 **   3756Ab
2008, Coffeepot, 5c multicolored, self-adhesive stamps in bottom left corner sheet margin block of four with die cutting omitted, dated 2007 at lower left, plate No.S2222222, backing paper intact, VF, C.v. $800 as two pairs
229 **   3895m
2005, Chinese New Years of 1992-2004, 37c multicolored, complete double-sided pane of 24 self-adhesive stamps, misregistered die cutting on reverse side causing imperforate top row of three stamps and bisected stamps on three other rows, NH, VF and scarce, PSAG certificate, C.v. $900
230 **   4141a
2007, Florida Panther 26c multicolored, self-adhesive horizontal pair of coil stamps with die cutting omitted, printed on prephosphored coated paper, backing paper intact, VF, C.v. $350
231 **   4407a
2009, Celebrate, 44c multicolored, self-adhesive stamp in top right corner sheet margin plate No.S1111 block of four with die cutting omitted, backing paper intact, VF and scarce, C.v. $350 as two pairs
232 ** B  4428c (e)
2009, Christmas Symbols, intact $8.80 self-adhesive booklet, containing 20 stamps (12+8, 5 se-tenant blocks of four) of 44c stamps, die cutting omitted on 12-stamp side (8-stamp side is normal), VF, C.v. $1,125 as three imperf se-tenant blocks of four
233 ** B  4481d
2010, Christmas issue, Coniferous, self-adhesive "Forever" (44c) in complete two-side booklet of 20 stamps, pane of 12 values has die cutting omitted, VF, C.v. $400
234 **   5343a
2019, Flag, Forever (55c) multicolored, vertical strip of five self-adhesive stamps, plate No. B1111, die cutting omitted, backing paper intact, VF and rare, imperf pair is priced with "-" in Scott, Est. $500-$600
235 **   5393a
2019, President George H. W. Bush, Forever (55c) multicolored, self-adhesive stamp in left sheet margin horizontal pair with die cutting omitted, backing paper intact, VF, C.v. $500
236 **   1908/2453 var
     Misperf Errors Selection
1981-91, 50+ various perforation shifts, mainly on horizontal coil strips, pairs or singles, but including Desert Plants se-tenant block of four and a few other commemoratives, full OG, NH (two stamps are used), mostly VF, Est. $200-$300
View Part 2.

Raritan Stamps, Inc