Lots 1831 - 1944, Catalogue of Auction #43 Raritan Stamps, Inc
Lot | Cat.# | Description |
Est.$ |
1831 | S | 250-59 | 1923, 1k-1r, litho printing, complete set of ten, each stamp with one or two letters "Obrazets" (Specimen) in various colors, stamp of 6k has minor thin, full OG or unused, no gum (2), VF
1500.00 |
1832 | ** | 265-68, var | 1924, Lenin Mourning issue, imperforated complete set in top sheet margin blocks of six (2x3), wide frame, middle right stamp of 3k block with "a spot on tie" variety, full OG, NH, VF
500.00 |
1833 | ** | 265-68 | 1924, Lenin Mourning issue, imperforated complete set in horizontal pairs, medium frame, full OG, NH, VF
100.00 |
1834 | ** | 269-72 | 1924, Lenin Mourning issue, perforated complete set in corner margin blocks of four, medium frame, full OG, NH, VF
400.00 |
1835 | ** | 271 var | 1924, Lenin Mourning issue, 12k red and black, wide frame, right sheet margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF
150.00 |
1836 | ** | 274 var | 1924-25, worker 4k rose carmine, typo printing, horizontal imperforated pair with double impression, full OG, NH, VF
150.00 |
1837 | ** | 275A fn | 1924-25, peasant 2k green, typo printing, horizontal imperforated pair with double impression, full OG, NH, VF
300.00 |
1838 | ** | 275A fn | 1926, 7k-5r, typo printing, imperforated complete set of eight, full OG, NH, VF, Mi #248E-61E
75.00 |
1839 | S | 288A | 1924-25, peasant 30k violet, typo printing, perforation 14 1/2, three side margin strip of five with perfin "Obrazets", full OG, NH, VF
300.00 |
1840 | ** | 276a/89a | 1925, 1k-50k, perforation 12 1/2, typo printing, set of 12 without the "key" stamps, full OG, NH, F/VF
200.00 |
1841 | ** | 292-93, 293a | 1924-25, 3r and 5r, set of three stamps, including stamp of 5r with perforation 10 1/2, full OG, NH, VF
150.00 |
1842 | ** | 294-301 | 1925, Lenin Mausoleum, perforated and imperforated complete set of four, full OG, NH, F/VF
100.00 |
1843 | U | 303a | 1925, Lenin 10r indigo blue, perforation 12 1/2, horizontal pair, postal cancellation, fresh and fine, C.v. $180++
100.00 |
1844 | ** | 302-03 imp | 1926, Lenin, 5r red brown and 10r indigo blue, imperforated complete set in top sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
200.00 |
1845 | ** | 303 imp var | 1925, Lenin 10r indigo blue, bottom left corner margin imperforated copy without background, full OG, NH, VF
200.00 |
1846 | ** | 304-25, 313a | 1925-27, 1k-5r, perforated complete set of 22, including both stamps of 10k, printed on watermarked paper, many with sheet margins, full OG, NH, F/VF
200.00 |
1847 | * | 304/17 var | 1926, worker, 1k-20k, re-engraved complete set of four, and in addition re-engraved 5k on cream paper, full OG, LH or hinged, VF, Standard #76 II - 90 II
150.00 |
1848 | ** | 309/23 var | 1928, 6k, 9k, 30k, 1r and 2r, set of six stamps with horizontal position of watermark, including 30k in violet and lilac shades, full OG, NH, mostly VF
500.00 |
1849 | ** | 311 var | 1926, worker 8k olive , litho printing, "small head" variety, left sheet margin copy from a sheet with invalidating perforation, full OG, NH, VF for this
100.00 |
1850 | ** | 330-41 | 1925, Decembrist Mutiny and Revolution of 1905, two perforated and two imperforated complete sets, the total is 12 stamps, full OG, NH, F/VF
100.00 |
1851 | ** | 339 var | 1925, Revolution of 1905, 3k olive green, perforation 12 1/2, large size stamp, horizontal position of watermark, full OG, NH, VF
100.00 |
1852 | **/* | 342-44, 343a | 1926, Lenin, 1r-3r, complete set of three, in addition 2r with perforation 12 1/2, full OG, NH or VLH (1r value), mostly VF
200.00 |
1853 | ** | 349-50, 349a | 1927, surcharge 8k on soldier 7k brown, complete set of three, full OG, NH, VF
100.00 |
1854 | ** | 353-58 | 1927, surcharges 8k on commemorative stamps, complete set of six, full OG, NH, F/VF
100.00 |
1855 | ** | 353a | 1927, A. Popov, inverted "8" in red surcharge 8k on 7k blue, full OG, NH, VF
100.00 |
1856 | ** | 359-65, 366-72 | 1927, surcharge 8k on postage due stamps, two complete sets, printed on ordinary or watermarked paper, blocks of four, some with sheet margins, full OG, NH, mostly VF
300.00 |
1857 | U | 359a, 360, 363 var | 1927, 1k red, 2k violet and 8k green, surcharge (type I) 8k on postage due stamps, perforation 12, basic stamps are litho printing, postally used, F/VF
500.00 |
1858 | ** | 360 var | 1927, surcharge (type II) 8k on 2k violet, typo printing, full OG, NH, VF
100.00 |
1859 | U | 361, 365 var | 1927, 3k light blue, 14k brown, surcharge (type II) 8k on postage due stamps, perforation 14, basic stamps are litho printing, postally used, F/VF
200.00 |
1860 | * | 367 var | 1927, surcharge (type II) 8k on 2k violet, printed on watermarked paper, full OG, previously hinged, VF
100.00 |
1861 | ** | 368 var | 1927, surcharge (type I) 8k on 3k light blue, printed on watermarked paper, inverted "P" in "Pochtovaia" variety, full OG, NH, VF
150.00 |
1862 | ** | 368 var | 1927, surcharge (type II) 8k on 3k light blue, printed on watermarked paper, full OG, NH, VF
100.00 |
1863 | * | 369 var | 1927, inverted surcharge (type II) 8k on 7k orange, printed on watermarked paper, full OG, LH, VF
150.00 |
1864 | (*) | 374 var | 1927, Zamenhof, 14k yellow green and brown, perforation 10, fresh, unused, expertly regummed, F/VF
100.00 |
1865 | ** | 375-81 | 1927, 10th Anniversary of October Revolution, complete set of seven, full OG, NH, F/VF
100.00 |
1866 | ** | 375 var | 1927, 10th Anniversary of October Revolution, 3k carmine red, stamp with significantly misplaced perforation, full OG, NH, VF
75.00 |
1867 | * | 377a | 1927, 10th Anniversary of October Revolution, 7k myrtle green, perforation 11, full OG, LH, VF
75.00 |
1868 | ** | 402-05, 405 var | 1928, 10th Anniversary of the Red Army, complete set of four, in addition horizontal pair of 28k, right stamp with thick "c" variety, full OG, NH (common stamp of the pair is LH), VF
100.00 |
1869 | ** | 402a | 1928, soldier 8k brown, right sheet margin imperforated horizontal pair, fresh and nice, full OG, NH, VF and scarce
1000.00 |
1870 | ** | 406-08, var | 1928-29, Lenin, 3r-10r, complete set of three, perforation 10 1/2, in addition 5r and 10r with perforation 10, full OG, NH, F/VF
100.00 |
1871 | ** | 408 var | 1928, Lenin, 10r indigo blue, watermark lozenges, perforation 10 1/2x12 1/2, bottom sheet margin copy, full OG, NH, fine and rare, Mi #360D
1500.00 |
1872 | ** | 413-26 | 1929-31, the third regular issue, 1k-80k, complete set of 14, vertical position of watermark, full OG, NH, F/VF, Mi #365AX-77AX
500.00 |
1873 | ** | 413-26 | 1929-31, the third regular issue, 1k-80k, complete set of 14, horizontal position of watermark, full OG, NH, F/VF, Mi #365AY-77AY
300.00 |
1874 | ** | 413, var | 1929, worker 1k orange, block of four, top right stamp with a dot after "1" variety, slight red ink offset on reverse, full OG, NH, VF, Mi #365 III
100.00 |
1875 | * | 429 var | 1930, Iron Furnace, 20k green, joined "M" and "A" in "Mashin" variety, full OG, VLH, VF, Mi #381 I
75.00 |
1876 | ** | 431-34, var | 1930, 1st Cavalry Army, complete set of four, vertical position of watermark, in addition complete set of three (2k-10k) with horizontal watermark, full OG, NH, F/VF, Mi #385X-88X, 385Y-87Y
100.00 |
1877 | ** | 436-37, var | 1930, 1r dark blue and 3r green and brown, complete set of three, including 3r with perforation 12x12 1/2 and L12 1/2, full OG, NH, VF
100.00 |
1878 | U | 437 var | 1930, Volkhov Power Station, 3r green and brown, center is strongly shifted to the left, neat postal cancellation, VF
200.00 |
1879 | ** | 438-40 | 1930, Revolution of 1905, two perforated sets of three, horizontal and vertical positions of watermark, full OG, NH, F/VF
100.00 |
1880 | ** | 452-54 | 1930, Revolution of 1905, imperforated complete set in horizontal pairs, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $126 as hinged singles
100.00 |
1881 | * | 469, var | 1931, Telegraph 1r dark blue, raster vertical diamonds, two stamps with horizontal and vertical position of watermark, full OG, LH or hinged, VF, Mi #392D Xs, Ys
100.00 |
1882 | * | 470/572 | 1932-35, Gorki, Marx (2 sets), Mendeleev (2 sets), Spartacist Games, Engels and Iranian Arts (2 sets), the total is nine complete sets, fresh, full OG or unused, expertly regummed, F/VF, C.v. $1,540
300.00 |
1883 | ** | 472-78, 474 var | 1932-33, 15th Anniversary of October Revolution, complete set of seven, in addition stamp of 10k with perforation L12 1/2, full OG, NH, F/VF
150.00 |
1884 | * | 472-78 | 1932-33, 15th Anniversary of October Revolution, complete set of seven, full OG, LH or hinged, F/VF, C.v. $173.70
75.00 |
1885 | ** | 487-88, 487 var | 1933, Leningrad Philatelic Exhibition, complete set of two, in addition 30k with horizontal position of watermark, full OG, NH, VF, Mi #427 X,Y, 428 X
300.00 |
1886 | ** | 489-509 | 1933, Ethnographic issue, complete set of 21, all are sheet margin copies, full OG, NH, mostly VF and scarce premium quality set, C.v. $750
500.00 |
1887 | ** | 493 var | 1933, Tungus 5k brown lilac, vertical position of watermark, full OG, NH, VF
150.00 |
1888 | * | 498 var | 1933, Nenets 10k black brown, horizontal position of watermark, full OG, LH, VF
200.00 |
1889 | ** | 518 var | 1933, Order of the Red Banner, 20k multicolored, bottom left corner margin copy, yellow color is considerably shifted to the left, full OG, NH, VF
150.00 |
1890 | ** | 519-23 | 1933, Baku Commissars, complete set of five, usual full original uneven gum, NH, VF, C.v. $500
200.00 |
1891 | **/* | 519-23 | 1933, Baku Commissars, complete set of five, full original uneven gum, NH or very light trace of hinge (20k and 35k), appears completely NH, VF, C.v. $197.50
100.00 |
1892 | ** | 524-28 | 1934, Lenin Mausoleum, complete set of five, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $300
150.00 |
1893 | * | 524a-25a | 1934, Lenin Mausoleum, 5k brown and 10k slate blue, imperforated complete set of two, nice margins all around, full OG, LH, VF
1500.00 |
1894 | * | 524-28, 529-30 | 1934, Lenin Mausoleum and Ivan Fedorov, two complete sets, the total is seven stamps, full OG, LH or hinged, mostly VF, C.v. $199.50
100.00 |
1895 | ** | 529-30 | 1934, Ivan Fedorov, complete set of two, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $150
75.00 |
1896 | * | 529a | 1934, Ivan Fedorov, 20k carmine, right sheet margin imperforated horizontal pair, full OG, very light trace of hinged, VF
1000.00 |
1897 | ** | 536-39 | 1934, Dmitry Mendeleev, complete set of four, full OG, NH, mostly VF, C.v. $750
200.00 |
1898 | ** | 539 var | 1934, Dmitry Mendeleev, 20k ultra, horizontal position of watermark, full OG, NH, VF and scarce
300.00 |
1899 | ** | 540-45 | 1934, First Decade without Lenin, complete set of six, insignificant gum inclusion spots on four stamps, full OG, NH, VF appearance, C.v. $500
150.00 |
1900 | * | 540-45 | 1934, First Decade without Lenin, complete set of six, full OG, LH or hinged, VF, C.v. $199
150.00 |
1901 | * | 546-50 | 1935, Anti-War Propaganda issue, complete set of five, full OG, LH or hinged, VF, C.v. $515
200.00 |
1902 | * | 551-54 | 1935, Moscow Subway, complete set of four, full OG, LH or hinged, VF, C.v. $460
200.00 |
1903 | * | 555-58, 569-72 | 1935, Engels and Iranian Arts, two complete sets, full OG, LH or hinged, VF, C.v. $200
100.00 |
1904 | ** | 559-68 | 1935, Moscow Spartacist Games, complete set of ten, nice set in every respect, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $1,000
500.00 |
1905 | U | 564 var | 1935, Bicycling, 10k red and violet, a wavy line in front of "CCCP" variety (position 11), neat cancellation, fresh, VF, Mi #518 I
250.00 |
1906 | **/* | 580a-82a var | 1935, Revolutionary Heroes, complete set of three, perforation 14, all with horizontal position of watermark, full OG, NH or LH (40k), F/VF
300.00 |
1907 | ** | 583a-88a | 1936, Pioneers Helping Post, complete set of six, perforation 11, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $150
100.00 |
1908 | ** | 590-95 | 1937, Alexander Pushkin, complete set in sheet margin blocks of four, 10k, 80k and 1r have perforation 11x12 1/2, all others perforation 12 1/2, full OG, NH, F/VF
400.00 |
1909 | ** | 590-94 var | 1937, Alexander Pushkin, complete set of five, printed on ordinary paper, all are sheet margin copies, full OG, NH, VF
100.00 |
1910 | U | 590 var | 1937, Alexander Pushkin, 10k yellow brown, perforation 12 1/2x14, left sheet margin block of four, CTO with full OG, VF, Mi #549Gx, ?1,000++
200.00 |
1911 | ** | 602a | 1937, Architectural Congress, 30k dark gray, perforation 11, right sheet margin copy, full OG, NH, F/VF
100.00 |
1912 | * | 603a var | 1937, Architectural Congress, souvenir sheet of four, text is strongly shifted to the top, full OG, LH, VF
200.00 |
1913 | ** | 615A | 1937, soldier 5k orange brown, printed on paper without watermark, block of four, full OG, NH, VF
600.00 |
1914 | ** | 616 var | 1938, farm worker 10k dark blue, perforation L12 1/2, left sheet margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF
100.00 |
1915 | * | 617A imp | 1937, peasant 20k green, four side margin imperforated copy, full OG, previously hinged, VF, Mi #680 IAU
500.00 |
1916 | ** | 629-35 | 1938, 20th Anniversary of the Red Army, complete set of seven, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $85
75.00 |
1917 | ** | 634 var | 1938, 20th Anniversary of the Red Army, 80k black and red, large size stamp, printed on ordinary paper, minor inclusions, full OG, NH, F/VF
100.00 |
1918 | ** | 636-39 | 1938, First Trans-Polar Flight, complete set of four, all are sheet margin copies, including 10k with watermark "1" on margin, full OG, NH, VF
100.00 |
1919 | ** | 640-42 | 1938, Second Trans-Polar Flight, two complete sets of three from different issues, full OG, NH, F/VF, Mi #599-601 I, II
100.00 |
1920 | ** | 647-58 | 1937-38, Coat of Arms of the Soviet Republics, complete set of 12, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $350
100.00 |
1921 | ** | 659-65 | 1938, Child Welfare, complete set of seven, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $150
75.00 |
1922 | ** | 678-86 | 1938, Balloons and Planes, complete set of nine, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $250
150.00 |
1923 | ** | 693-97 | 1938, Young Communists, complete set of five, stamp of 50k has tiny natural inclusion, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $175
60.00 |
1924 | ** | 713/62 | 1939 Year, eight complete issues, the total is 34 stamps, fresh, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $455
300.00 |
1925 | ** | 715 var | 1939, World Fair in New York, 50k blue and brown, small size (32.5x21.5mm) stamp, right sheet margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF, Mi #694 AII
150.00 |
1926 | ** | 734-36 var | 1939, 5k red, 15k gray green, 30k blue, complete set of three, perforation L12 1/2, full OG, NH, F/VF
100.00 |
1927 | ** | 734-36 var | 1939, 5k red, 15k gray green and 30k dark blue, complete set of three, perforation L12 1/2, blocks of four, blocks of 5k and 15k with top right corner margins, the last one has tiny toned spots, still fresh, full OG, NH, F/VF
500.00 |
1928 | ** | 736 var | 1947, aviator 30k dark blue, offset printing, bottom sheet margin copy, imperforated at the bottom between stamp and margin, minor gum crease, full OG, NH, VF appearance
100.00 |
1929 | ** | 743 | 1939, surcharge 30k on 4k claret, bottom sheet margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $140
75.00 |
1930 | ** | 743 var | 1939, strongly shifted to the right surcharge 30k on 4k claret, insignificant gum soiling, full OG, NH, VF appearance
75.00 |
1931 | ** | 763/816 | 1940 Year, eight complete sets, the total 39 stamps, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $455
300.00 |
1932 | ** | 763-66 var | 1940, Anton Chekhov, complete set of four, including stamp of 30k with raster vertical diamond, full OG, NH, VF
100.00 |
1933 | ** | 772-75 var | 1940, Ice-Breaker "Sedov", complete set of four, including 30k with raster horizontal diamond, full OG, NH, F/VF
100.00 |
1934 | * | 777 var | 1940, V. Mayakovski, 30k red brown, comb perforation 12x12 1/2, full OG, LH, F/VF
75.00 |
1935 | ** | 784-88, var | 1940, Physical Culture Day, complete set of five, perforation L12 1/2, in addition stamp of 15k with the same perforation and raster horizontal diamond, full OG, NH, F/VF
100.00 |
1936 | ** | 794-810 | 1940, All-Union Agriculture Exhibition, complete set of 17, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $175
100.00 |
1937 | U | 801-08 | 1940, Agriculture Exhibition, four se-tenant pair, including one with gutter in the middle, CTO with full OG, VF
100.00 |
1938 | ** | 817-22, var | 1941, Industrialization issue, complete set of six in vertical pairs, perforation L12 1/2, full OG, NH, F/VF, Mi #786C-91C
200.00 |
1939 | ** | 824-31A, var | 1941, 23rd Anniversary of the Red Army, two complete sets, perforation L12 1/2 and comb 12x12 1/2 (12 1/2x12) respectively, full OG, NH, F/VF
150.00 |
1940 | ** | 838-40 | 1941, Zhukovski, complete set in sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
75.00 |
1941 | ** | 842 var | 1941, Karelian Finnish Republic, 45k dark green, smooth scroll variety, full OG, NH, VF, Mi #849As
200.00 |
1942 | ** | 845-49 | 1941, V. Surikov, complete set of five, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $250
100.00 |
1943 | ** | 850-51 | 1941, M. Lermontov, complete set of two in horizontal pairs, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $250
100.00 |
1944 | ** | 852-55, 854 var | 1941-42, Lenin Museum, complete set of five, including stamp of 45k with comb perforation, full OG, NH, F/VF
100.00 |