Lots 236 - 241, Catalogue of Auction #83 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
236 **/*   413-26, 456-67, var

Third Definitive Issue

1929-31, 1k-3r, 1k-1r, over 580 mint perforated and imperforated stamps and four covers, singles, pairs and blocks, numerous watermark varieties, 25 stamps with perforation 10 1/2, including one fantailof1k, imperforated blocks of 4k and 15k, raster vertical diamonds on 1r, comb perforation on 3r in block and more, all housed on Lindner hingeless pages, fresh quality, full OG, NH or LH/hinged, F/VF
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237  420 var
1929, Lenin 14k dark blue, perforation 10, nicely centered, full OG, VLH, VF
238 **   436-37
1930, Telegraph Building, 1r deep blue, perforation 10 1/4, watermark Lozenges, raster square, Volkhov Power Station, 3r yellow green and dark brown, perforation 12 1/4, watermark Borders and Rosettes, two high values in sheet margin unfolded blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
239 **   437 var
1930, Volkhov Power Station, 3r yellow green and dark brown, perforation 12 1/4, center is significantly shifted to the right, left sheet margin unfolded block of four, full OG, NH, F/VF centering
240 **   456-67
1931-32, 1k-1r, imperforated complete set of nine, blocks of four, nice and fresh quality unit, full OG, NH, VF and scarce multiples, N. Mandrovski certificate for the high value block
241 **   467
1931-32, Telegraph Building, 1r deep blue, top left corner sheet margin imperforated block of four, minor usual gum waves, nice condition, full OG, NH, VF

Raritan Stamps, Inc