Lots 256 - 258, Catalogue of Auction #83 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
256 **   479

10th Anniversary of the International Revolutionaries' Aid Association (MOPR) Issue

1932, 50k deep red, bottom left corner sheet margin unfolded block of four, full OG, NH, VF
257 **   479, var
1932, 50k deep red, unfolded block of four, bottom left stamp with broken bars at left variety, full OG, NH, F/VF centering
258  479 var
1932, 50k deep red, two stamps of different shades and thickness of the text at bottom, in addition horizontal pair of non-postal stamp of 50k, mentioned in certificate as proof of that issue, full OG, LH, VF, N. Mandrovski certificate for "proofs"
Click here to see the certificate

Raritan Stamps, Inc