Lots 288 - 300, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

New South Wales
Lot   Cat.#
288  63c
1881-92, Queen Victoria, 3p yellow green, engraved printing, watermark Large Crown and NSW, a single imperforate vertically with horizontal perforation 10, a part of adjoining stamp at right, large part of OG, VF, SG #226da, C.v. £700 for horizontal pair imperf vertically
289 (*)   70, var
1886, Queen Victoria, 1p scarlet, bottom sheet margin imprint horizontal strip of three with misplaced comb perforation 11x12, watermark N S W is on two right stamps only, left one has no watermark variety, full OG on margins, stamps have just traces of gum, mostly VF and scarce, Est. $400-$500
290  96b var
1899, Queen Victoria, albino surcharge "nine cents" on 10p dull brown, perforation 12x11 1/2, watermark Large Crown and NSW, large part of OG, hinged, F/VF, SG #309b, £275
Official stamps
Lot   Cat.#
291  O13 var
1882-85, black "O S" overprint on Queen Victoria 2p blue, perforation 11x12, watermark Large Crown and NSW, block of four with a gap of horizontal perforation, bottom right stamp with 8.5mm instead of 7mmspace between "O" and "S" (position R.4/4), large part of OG, previously hinged, VF and rare multiple, NPC certificate, SG #O21c, Est. $400-$500
292  O14 var
1895, Special Printing of red "O S" overprint (type II, space 5.5mm) on 3c green, perforation 10, inverted watermark Large Crown and NSW, neat three-oval cancel "NSW" at top right, F/VF and very rare, only 1000stamps were prepared, 900 cancelled with NSW, of which only 158 stamps were sold and others destroyed, K. Ceremuga certificate, SG #O24 var, Est. $500-$600
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Lot   Cat.#
293  1
1860, Queen Victoria, 1p carmine rose, imperforate single with Large Star watermark, full four side margins, a part of large dotted cancellation, F/VF, C.v. $775, SG #1, £800
294 (*)   3
1860, Queen Victoria, 6p green, imperforate single with Large Star watermark, close at top with large margins at three other sides and a part of adjoining stamp at foot, shallow thin in the middle, unused, no gum, fine and extremely rare stamp, K. Ceremuga certificate, C.v. $10,750, SG #3, C.v. £11,000
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295 **/*   31
1874, Queen Victoria, 1s violet, perforation 13, watermark Small Truncated Star, block of four, full OG, NH or VLH (top stamps), middle perforation shifted to the left, F/VF and rare multiple, NPC certificate, C.v. 1,800 as hinged singles, SG #73, C.v. £1,600++
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South Australia
Lot   Cat.#
296  47
1870, Queen Victoria, 6p Prussian blue, perforation 10x11 1/2, horizontal pair, strong color and perfect centering, large part of OG, previously hinged, VF and scarce in pair, NPC certificate, C.v. $850++, SG #105, C.v. £650
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297  57
1875, Queen Victoria, perforated De La Rue proof of 1p blue green, printed on paper without watermark, comb perforation 14, interpanneau block of 120 (6x10 + 6x10) with 20 winged stamps (wide margin at right or left),folded ones between 6th and 7th horizontal rows, insignificant marginal flaws, full OG, NH, VF and rare multiple, SG #154, Est. $1,000-$1,500
298 **   99, a
1893, Queen Victoria, brown surcharge "2 1/2d" on 4p green, perforation 15, watermark Crown SA, bottom right corner margin block of 30 (6x5), left stamp of the second row with "1/2" nearer to"2" (position 7/7 of a complete sheet), full OG, NH, VF and rare multiple, NPC certificate, C.v. $2,020 as hinged singles, SG #233, b, C.v. £1,870++
Lot   Cat.#
299  150a
1886, Queen Victoria, 4p lilac, error of color (printed in color of 2p), perforation 12 1/2, V and Crown watermark, partial postal cancellation, some perf irregularities at top and bottom left corner crease, still fine and collectible quality of this very rare stamp, K. Ceremuga certificate, C.v. $1,750, SG #300b, £1,700
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300 ** B  219 var
1904-09, Queen Victoria, 1p rose red, perforation 12x12 1/2, watermark Crown and Double Lined A, bottom right corner sheet margin booklet pane of 30 (6x5), JBC monogram at the bottom edge, full OG, NH, VF and rare, £1 booklet (C.v. £22,000) contains 240 values of 1p in four panes of 30 and two panes of 60, Est. $600-$700

Raritan Stamps, Inc