Lots 310 - 316, Catalogue of Auction #83 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
310 **/*   583-88, a, var

Pioneers Helping Post Issue

1936, 1k-15k, perforation 14 or 11, 74 mostly mint stamps, including 12 blocks of four, two fantails, numerous stamps printed on "cotton" paper, among better a single and pair of 3k (perf 14 or 11),a single of 15k (perf 14), several plate varieties, compound perforation (no guarantee) and more, full OG, mainly NH, F/VF
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2, 3, 4
311 **   583-88, var
1936, 1k-15k, perforation 14, complete set of six in unfolded blocks of four, stamps of 2k, 3k and 15k - on "cotton" paper, perfect quality unit, full OG, NH, VF
312  583 var
1936, Preventing Theft from a Mailbox, 1k yellow green, perforation 14, left sheet margin single with partial stamp design printed on the edge, imperforated on the left, CTO with full OG, VF and a beautiful piece
313  587 var
1936, Helping to Recover Kite, 10k gray blue, perforation 14, right sheet margin single, imperforated on the right, CTO with full OG, VF
314 **   585a var
1936, Preventing Property Destruction, 3k slate blue, perforation 11, unfolded block of four printed on "cotton" paper (design partially shown on reverse due to porous paper), full OG, NH, VF
315 **   586a, var
1936, Preventing Property Destruction, 5k rose lake, vertical pair, top stamp has perforation 11, while bottom ones has perforation 11x11x14x11 (position 3/6 of nine-stamp setting), full OG, NH, VF and very scarce, especially in pair
316  587a var
1936, Helping to Recover Kite, 10k gray blue, perforation 11, left sheet margin single with a part of stamp design on the edge, imperforated on the left, neatly cancelled, VF

Raritan Stamps, Inc