Lots 373 - 399, Catalogue of Auction #83 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
373 **   706-12

Issues of 1939 and Definitive Issue of 1939-47

Reconstruction of Moscow Issue

1939, 10k-1r, complete set in blocks of four, most with sheet or corner margins, bottom left stamp of 80k has 2mm repaired tear at left, 1r is folded along vertical perforation, still nice quality, full OG, NH, VF
Click here to see Part 2
374  706 var
1939, View of Gorky Street, 10k brown, printed on ordinary paper, full OG, LH, VF and scarce, Raritan Stamps guarantee, ex-the Matvil Collection
375  710 var
1939, Moskvoretsky Bridge, 50k rose lake on brown red network, printed on ordinary paper, nicely centered, CTO with full OG, VF and scarce
376  718-20 imp

Non-Stop Flight to Far East Issue

1939, 15k green, 30k brown violet and 60k red, imperforated complete set of three, four-side margins all around, full OG, previously hinged, VF and rare, only 50 complete sets possible, Raybaudi certificate
377 **/*   724-33, var

Agriculture Exhibition Issue

1939, 270 mint stamps, including 48 different blocks of four, 50k in a half sheet of 50, representing two complete sets in blocks, numerous perforation and raster varieties, clean quality, full OG, NH or LH/hinged, F/VF
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378 **   724-33, var
1939, 10k-1r, 16 unfolded blocks of four, including 12 blocks with line perforation and 4 with comb perforation, nice condition, full OG, NH, mostly VF
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2, 3
379 **   726 var
1939, Shepherd and Flock of Sheep, 20k indigo, perforation L12 1/2, raster vertical diamonds, full OG, NH, F/VF centering of this very scarce stamp
380 **   727
1939, Main Pavilion, 30k purple, horizontal gutter block of four, folded once along vertical perforation, nice quality, full OG, NH, VF
381  728 var
1939, Exhibition Emblem, 30k orange, comb perforation 12 1/2x12, raster is clearly vertical at the top and middle of stamp and horizontal at the bottom, full OG, very light trace of hinge, VF and an interesting variety
Click here to see enlarged image
382 **/*   713/43a

Definitive Issues

1939-47, 674 mostly mint (about 20 used) stamps, including four complete sheets of 100, representing Steel Founder with two blocks of four and imperforated single (expertly regummed), Miner-Soldier-Aviator, numerous blocks of four with perforation L12 1/2, range of surcharges 30k on 4k claret, some offset stamps and etc., nice quality unit, full OG, NH or LH/hinged
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383  713a
1939, steel founder 15k dark blue, top sheet margin imperforated single, a beautiful stamp in every respect, full OG, VLH mainly on margin, VF and scarce
384 **   734a-36a
1939, miner 5k red, soldier 15k green and aviator 30k blue, perforation L12 1/2, two complete sets in unfolded blocks of four, 5k and 15k of different shades, 30k - on white or grayish paper, full OG, NH, VF
385 **   734a
1939, miner 5k red, perforation L12 1/2, three-side margin block of 50 (10x5) from the bottom part of a sheet, nice and unfolded, full OG, NH, VF
386 **   734 imp
1939, miner 5k red, horizontal imperforated pair, nice margins all around, right stamp has slight gum wave without creasing, perfect condition, full OG, NH, VF and extremely rare, one of three known imperforated pairs of that issue, Raritan Stamps guarantee, this pair was sold in our Auction #69 for $11,500, including premium (Lot #857)
387 **   735 var
1947, soldier 15k gray green, offset printing, top right corner sheet margin unfolded block of four, a part of violet post office seal on reverse (applied in December of 1947 on time of monetary reform in Soviet Union), full OG, NH,F/VF centering
388  735 var
1947, soldier 15k gray green, offset printing, comb perforation, left sheet margin single imperforated on the left, full OG, LH on margin only (stamp is NH), VF
389  736 var
1939, aviator 30k deep blue, typo printing, comb perforation, left sheet margin single imperforated on the left, full OG, LH mainly on margin, VF
390 **   736 imp
1939, aviator 30k deep blue, typo printing, enlarged margins imperforated single, nice and post office fresh, full OG, NH, VF and rare undervalued stamp
391 **/*   736 var
1946, aviator 30k blue, litho printing, horizontal pair, left stamp with "OCCP" variety (position 51), full OG, NH (right stamp has uneven gum and considered to be hinged), VF and very rare
392 **   736 var
1947, aviator 30k gray blue, offset printing, comb perforation, top left corner sheet margin single imperforated on the left, vertical perforation on left edge in 12mm from the stamp, full OG, NH (LH on top margin only), VF and an eye-catching piece
393  736 var
1947, aviator 30k gray blue, offset printing, left sheet margin horizontal pair with large opened pre-printing paper fold, right stamp is wider for 10-12mm then a common one and has two extra vertical perforation lines, perf toning spot in the middle, still fresh, full OG, LH, VF and a spectacular item
394 **   737 imp
1943, Coat of Arms, 60k brick red, horizontal imperforated pair, flawless condition in every respect, full OG, NH, VF, a rarity, just another imperforated pair is recorded, N. Mandrovski certificate, this pair had been sold in our Auction #69 for $13,800, including a premium (Lot #859)
395 **   743, a
1939, black surcharge 30k on farm worker 4k claret, two corner margin unfolded blocks of four, printed on watermarked and unwatermarked paper, perfect centering, full OG, NH, VF
396 **   745-48

Mikhail Saltykov-Schedrin Issue

1939, 15k-60k, complete set in sheet or corner margin unfolded blocks of four (folded once between bottom stamps and margin), full OG, NH, VF
397 **   757-59

Mikhail Lermontov Issue

1939, 15k-45k, complete set in unfolded blocks of four, 30k and 40k have corner or sheet margins, full OG, NH, VF
398 **   760-62

Nikolay Chernyshevsky Issue

1939, 15k-60k, comb perforation, complete set in unfolded blocks of four, including two blocks of 30k with raster horizontal or vertical diamonds, three blocks with sheet margins, full OG, NH, VF
399 **/*   706/62, var

Collection of 1939 Year

About 200 mint stamps and one cover, representing nine different issues in singles, pairs and blocks, including five Sanatoria fantails, some perforation and raster varieties, fresh condition overall, mainly full OG (several blocks are regummed), NH or LH/hinged, F/VF, SC. v. 260,000P as NH
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Raritan Stamps, Inc