Lots 511 - 516, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
511 **   19 var
1901, Valletta Harbor, 1/4p red brown, top sheet margin block of four with sideways reversed watermark Crown CA, full OG, NH, VF and scarce never hinged multiple, SG #31x, C.v. £192 as hinged singles
512 **   28 var
1905, Valletta Harbor, 1/4p red brown, top right corner sheet margin block of four with sideways watermark Multiple Crown CA (Crown to left of CA) variety, full OG, NH, VF, SG #45w, C.v. £100 as hinged singles
513 **   131-47
1926-27, King George V, St. Paul, Scenes, 1/4p-10s, complete set of 17, inscribed "Postage", watermark Multiple Script CA, sheet margin blocks of four, three high values with corner margins, full OG, NH, mostly VF and rare set of blocks, C.v. $811++, SG #157/72, C.v.£680 as hinged singles
View Part 2.
514 **   186, var
1935, Silver Jubilee, 6p olive green and light blue, bottom left corner sheet margin block of four, top left stamp with Extra Flagstaff variety (position R. 9/1), full OG, NH, VF, SG #212, a, C.v.£201 as hinged singles
View enlarged fragment.
515 **   187, var
1935, Silver Jubilee, 1s lilac and slate, bottom sheet margin vertical pair, top stamp with Extra Flagstaff variety (position R9/1), full OG. NH, VF, SG #213, a, C.v. £442 as hinged singles
View enlarged fragment.
516 **   203 var
1938-43, King George VI and Statue of Neptune, 2s6p red and black, damaged value tablet variety, translucent one tip of perforation at the top is mentioned for accuracy, full OG, NH, VF, SG #229a, C.v. £400, Est. $200-$300

Raritan Stamps, Inc