Lots 566 - 577, Catalogue of Auction #83 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
566 **   1550-51

Issues of 1951

1951, Stockholm Peace Conference, 40k and 1r, complete set in unfolded bottom right corner sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
567 **   1568-83
1951, Russian Scientists, 40k in various colors, complete set of 16, original printings, unfolded blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
Click here to see Part 2
568 **   1568-83
1951, Russian Scientists, 40k in various colors, complete set of 16, re-issue of 1955-56, unfolded blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
Click here to see Part 2
569 **   1568 var
1951, Aleksandr Butlerov, 40k orange red on bluish paper, raster horizontal diamonds, re-issue of 1956, full OG, NH, VF and scarce
570 **   1583 var
1951, Pavel Yablochkov, 40k brownish black, raster horizontal diamonds, re-issue of 1956, full OG, NH, VF
571 **   1583 var
1951, Pavel Yablochkov, 40k brownish black, raster horizontal diamonds, unfolded block of four from the re- issue of 1956, full OG, NH, VF
572 **   1584-85
1951, Russian Composers, 40k gray and 40k brown on pinkish paper, two unfolded blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
573 **   1594-95, var
1951, Victor Vasnetsov, 40k and 1r, two complete sets in unfolded sheet margin blocks of four, original printing and re-issue of 1956, full OG, NH, VF
574  1594 var
1951, Victor Vasnetsov, 40k dark blue, brown and buff, bottom right corner sheet margin single, imperforated at the bottom, CTO with full OG, VF
575 **   1605-09
1951, Czechoslovak Republic, 20k-1r, complete set of five in unfolded blocks of four, 20k and 1r with sheet margins, 40k has very slight gum disturbance at the bottom, full OG, NH, VF
576 **   1610-11 var
1951, Volkhov Power Station, 40k and 1r, yellow color omitted on each stamp, bottom left corner sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF and beautiful set of matched blocks, N. Mandrovski certificate for each block
577 **   1610 var
1951, Volkhov Power Station, 40k dark blue, gray and yellow, bottom left corner sheet margin block of four, each stamp with yellow color strongly shifted to the top, full OG, NH, VF

Raritan Stamps, Inc