Lots 579 - 581, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
     Days of Philatelists and Collectors
1928-36, 13 artist's stationery postcards of 1928 (1), 1931 (5), 1934 (2), 1936 (5), all are different (cards with the same picture side have different pre-printed stamps), 10 cards by artist L. Hesshaimer and 3 - by artist J. Kriwer, all with special cancellations, mostly VF, Est. $300-$400
Click the numbers below to see additional images:
2, 3, 4, 5
580 **   556 imp
1950, Costume of Vienna, 10s gray, left sheet margin imperforate block of four of the high value, printed on grayish paper, full original vertically placed gum, NH, VF, ANK #923U, €880 as singles
581 **   697 var
1962, The Beethoven House, 2.20s green, block of four, imperforate vertically and horizontally between stamps, perforated 13 3/4 at top and bottom only, full OG, NH, VF and scarce multiple, ANK #1103 var, Est. $400-$500

Raritan Stamps, Inc