Lots 598 - 599, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

The 1st Seym of Carpatho-Ukraine
Lot   Cat.#
598 **   1 footnote
1939, View of Yasinya, Czechoslovak stamp with text at top "Karpats'ka Ukraina", 3k ultra, group of eight positional pieces, including three singles with blank labels at top, bottom or corner margins, one vertical right sheet margin pair, two blocks of three with labels and two corner blocks of four, plate No. 1, 1A, post office fresh quality, full OG, NH, VF
599    1 footnote
1939 (March 15), Opening of the First Seym, three official covers and one large size postcard, each one with pre- printed view of Yasinya and text "Sessions of the First Seym of "Carpatho-Ukraine". Chust 1939", all with Czech stamps franking and special red ds, VF, Est. $200-$300
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Raritan Stamps, Inc