Lots 610 - 668, Catalogue of Auction #73 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
610 **   137d, 138c

Imperial Arms designs issued in the Soviet Period

1919, 3.50r maroon and green, 7r green and pink, printed on paper with horizontal varnish lines, corner sheet margin blocks of four, perfect quality in every respect, full OG, NH, VF and extremely rare marginal multiples, SC #R08- 09
611  138c
1919, 7r green and rose, printed on paper with horizontal varnish lines, horizontal imperforated pair with enlarged margin on the left, Borisoglebsk postal cancellation, fresh quality, VF and very scarce, especially in used condition, SC #R09
612 **   

For Mailman

1918, "According to agreement between sender and addressee, last one pays 10kop to mailman delivered this letter", 10k black on orange paper, nice and flawless, no gum as issued, NH, VF
613 **   149a-50a

Sword Breaking Chain issue
Imperforated Corner Sheet Margin Blocks of Four

1918, 35k ultramarine and 70k brown, top left or top right corner margin blocks of four respectively, minimal usual gum waves mentioned for accuracy only, nice and fresh quality, full OG, NH, VF and extremely rare, especially for block of 70k, only three of those are recorded and this one the only known with corner sheet margins, SC #1-2 Pa
614  149 var
1918, 35k ultramarine, horizontal perforation is strongly misplaced, full OG, VLH and fine single, SC #1 var
615  149a
1918, 35k ultramarine, bottom sheet margin horizontal imperforated pair, tiny marginal gum wrinkles, fresh quality, full OG, previously hinged, VF, SC #1 Pa
616 **   150 var
1918, 70k brown, top sheet margin single, imperforated at the top, pin-point natural paper inclusion on the right, full OG, NH, VF, SC #2 Pb
617  149-50
1918, 35k ultra and 70k brown, complete set of two, each stamp with a part of letter "A" and "Z" for "Obrazets", full OG, very light trace of hinge, appearing NH, VF and scarce
618 */U   87g, 137b-38b, 149-50, var

Collection of Imperial Arms designs and "Sword Breaking Chain" issues

1918-19, about 350 mostly mint stamps and 13 postal history items, including three proofs of 1r, some varieties, multiples and numerous cancellations of 1r, 3.50r and 7r, two complete sheets of 35k and 70k, color shades in light blue and dark brown respectively, all the material neatly arranged on well-described pages, minor flaws possible, generally nice quality unit, full/part of OG or used, F/VF
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619  177-80, 187

The First Definitive issue

1921, 1r-40r, complete set of five, each stamp with part of letters "OBR" for "Obrazets", full OG, VLH, VF and scarce, SC #3-7
620 */U   177-80, 187


1921, 34 mint and used (5) stamps, including some color shades, watermark varieties on 40r values, three proofs (all are large size) and reproductions of "Liberated Proletarian" essays, as well as two covers(sent locally in Petrograd in October-December of 1921), fresh quality overall, full OG or used, F/VF, SC #3-7, var
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621  181-86

The Second Definitive issue

1921, 100r-1000r, complete set of six, printed on ordinary paper, 100r with a partial letter "O" of perfin, all others with red letters of overprint "Obrazets", full OG, LH, VF, SC #8-13
622 */U   181-86, var


1921, 407 mint and used (50%) stamps, representing all paper varieties, nice range of color shades, some interesting cancellations, including two stamps with local perforation of Vladimir Lager' (250r) and Rostov (1000r), typo printing of 250r in block of four, one proof of 250r in black (defected), in addition three covers and two money transfers, mainly nice condition, full OG or used, mostly VF, SC #8-13, var
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623  188-90

4th Anniversary of the October Revolution issue

1921, 100r- 1000r, complete set of three, each with red letter as a part of "Obrazets" overprint, full OG, LH, VF, SC #14/17
624 */U   188-90, var


1921, 59 mint or used stamps in singles, pairs and blocks, including some shades and printing varieties, three stamps of unissued 200r (single and pair), in addition three covers, all are properly described on Collection pages, full OG or used, mostly VF, SC #14- 17, var
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625  195c

Black and Red Surcharges on the First Definitive issue

1922, error black surcharge 1.0000r on 40r slate, basic stamp is large size, full OG, LH, VF and scarce, SC #39 II Ka
626 **   200f
1922, carmine surcharge (with dots after Russian letters) 10,000r on 40r slate, basic stamp is large size, full OG, NH, VF, SC #33 II A
627  200f
1922, carmine surcharge (with dots after Russian letters) 10,000r on 40r slate, left sheet margin single is large size, full OG, VLH, VF, SC #33 II A
628  191/200
1922, black surcharges 5000r on 1r, 5r and 20r, red surcharges 5000r on 2r and 10,000r on 40r, set of five values, each one with part of red letters "OBR" for "Obrazets" overprint, full OG, LH, VF and scarce
629 */U   191-200, var


1922, 112 mint or used (22) stamps, representing five values with control marking on margin, including black surcharge 5000r/20r ultra on ordinary paper, numerous varieties, such as three black surcharges 10,000r/40r with 7mm-space, one red surcharge with dotted letters 10,000/40r, several attractive surcharge shifts and etc., nice condition overall, full/large part of OG or used, mainly VF
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630  201a var

Black Diagonal Surcharge 7500r

1922, double black diagonal and part of horizontal surcharge 7500r on 250r violet, printed on thin paper, full OG, previously hinged, VF
631  201
1922, black diagonal surcharge 7500r on 250r violet, printed on ordinary paper, red overprint "O" as a part of "Obrazets" overprint, full OG, LH, VF
632  201
1922, two trial impressions of diagonal black surcharge 7500r on thick gray paper, no gum as produced, VF and very scarce
633 */U   201, var


1922, 96 mostly mint stamps in singles, pairs and blocks printed on ordinary, thin or chalk-surfaced paper, including nine stamps with inverted surcharges, blue black surcharge on ordinary paper, some other varieties, all arranged on pages with professional description, generally nice group, full OG or used, VF
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634  202/06

"Proletarians of the World Unite" issue

1922, 5000r- 22,500r, set of four with red letter overprint as a part of "Obrazets", including stamp of 10,000r with watermark "diamonds", all others on paper without watermark, full OG, LH, mostly VF, SC #40/44
635 */U   202-06, var


1922, 47 mint or used (28) stamps in singles, pairs and blocks, several shade varieties, including 22,500r in pale violet, some interesting cancellations, fresh quality overall, full OG or used, mostly VF, SC #40- 44
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636  210

Black Diagonal Surcharge 100,000r

1922, black diagonal surcharge 100,000r on 250r violet, red letters "ZE" as a part of "Obrazets" overprint, full OG, NH, VF
637 */U   210 var


1922, 42 mint or used stamps in singles and blocks, some nice cancellations, variety of surcharges, in addition provisional surcharges of Nizhniy Novgorod and Serafimo-Diveyevskoye, the last one defected, mainly nice condition, full/part of OG or used, F/VF
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638 */U   211-15, C1

5th Anniversary of the October Revolution issue

1922, 60 mint or used stamps, including complete set with "Obrazets" overprint, three air post stamps (one cancelled on a piece), two stamps on gray paper, some interesting cancellations, fresh quality, full/part of OG or used, mostly VF, SC #59-63, 64
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639 */U   216/29 var

Soviet Star Surcharges

1922-23, 337 mint or used stamps in singles, pairs, strips and blocks, including five inverted and three double surcharges, three typo surcharges 30r on 50k, surcharges on gum side and many other varieties, all properly inscribed on Collection pages, full/large part of OG or used, F/VF or better
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640 **/*   233, var

Definitive issues of 1922-23

1922, soldier 100r orange, imperforated pane of 25 with error 70r on position 12, stamps of the bottom row has missing large part of the design, stamp on position 25 is completely omitted, double black handstamp "Zabrakovano" (Rejected), some creases and repaired tears on the right, nevertheless full OG, most NH, VF appearance of extremely rare item, SC #89 I
641  230-33
1922, 10r-100r, imperforated complete set of four, each stamp with red or blue letter as a part of "Obrazets" overprint, full OG, LH, VF, SC #87-90
642  238-41
1923, 1r-10r, perforated set of six, each stamp with a part or full letters in red or blue of "Obrazets" overprint, full OG, VLH, VF, SC #100-03, 0105-06
643  238a-41c
1923, 1r-20r, imperforated complete set of seven, including unissued 1r and 2r, with additional shades of 1r and 10r, the total is ten stamps, full OG, LH, VF, SC #0107 -13
644  240b
1923, peasant 5r blue, imperforated single with spectacular pre-printing paper fold, full OG, previously hinged, VF
645  241c fn
1923, soldier 20r, four essays, three perforated in gray, gray violet and black violet, one imperforated in black violet, full OG, LH, VF
646 */U   230-37, 238-41A var


1922-23, 436 mint and used (50%) stamps, including one single and two panes of 100r with error stamp of 70r, complete set 10r-100r with perforation 12 1/2, unissued 1r with perfin "O" (Obrazets), double impression of 5r and many other errors, fresh quality in general, full OG or used, mostly VF
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Postal Rates of the RSFSR

1918-23, over 400 used stamps in singles, pairs, strips, blocks and multiples, as well as six postal history items and two large parts of correspondences, representing all six existing tariffs change, some nice cancellations, especially four singles cancelled on October 25, 1917 (November 7) - the day of October Revolt, minor usual flaws should be expected, F/VF and interesting lot for a specialist
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648  B14-17

Semi-Postal RSFSR Issues

Volga Famine Relief issue

1921, 2250r in various colors, complete set of four, printed on ordinary paper, each value with a part of "Obrazets" overprint, full OG, LH, VF, SC #18-21
649    B15
1922, 2250r red, printed on ordinary paper used together with 14 other values on insured (value declare for 150r) cover from Novocherkassk to Kiev, all appropriate markings, arrival ds and wax seals, mostly VF
650 */U   B14-17, var


1921, 44 mint and used stamps, representing both types of stamps, printed on ordinary, thin (including one red and two green stamps, both NH) or thick paper, seven stamps have watermark "wavy lines" on edges and etc., nice condition, full OG or used, mostly VF and a beautiful unit, SC #18-21
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651  B23 var

Famine Relief Surcharged issue

1922, yellow surcharge 250r+250r on 35k light blue, basic stamp is color variety, centered to the bottom left, full OG, previously hinged, fine and very scarce, SC #27 var
652 */U   B18-23, var


1922, 69 mostly mint stamps, including black, blue, red and yellow surcharges on "Sword Breaking Chain" issue, including "100r+r100" variety, inverted surcharge, omitted dots of surcharge and many more, fresh condition overall, full OG or used, F/VF or better, SC #22-27, var
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653 **/*   B24-29

"Philately for the Children"

1922, black overprints on 1k- 10k, complete set of six, both 1k of the second printing, positions 3 and 8 respectively, all others from the first printing, full OG, NH (No.B24) or previously hinged, VF,SC #048-49, 50-53
654  B26 var
1922, strongly shifted to the bottom black overprint on 3k red, full OG, VLH, VF
655    B25-28
1922, black overprint on 2k-10k, set of four values used on pre-printed registered cover from Moscow to Saratov, appropriated Day of Philately "19-VIII-22" cancellation, postmarked on arrival, mostly VF
656  B29
1922, black overprint on 1k orange, imperforated single, the first printing, position 22, full OG, VLH, VF, Soviet Philatelic guarantee hs, SC #48

Balance of the Consignment

1922, six stamps (1k is a forgery), others are genuine stamps with nice plate varieties, such as omitted dash, wide "d", narrow "8", as well as five stationery items, arranged on a VARIO page, envelope has flap missing, otherwise F/VF
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658 */U   B30-33

Rostov-on-Don issue

1922, 2t-6t, unused complete set of four and five used values, some of them appearing dubious, fresh quality, no gum as produced, F/VF, SC #SI1-4
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659  B34-37

Postal Transports issue

1922, no value indicated, complete set of four, each stamp with two red letters as a part of overprint "Obrazets", full OG, LH, VF, SC #55-58
660 */U   B34-37, var


1922, 53 mint or used stamps, including pane of 25, representing paper and printing varieties, such as "RGFSR" or "ROFSR", in addition one cover, nice quality, full OG or used, mostly VF, SC #55-58, var
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661  B38-41

"Philately for the Labor"

1923, red proof surcharges "1r +1r", "2r+2r" and "4r+4r" on yellowish paper, no gum as produced, NH, VF and scarce
662  B40
1923, bronze trial surcharge "2r+2r" on a piece of yellowish paper, no gum as produced, NH, VF
663  B42
1923, silver trial surcharge "4r+4r" on a piece of yellowish paper, no gum as produced, NH, VF
664 */U   B38-42, var


1923, gold, bronze or silver surcharges on RSFSR definitive stamps, eight mint or used values, including mint bronze "1r+1r", used bronze "4r+4r" with spaced date variety and silver surcharges, gold "1r+1r"with basic stamp variety (position 4), in addition forgery of silver surcharge, as well as registered cover franked by four stamps of the set, nice quality, full OG, mainly LH or used, VF, SC #95-99, var
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665  C1

Air Post stamps

1922, red Airplane overprint on 45r green and black, printed on very thin paper, part of red letters at the bottom from "Obrazets" overprint, full OG, VLH, VF, SC #64 Va
666  CO2

Air Post Official stamps

1922, red surcharge 1200m on Consular stamp of 10k, surcharge position 2 of 25-stamp setting, nice offset of basic stamp on reverse, full OG, previously hinged, VF, SC #SI9
667  CO1/7


1922, 11 mint stamps, representing types I, II, III of surcharge, including type IV of #CO2 and type III of #CO7, both are creased, fresh quality otherwise, full OG, LH or hinged, F/VF, SC #SI5-8, SI11
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668  SC #SI13-14

Philatelic Exchange Tax stamps

1922, red surcharges 250r and 500r on "Sword Breaking Chain" issue, eight mint stamps, representing several surcharge varieties and incoming cover from Hungary to Saratov, bearing250r/35k stamp on reverse, fresh quality, full OG, LH or hinged, F/VF

Raritan Stamps, Inc