Lots 655 - 677, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
655 **   U1/14
1945, black or red surcharges "40", "60", "1.00", "1.40" and "2.00" on Definitive, Great Women issues and Church stamp, set of 13 values (less red surcharge 60/24f), all are type 1 (von Steiden type IIIa, no last "a" in "Zakarapats'ka"), all with full OG, NH, VF and rare unit, only 12 such sets possible, each stamp properly expertized, C.v. CZK59,080=US$2,660 (w/o premium for type rarity), G. von Steiden C.v. €8,400
656 **   U7
1945, red surcharge "60" on St. Margaret 24f rose violet, type 7 (von Steiden type I), full OG, NH, VF and rare, only 24 stamps were printed (12 of type I), expertized by Dr. Blaha, Dr. Sevke and others, C.v. CZK75,000
657 **   U8, U9
1945, black surcharge "60" on St. Margaret 30f deep carmine and on E. Szilagyi 30f brownish red, three vertical pairs, two of the first - types 4/5 and 8/9, one of the second - types 6/7, all with full OG, NH, VF, properly expertized, C.v. CZK3,960, G. von Steiden #6.I, 72.I, C.v. €735 considered the types rarity
658 **   U11Pp
1945, inverted black surcharge "1.40" on S. Lorantffy 70f red orange, surcharge type 3 (broken "sh", von Steiden type Ia), full OG, NH, VF and very rare, only 5 stamps were produced, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK150,000=US$6,525
659 **   U12Pp
1945, inverted black surcharge "2.00" on I. Zinyi 80f carmine brown, surcharge type 2 (von Steiden type II), full OG, NH, VF and very rare, only 8 stamps of all types were produced, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK110,000, G. von Steiden #77.I, C.v. €5,000
660 **   U13, Pp
1945, Coronation Church, two stamps with upright and inverted black surcharge "2.00" on 80f brown olive, both are type 1 (no last "a" in "Zakarpats'ka", von Steiden type IIIa), full OG, NH, VF and rare couple, only 24 and 4stamps exist respectively, each one with Dr. Blaha's guarantee hs, C.v. CZK181,000=US$7,870, G. von Steiden #10.I, C.v. €6,250
661 **   U13 var
1945, black surcharge "2.00" on Coronation Church 80f brown olive, type 1 (no last "a" in Zakarpats'ka", von Steiden type IIIa) with word "Ukraina" significantly shifted to the right, full OG, NH, VF and probably unique variety of just 12 stamps produced of type 1, expertized by Dr. Blaha and Dr. Sevke, G. von Steiden #10.I, C.v. €1,250 for a stamp without variety
662 **   U15, Pp
1945, Admiral Horthy, two stamps with upright and inverted black surcharge "4.00" on 2p brown and buff, both are type 1 (no last "a" in "Zakarpats'ka", von Steiden type IIIa), full OG, NH, VF and rare, 110 and6 stamps possible respectively, Dr. Blaha's guarantee hs, C.v.CZK149,000=US$6,500, Georg von Steiden Cat. #12.I, €6,250
663 **   U16
1945, black surcharge (36 degree angle) "10.00" on Admiral Horthy 5p rose violet and buff, type 1 under 36 degree angle, (no last "a" in "Zakarpats'ka", von Steiden type IIIa), full OG, NH, VF and very rare, 12stamps of all types were produced (3 of type 1), expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK135,000=US $5,870,Georg von Steiden Cat. #13.I, €5,000
664 **   U17, Pp
1945, Kossuth issue, two stamps with upright and inverted black surcharge "40" on 4f yellow brown, both are type 2 (von Steiden type II), full OG, NH, VF and very rare, 90 and 9 stamps were produced respectively, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK117,000, G. von Steiden #63.I, C.v. €5,900
665 **   U18, Pp
1945, Kossuth issue, two stamps with upright and inverted black surcharge "1.00" on 50f slate gray, both are type 2 (von Steiden type II), full OG, NH, VF and very rare, 90 and 9 stamps were produced respectively, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK117,000, G. von Steiden #66.I, C.v. €5,900
666 **   U19-24
1945, Postage Due stamps, black surcharges "10"/2f - "1.00"/40f, complete set of six, all are type 3 (broken "sh" in "Poshta", von Steiden type Ia), full OG, NH, VF, each stamp with Dr. Blaha's expert marking, C.v. CZK13,600(w/o a premium for rare type), G. von Steiden C.v. €1,620
667 **   U24 var
1945, black surcharge "1.00" on Postage Due 40f brown red, surcharge type 7 (von Steiden type I), new value strongly shifted to the right and significantly turned anti- clockwise, full OG, NH, VF, expertized by Dr. Blaha, G. von Steiden #P10, €375++
668 **/*   U2/23
     Balance of the First Uzhgorod Surcharges
1945, 21 surcharges on Definitives, Great Women, Admiral Horthy, Kossuth and Postage Dues, neatly arranged on a stockpage, types provided by Majer and von Steiden catalogs, nice and fresh, full OG, NH or LH (3), mostly VF, C.v. is close to CZK40,000 (no premium for types)
Lot   Cat.#
669 **   Uf3/15
1945, Duty stamps, black surcharges "40" on two of 4f vermilion and red, 5f, 10f and 20f, "60" on 30f, "1.00" on 50f, "2.00" on 1p, "4.00" on 2p and "6.00" on 3p, set of 10 values, mainly type 1 (no last "a", von Steiden type IIIa) or type 3 ("40"/20f), all with full OG, NH, VF, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK79,300=US$3,450
670 **   Uf19/24
1945, Bond stamps, black surcharges "10"/3f, "40"/15f and "1.00"/45f, all are type 2 (von Steiden type II); "1.40"/60f and "6.00"/3p, type 7 (von Steiden type I), set of five values, full OG, NH, VF, each one with Dr. Blaha's expert hs, C.v. CZK55,600
671 **   Uf25/31
1945, Judicial stamps, black surcharges "20"/10p (type 2), "60"/30p (type 2), "1.00"/50f (type 7), "2.00"/1p (type 4) and "4.00" on 2p (type 2), all with full OG, NH, VF, each one expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK118,000=US$5,140
672 **/*   Uf33-37
1945, Fiscal stamps, black surcharges "10"/5f, "20"/10f, "40"/20f, "1.00"/50f and "2.00"/1p, all are type 1 with no last "a" in "Zakarpats'ka", except #U36 - type 9, full OG, NH or VLH (Uf33 with tiny perf reinforcement, which is apparently not necessary), VF, each expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK30,100
673 **   Uf39
1945, black surcharge "6.00" on Fiscal stamp of 3p brown on orange network (both parts), surcharge type 2 (von Steiden type II), full OG, NH, VF and scarce, 20 stamps were printed, Dr. Blaha's guarantee hs, C.v. CZK70,000
674 **   Uf40
1945, black surcharge "10.00" on Fiscal stamp of 4p bright blue on bluish green network (both parts), surcharge type 6 (von Steiden type III), full OG, NH, VF, only 12 stamps were printed, Dr. Blaha's expert hs, C.v.CZK40,000, which seems too low for this rare stamp
675 **   Uf41
1945, black surcharge "10.00" on Fiscal stamp of 5p blue on orange network (both parts), surcharge type 2 (von Steiden type II), full OG, NH, VF and scarce, only 18 stamps were produced, expertized by Dr. Blaha. C.v. CZK50,000
676  Uf42
1945, black surcharge "15.00" on Fiscal stamp of 6p red on pale violet network (both parts), surcharge types 8 (von Steiden types I), full original gum with minor soiling, LH, VF and rare, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK32,000
677 **/*   Uf4/37
     Balance of the First Uzhgorod Surcharges on Official stamps
1945, 16 values, including 7 Duty, 4 Bond, 2 Judicial and 3 Fiscal stamps, types identified, nice and fresh quality, full OG, NH or LH (1), mostly VF, apparently all with expert's handstamps on reverse, C.v. CZK106,700=US$4,650

Raritan Stamps, Inc