Lots 67 - 78, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Zeppelin Flights
Lot   Cat.#
1929 (April 19), South West Germany Flight two postcards and one cover, franked by 3pf (cards) or 8pf (cover), cancelled by Baden-Baden, Mannheim and Stuttgart, each one with red confirmation"19.APR.1929" marking, housed on pages from a Collection, Sieger #023.Ic, d, e, C.v. €830
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View Part 3.
68    C37
1929 (April 23-25), Mediterranean Sea two Flight covers, both addressed to Chicago, franked by Zeppelin stamp of 2m ultra, tied by board cancel, red confirmation cachet, drop markings of Seville (machine "24.ABR.29")or S.Remo ("25.4.29"), mostly VF, Sieger #24d, var, C.v. €450
1929 (September 17), Germany Flight one cover and four postcards, properly franked and tied by the "17.9.29" cancellations of Brand, Eschweiler, Aachen, Osnabruek and Oldenburg, each one with red on-board the same day markings, mounted on 5 pages from a Collection, VF and rare assemblage, Sieger #34d, f, g, h and k, C.v. €2,100
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2, 3, 4, 5
70    379, C28
1929 (October 17), Silesia Flight postcard (Graf Zeppelin), franked by two stamps tied on-board "17.10.1929" cancellation, the same day Beuthen drop (63 cards flown), in addition card from the same flight but with on-board"7.10.1929" ds and Breslau drop, Sieger #43c, 43AI, C.v. €390
71    C32
1930 (June 22-25), Germany Flight two postcards, franked by German Eagle 1m black and salmon, first one cancelled on-board "22.6.1930" and has Copenhagen and Berlin "22.6.30" markings, the other one tied by Berlin-Staaken "24.6.30" ds and with Friedrichshafen arrival of June 25, both are on Collection pages, VF, Sieger #68Bd and Fa, C.v. €340
View Page 2.
72    C35
1931 (June 14-15), Hanover Direct and Return Flight postcards, each franked by Zeppelin stamp of 1m carmine, tied by on-board "14.6.1931" or the same day Hanover ds, all appropriate markings, arranged on two pages from a Collection, VF, Sieger #111Ab, Ba, C.v. €190 plus €200 as premium for franking
View Page 2.
73    C35
1931 (July 5-6), Upper Silesia Direct and Return Flight postcards, each franked by Zeppelin stamp of 1m carmine, tied by on-board or Glewitz "5.7.1931" date stamps, violet confirmation and arrivals of Glewitz (5.7) and Friedrichshafen (6.7),arranged on two pages from a Collection, VF, Sieger #115Ab, Ba, C.v. €170 and €200 as premium for franking
View Page 2.
74    C41
1931 (July 24-25), North Pole Flight cover to Leningrad, franked by "Polar-Fahrt 1931" overprint on 2m ultra, tied by Friedrichshafen "24.7.31" ds, red confirmation marking and Leningrad special arrival marking, VF, H.-D. Schlegel certificate, Sieger #119E, C.v. €375
75  C42
1931, brown Polar-Fahrt 1931 overprint on 4m black brown, cancelled on a part of Zeppelin envelope with Friedrichshafen "24.7.31" ds, VF, C.v. $675, Mi #458, €900
76    C35
1933 (June 20), Two Short Flights to Switzerland, cover franked by two stamps, including Zeppelin 1m carmine, tied with on-board "20.6.33" cancel, "Mit Luftschiff "Graf Zeppelin" line confirmation marking, VF and scarce, Sieger #0216 I, C.v. €250 plus €100 as a premium for franking
77    B82-89
1936 (August 1, 5-8), two covers from Airship "Hindenburg" Olympic Flight and 6th NAF, both franked by Olympic stamps, first one by complete set of 8, the other one by 8 stamps (2 se-tenant blocks) from Olympic souvenir sheets, confirmation markings and appropriate arrival ds, VF, Sieger #427Bb, 428D, C.v. €525
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2, 3, 4
78    C57-58
1937 (May 6), after crash of Airship "Hindenburg" illustrated cover intended for Return Flight from Lakehurst to Frankfurt, bearing two Zeppelin stamps, red lilac four- line cachet "Intended for first eastbound trip of Airship"Hindenburg" in 1937...", fresh and VF, Sieger #454Ea, C.v. €350

Raritan Stamps, Inc