Lots 749 - 757, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
749  1
1945, Soldier, imperforate plate proof of "60" in black printed on parchment paper, no gum as produced, NH, VF and scarce, expertized by J. Bulat, ex- J. Carrigan
Lot   Cat.#
750  2
1945, Broken Chain, large die proof of "100" in black, by artist T. Moskovic, printed on gray cardboard, size 115x70mm, design is slightly different from issued stamps, perfect quality, no gum as produced, VF and rare, ex-J. Carrigan, Est. $500-$600
751  3
1945, Fist, essay for design of "200", printed without denomination in black on parchment paper, no gum as produced, VF and rare, ex-J. Carrigan, Est. $300-$400
752  4
1945, Soviet Star, imperforate proof of "10" in lemon yellow, printed on an old thick paper poster picturing portrait of Josef Stalin on reverse, printer's trial block of 104, containing 14 normal stamps, 50 stamps with double and 40 stamps with triple (one inverted) impression, small tear on the left and some slight paper wrinkling, no gum as produced, VF and a unique item, K. Ceremuga certificate, ex-J. Carrigan
View enlarged fragment.
View the certificate.
753  Mv9
1945, (Soviet Star), imperforate proof of denomination "200" only, block of eight printed on an old poster, including four with single value (two normal, two upside down), two with double value (one inverted) and two without denomination, no gum as produced, VF
754  Mv9
1945, (Soviet Star), imperforate proof of denomination "200" only, bottom right corner margin block of six printed on an old poster, denomination is printed twice, no gum as produced, VF and rare
755 **   10-11, a, Mv10N-11N
     Third Soviet issue Collection on Exhibition Pages
1945, Soviet Star "10" and "20", 77 perforated and imperforate stamps in singles, pairs and blocks, nice positional pieces with control markings, plate varieties, two perforation errors and one proof in black on yellow paper, excellent quality material, full OG, mainly NH, VF and nice specialized unit, ex-J. Carrigan, Est. $1,000-$1,500
Click the numbers below to see additional images:
2, 3, 4
756 **   1-11, Mv1-11, var
     Soviet Issues Collection on Exhibition Pages
1945, 215 mint stamps in singles, pairs, strips, positional blocks with and without control numbers, color errors of "100" and "200", imperforate varieties in singles and pairs, several proofs and perforation errors, nicely presented collection, full OG, NH, mostly VF, very high catalog value, Est. $2,500-$3,000

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2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
757    1, 6-7
     Soviet Issues Postal History Remainder of a Consignment
1945, two covers franked by Soldier "60" carmine red or Soviet Star "60" red, addressed to Uzhgorod and three court notices, franked by Soviet Star "40" green or"60"red, from Vel. Bereznyi or Sevlush, minor usual flaws, still F/VF, Est. $300-$400
View Part 2.

Raritan Stamps, Inc