Lots 779 - 784, Catalogue of Auction #83 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
779  C2-5, C6-9

"Fokker F-111" Issue

1923-24, ten stamps, including complete unissued set without surcharges and surcharged issue, in addition bogus double surcharge 20k on 10r red, as well as three covers from Moscow to England, USA and Australia franked by these stamps, one of which (USA) is bearing philatelic exchange stamp on reverse, mainly full OG, F/VF
Click here to see Part 2, Click here to see Part 3
780 **   C2-5
1923, 1r-10r, complete set of four in bottom right corner margin blocks of four, nice and fresh, full OG, NH, VF
781  C4a
1923, 5r green, wide "5" variety, minor usual gum waves as always for stamps on thin paper, nice quality single, full original gum with 3mm natural gum loss at the bottom, very light trace of hinge, VF and extremely rare, only 50stamps were printed, Soviet Philatelic and Z. Mikulski hs on reverse, Raritan Stamps guarantee, C.v. $40,000
782  C7a
1924, black surcharge 10k on 5r green, wide "5" variety, nice and fresh, full OG, LH, VF, Soviet Philatelic guarantee hs, C.v. $1,250
783  C8a
1924, inverted black surcharge 15k on 1r brown, full OG, LH, VF, Soviet Philatelic, F. Kessler and other guarantee hs
784  C9a
1924, inverted black surcharge 20k on 10r red, nice stamp in every respect, full OG, LH, VF and very rare, several expert's hs on reverse, including Dr. Jemtschoujin, A. Brun, Champion and F. Kessler

Raritan Stamps, Inc