Lots 833 - 839, Catalogue of Auction #83 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
833 **   C77 var

Air Post Issues of 1941-91

1944, Pavel Fedoseyenko, 1r deep blue, raster square, unfolded block of four, full OG, NH, VF
834 **   C83-90
1949, Air Mail Routes, 50k-3r, complete set of eight, unfolded blocks of four, minor gum waves on 50k block, nice quality unit, full OG, NH, VF
835 **   C84 var
1949, Airplane over Farm Scene, 60k gray brown on buff colored paper, left sheet margin single imperforated on the left, full OG, NH, VF
836 **   C95-96, var
1955, North Pole - Moscow Flight, red overprint on definitive stamps of 1r and 2r, complete set in horizontal pairs, left stamp of each pair without dash variety of overprint, full OG, NH, VF
837 **   C95-96, var
1955, North Pole - Moscow Flight, red overprint on definitive stamps of 1r and 2r, first one in block of four, the other one in horizontal pair, top right or right stamps have no dash variety, while top left or left stamps have wide space between "Sev." and "Polyus" varieties (length 15mm), full OG, NH, VF
838 **   C96 var
1955, North Pole - Moscow Flight, strongly shifted to the bottom red overprint (14.2 mm) on definitive stamp of 2r green and black, perforation L12 1/2, top sheet margin horizontal pair, full OG, NH, VF and very scarce double variety
839 **   C97 var
1956, Airplane over Arctic Camp at North Pole Station, 1r multicolored, yellow color omitted, left sheet margin unfolded block of four, full OG, NH, VF

Raritan Stamps, Inc