Lots 955 - 956, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
955 **   220-24, C141-45 imp
1948, UNESCO issue, 10p-40p and 7.50p-75p, postage and air post, imperforate complete set of ten, printed on white paper, two values with slight gum disturbance, full OG, NH, VF and very scarce, Est. $200-$250
956 **/* P  108/261, C1/669
     Valuable Selection
1930-73, almost 100 mint perforated and imperforate stamps and proofs, including singles, pairs and blocks of four, one is Cedar imperf proof of 2.50p in violet, the other one is double red and black surcharge (No.245 var), parts and complete sets of postage, air post and specimen of dues, nice quality overall, full OG or no gum as issued, mainly NH, just a few early stamps are hinged, mostly VF, Est. $500-$600
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Raritan Stamps, Inc