Lots 967 - 1084, Catalogue of Auction #55 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
967 **   850-51 var
1941, Mikhail Lermontov, complete set of two, stamp of 15k has comb perforation, full OG, NH, VF
968 **   856
1941, "Be a Hero!", 30k carmine red, right sheet margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF
969 **   857-58
1942, Alisher Navoi, complete set of two, sheet margin copies, stamp of 30k has comb perforation, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $200
970 **   859
1941, People's Militia, 30k blue, perfect quality, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $400
971 **   859
1941, People's Militia, 30k blue, block of four, nicely centered, full OG, NH, VF
972 **   860-910
1942-43 Years, complete set of 55 stamps, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $440
Click here to see Part 2
973 **   873-77
1942-43, "Home Front", two complete sets in blocks of four, some with sheet margins, different color shade and paper, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $200++
974  878 var
1943, 25th Anniversary of the October Revolution, 5k black brown, right sheet margin copy, imperforated on the right, neatly cancelled, VF
975 **   890-94
1943, Battle Scenes, two complete sets in blocks of four, some with sheet margins, different color shade and paper, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $160++
976 **   908 var
1943, Tehran Conference, 3r slate blue, blue and red, blue color is strongly shifted to the upper left, block of four, full OG, NH, VF
977 **   909-10
1944, Ivan Turgenev, complete set in corner sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, C.v. $500++
978 **   911-59, C77-81
1944 Year, complete set of 66 stamps and one souvenir sheet, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $207
Click here to see Part 2
979 **   932 var
1944, Second Decade without Lenin, 30k slate and black, right sheet margin copy, imperforated on the right, slight gum wrinkle, full OG, NH, VF
980  944 var
1944, Sergey Lazo, 30k yellow green, left sheet margin horizontal pair, imperforated on the left, CTO with full OG, VF
981 **   960-1020
1945 Year, complete set of 81 stamps and one souvenir sheet, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $260
Click here to see Part 2
982 **   970, var
1945, Victory at Stalingrad, two souvenir sheets of four, printed on different paper, full OG, NH, VF
983 **   970 var
1945, Victory at Stalingrad, souvenir sheet of four, stamps and text strongly shifted to the right, full OG, NH, VF
984 **   971-73, 1341A
1945-48, Military Orders, 1r-3r, complete set of three, in addition stamp of 2r violet brown (1948), complete sheets of 50, some marginal flaws, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $925++
Click the numbers below to see other sheets:
2, 3, 4
985 **   974-79
1945, Battle Scenes, complete set of six, blocks of four and six, the total is ten sets, full OG, NH, F/VF
Click here to see Part 2
986  974 var
1945, Soldier with Red Flag, red color is significantly shifted to the bottom, full OG, VLH, VF
987 **   976 var
1945, Soviet Tank in Action, 30k black blue, left sheet margin horizontal pair, imperforated on the left, full OG, NH, VF
988  992D var
1946, Military Airplane, 15k dark green, top sheet margin copy, imperforated at the top, CTO with full OG, VF
989 **   993-1001
1945, Military Airplanes, 1r denominations, complete set in blocks of four, some with sheet margins, full OG, NH, F/VF
990 **   1011-12, var
1945, Ivan Mechnikov, complete set in block of four, top right stamp of 1r with white spot between "o" and "ch" in "Pochta" variety, full OG, NH, VF
991 **   1029-31 var
1946, Victory Parade, complete set in blocks of four, stamp of 2r with raster vertical diamonds, full OG, NH, VF
992  1032 var
1946, Order of Lenin, 60k green on pale green network, bottom sheet margin copy, imperforated at the bottom and vertical perforation partly omitted, postal cancellation, F/VF
993 **   1043 var
1946, Military Medal, 60k blue on paper with green network, perforation L12 1/2, top margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF
994 **   1046 var
1946, Military Medal, 60k lilac on paper with blue network, complete design clearly visible on reverse, top margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF
995 **   1055 var
1946, New Afon Sanatorium, 45k red brown, right sheet margin copy, imperforated on the right, full OG, NH, VF
996 **   1056, var
1946, Sports Parade, 30k dark green, original and reprint, printed on gray or white paper respectively, blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
997 **   1059-66, var
1946, Moscow Views, two complete sets in blocks of four, originals and reprints, full OG, NH, F/VF
998  1059 var
1946, Ivan Veliki Tower Bell, 5k brown, top sheet margin copy, imperforated at the top, full OG, LH, VF
999  1062 var
1946, Bolshoi Theater, 20k brown, left sheet margin copy, imperforated on the left, CTO with full OG, VF
1000  1063 var
1946, Moscow Kremlin View, 45k dark green, right sheet margin copy, imperforated on the right, corner cancellation, VF
1001 **   1080-82, var
1946, 25th Anniversary of the Soviet stamps, two complete sets in blocks of four, representing stamps with or without background, full OG, NH, VF
1002 **   1080a var
1947, 25th Anniversary of the Soviet Postage Stamps, 15k black and red, souvenir sheet of four, red color is shifted to the bottom, full OG, NH, VF
1003 **   1083a
1947, 29th Anniversary of the October Revolution, souvenir sheet of four, appropriate size, insignificant gum wrinkle at the top left, fresh, full OG, NH, VF
1004 **   1083b var
1947, 29th Anniversary of the October Revolution, 30k brown orange, imperforated copy with completely omitted text on Lenin Mausoleum, full OG, NH, VF
1005 **   1091-93, 1197-99
1947-48, Lenin Death Anniversaries, two complete sets in sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1006 **   1092 var
1947, Lenin Mausoleum, 30k dark green, left sheet margin copy, imperforated on the left, full OG, NH, VF
1007  1097 var
1947, Geographical Society, 60k violet black, right sheet margin copy, imperforated on the right, lightly cancelled, VF
1008 **   1100, var
1947, Stalin Prize Medal, 30k brown, two blocks of four, distinctly different shades, full OG, NH, VF
1009 **   1118 var
1947, Arms of Ukrainian Soviet Republic, 30k violet blue, left sheet margin horizontal pair, imperforated on the left, slight marginal gum wrinkle, full OG, NH, VF
1010 **   1125 imp var
1947, Moscow Council Building, 30k multicolored, blue color is omitted, right sheet margin imperforated copy, some gum wrinkles, full OG, NH, VF
1011 **   1128-31 var
1947, Jubilee of Moscow, overprinted issue, complete set in corner margin blocks of four, block of 1r with different types of overprint, full OG, NH, VF
1012 **   1132 var
1947, Jubilee of Moscow, 5k dark blue and dark brown, vertical perforation strongly misplaced, full original slightly uneven gum, NH, VF
1013 **   1143-45
1947, Jubilee of Moscow, two se-tenant blocks of four, one of which has horizontal gutter on the middle (formerly two se-tenant strips of four plus label), full OG, NH, VF
1014 **   1145-46
1947, Jubilee of Moscow, 3r and 5r in top left corner margin se-tenant block of four, full OG, NH, VF
1015 **   1145a var
1947, Jubilee of Moscow, 3r multicolored, souvenir sheet of four, type I (original printing), full OG, NH, VF
1016 **   1158 var
1947, Moscow Subway, 60k deep green, top sheet margin copy, imperforated at the top, full OG, NH, VF
1017 **   1159-60, var
1947, Aviation Day, two complete sets in blocks of four, originals and reprints, full OG, NH, VF
1018 **   1166 var
1947, New Athon Sanatorium, 30k red brown, vertical pair, imperforated horizontally, full OG, NH, VF
1019  1167 var
1947, Kemeri Sanatorium, 30k black violet, bottom sheet margin copy, imperforated at the bottom, slight fold between stamp and margin, full OG, LH, VF
1020 **   1189-317, C82
1948 Year, complete set of 129 stamps, all are from original printings, full OG, NH, mostly VF and scarce assembly
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2, 3, 4
1021 **   1189-92 var
1948, Leningrad Views, complete set in blocks of four, stamp of 30k has large size 32.5x21.5mm and it's printed on thick paper, full OG, NH, VF
1022  1201 var
1948, Vassily Surikov, 30k red brown, "1943" at the top right corner variety, bottom sheet margin copy, full OG, LH, VF
1023 **   1224-26
1948, Vissarion Belinski, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1024 **   1227-29 var
1948, Aleksandr Ostrovski, complete set of three, stamp of 60k printed on very thick (over 0.1mm paper), others on thicker than normal paper, full OG, NH, VF
1025  1227-29 imp
1948, Aleksandr Ostrovski, imperforated complete set of three, nice margins, full OG, LH, VF
1026 **   1230-33
1948, Ivan Shishkin, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $240++
1027 **   1234-36, var
1948, Industrial Five-Year Plan, two complete sets in blocks of four, original and reprints, some with sheet margins, full OG, NH, VF
1028 **   1236 var
1948, Industrial Five-Year Plan, 60k carmine and black, center is strongly shifted to the top, original printing, full OG, NH, VF
1029 **   1237-43 var
1948, Five-Year Plan for Agriculture, complete set in blocks of four, each block printed on thickened (0.08-0.1mm) paper, full OG, NH, VF
1030 **   1254-56, var
1948, Sports issue, three complete sets of four, original printing and reprints of 1955 and 1956, full OG, NH, mostly VF
1031 **   1255 var
1948, Soccer, 30k orange brown, horizontal pair imperforated between stamps, full OG, NH, VF and rare
1032 **   1258-59
1948, Tankmen Day, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1033 **   1289-94
1948, Youth Communists League, complete set of six, all are from original printings, full OG, NH, F/VF, C.v. $222.50
1034 **   1307-09, imp
1948, Views of Sverdlovsk, perforated and imperforated complete sets in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1035 **   1311 var
1948, View of Piatigorsk, 40k lilac, raster horizontal diamonds, full OG, NH, VF
1036 SB   735/1222

Stamp Booklet issued in Riga

1948, 75th Anniversary of Latvian Song Festival, incomplete booklet, black lettering in Latvian on buff paper, text repeated in Russian inside front cover, contains six pages of bilingual advertisements and Soviet Union stamps: two 10k (#1215), two 15k (#735), three 20k (#1217) and two 30k (#1222), rust spot from an old staple, generally nice condition, VF and extremely rare, just two such booklets known in private hands. A copy of von Hofmann article in Philatelia Baltica No.71-73 (1981) is enclosed
Click here to see Page 2, Click here to see Page 3
1037 **   1318-428, C83-90
1949 Year, complete set of 129 stamps (no souvenir sheets), all are from original printings, full OG, NH, VF and scarce assembly
Click here to see Part 2, Click here to see Part 3
1038 **   1318-19
1949, Byelorussian Soviet Republic, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1039 **   1320-22
1949, Mikhail Lomonosov, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1040 **   1323-24
1949, Semyon Dezhnev, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1041 **   1325
1949, Stalin's Birthday, souvenir sheet of four, original protective paper, perfect quality, full OG, NH, VF
1042 **/(*)   1325 var
1949, Stalin's Birthday, two souvenir sheets of four, printed on slightly different paper, first one with insignificant corner fold, full OG, NH, the other one - unused, expertly regummed, both have VF appearance
Click here to see souvenir sheet 2
1043 **   1327a
1949, Lenin Mausoleum, perforated souvenir sheet of four, size 175x130mm, tiny spot at the top, full OG, NH, VF
1044 **   1327a imp
1949, Lenin Mausoleum, imperforated souvenir sheet of four, appropriate size 176x135mm, perfect in every respect, full OG, NH, VF
1045  1327a imp
1949, Lenin Mausoleum, imperforated souvenir sheet of four, size 175x130mm, pinpoint toned spot on the left, slight usual gum wrinkles, full OG, VLH, VF
1046 (*)   1327a imp
1949, Lenin Mausoleum, imperforated souvenir sheet of four, appropriate size 173x131mm, unused, expertly regummed, VF appearance
1047 **   1333
1949, 31st Anniversary of the Soviet Army, 40k rose red, block of four, full OG, NH, VF
1048 **   1334-40, var
1949, International Women's Day, three complete sets of seven, original printing and two reprints 1955 and 1956, full OG, NH, VF
1049 **   1360a
1949, Alexander Pushkin, souvenir sheet of four, full OG, NH, VF
1050  1360a var
1949, Alexander Pushkin, souvenir sheet of four, top left stamp significantly shifted to the top right, full OG, previously hinged, VF
1051 **   1364-65, var
1949, Sormovo Machine and Boat Works, two complete sets of two, originals and reprints, printed on semi-transparent or thickened paper respectively, full OG, NH, VF
1052 **   1377 var
1949, Sports issue, Kayak Race, 25k bluish green, comb perforation, raster vertical diamonds, full OG, NH, VF
1053 **   1388-89
1949, Aleksandr Radischev, complete set in top left corner margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1054 **   1392a-93a
1949, 75th Anniversary of the UPU, imperforated complete set in corner margin blocks of four, minor natural gum waves, full OG, NH, VF
1055 **   1415-19
1949, Sports, the second issue, complete set in sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1056  1417 var
1949, Ice-Hockey, 50k dark blue, left winged copy, CTO with full OG, VF and an interesting perforation freak
1057 **   1442
1950, Movie Projection, 25k brown, top sheet margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF
1058 **   1443-44
1950, Soviet Elections, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $240++
1059 **   1445-46
1950, P. Morozov, complete set in blocks of four, one stamp of 1r block has tiny trace of black mount, otherwise post office fresh, full OG, NH, VF
Click here to see the backside
1060 **   1447-48
1950, Trade Union Congress, complete set in corner margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1061 **   1462-63
1950, Victory Day, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1062 **   1477-80
1950, Reconstruction of Stalingrad, complete set in sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1063 **   1500-03
1950, Estonian Soviet Republic, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1064 **   1508-09, var
1950, Antarctic Exhibition, two complete sets of two, one of which with raster background, full OG, NH, VF
1065 **   1508-09
1950, Antarctic Expedition, complete set in top left corner margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $400++
1066 **   1510-11
1950, Mikhail Frunze, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1067 **   1515-17
1950, Armenian Soviet Republic, complete set in sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1068 **   1518-25
1950, Moscow Skyscrapers, complete set of eight, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $460
1069 **   1526
1950, Spasski Tower, 1r dark green, brown red and yellow, top left corner margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF
1070 **   1527-28
1950, Isaak Levitan, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1071 **   1529-31
1950, Ivan Aivazovsky, complete set in blocks of eight, 40k and 50k are in se-tenant block, full OG, NH, VF
Click here to see Part 2
1072 **   1532 var
1950, Newspaper "Iskra", 40k gray black and red, printed on thick (0.1mm) paper, block of four, full OG, NH, VF and scarce multiple
1073 **   1534-35
1950, Kazakh Soviet Republic, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1074 **   1536
1950, Decembrist Revolution of 1825, 1r black brown on yellow paper, top right corner margin block of four, full OG, NH, VF
1075 **   1537, var
1951, Lenin at Razliv, 40k multicolored, right sheet margin block of four, imperforated on the right, full OG, NH, VF
1076 **   1539-40 var
1951, Kirghiz Soviet Republic, complete set in top right corner margin blocks of four, top right stamp of 25k block with "white leg" variety (position 10 in a small part of edition), full OG, NH, VF
1077 **   1541
1951, Albania, 40k green on bluish paper, block of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $200++
1078 **   1548-49
1951, Dmitry Furmanov, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $200++
1079 **   1551 var
1951, Stockholm Conference, 1r brown black and red, "white soldier" variety, full OG, NH, VF
1080 **   1552
1951, Kirov Machine Works, 40k brown on yellow paper, block of four, full OG, NH, VF
1081 **   1555-58
1951, Hungary, complete set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1082 **   1568-83
1951, Russian Scientists, complete set of 16, original printing, full OG, NH, VF
1083 **   1590-93
1951, Aviation, complete set in sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF
1084 **   1593 var
1951, Aviation, 2r multicolored, double impression of red color, full OG, NH, VF

Raritan Stamps, Inc