Lots 971 - 985, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
971 **   157-59
1939, Cantonal Coat of Arms and Prince Franz Joseph II, 2fr-5fr, complete set of three, first two in sheets of 12, the last one in sheet of four, all with full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $511++, SBK #147-49, C.v. CHF750
View Part 2.
View Part 3.
972 **   218
1946, Saint Lucius, 10(fr) gray black on creamy paper, miniature sheet of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $190, SBK #206, CHF500
973 **   240-42, 265
1949, Prince Johann and Castles, 20rp, 40rp and 150rp, complete set of three in sheets of 20, in addition Church in Bendern surcharged in red 1.20fr on 40rp blue, also in sheet of 25, all with full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $880++, SBK#228-30, 254, C.v. CHF1,500 as singles
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974 **   247-58
1951, Agriculture, 5(rp)-1fr, complete set of 12, top left corner sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $440++, SBK #236-47, C.v. CHF800 as singles, Est. $150- $200
View Part 2.
975 **   277/323
1954-58, Sports issues, 5 complete sets of four values, in addition Slalom 10c (No.289) with "Ciechtenstein" variety, all with full OG, NH, VF, SBK #266/312, 278 I, C.v. CHF440
View enlarged fragment.
976 **   317-19
1957, Christmas issue, 10(rp)-1.50(fr), complete set of three in sheets of 20, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $300++, SBK #306-08, C.v. CHF600 as singles
View Part 2.
977 **   356Ab
1964, Prince Hans-Adam II, 1.70fr violet, horizontal imperforate pair, large margins all around, full OG, NH, VF and rare, only 32 imperf stamps were produced, C.v. $1,750, SBK #339U, CHF4,000 as two singles
978 **   1024 imp
1994, Mobile by Jean Tinguely, 4fr multicolored, bottom left corner sheet margin imperforate single, full OG, NH, VF and very rare, P. Maxer certificate for bottom right corner margin block of four, SBK #1026U, C.v. CHF2,500
View the certificate.
Semi - Postal issues
Lot   Cat.#
979 **   B4-6
1927, Coat of Arms, 10(+5rp)-30 (+5rp), complete set of three, blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $248++, SBK #W4-6, C.v. CHF400 as singles
980 **   B11-13
1932, Child Welfare, 10(+5)rp, 20(+5)rp and 30(+10)rp, complete set of three in corner sheet margin blocks of 9, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $1,440++, SBK #W11-13, CHF2,250
981 **   B1/21, 238
     Neat Group of Semi-Postal issues
1925-51, 16 mint stamps and 3 souvenir sheets, including Prince Johann II, Aid to Rhine Flood Victims, 5th Philatelic Exhibition souvenir sheet (considered semi-postal issue by Liechtenstein Cat.), all with full OG, NH, VF, SBK #W1/26, C.v. CHF1,390
View Part 2.
982 **   
     Messenger Postal Service Vaduz-Sevelen
1918, (10h) red and black, imperforate at the top (position 2 from the upper left part of a sheet), full OG, NH, VF and guaranteed genuine, LBK #IIB, CHF1,800
983 **   57a/424, B4/21, C14-37
     Neat Collection on Stockpages
1921-67, 178 mint stamps, all are in complete issues, and 6 souvenir sheets, representing postage, semi-postal and air post stamps, Royal Family, Coat of Arms, Paintings, Sports, Nature and other topical issues, one set in blocks of four, full OG, NH, mostly VF, C.v. $3,450, SBK C.v. is about CHF6,000, Est. $800-$1,000
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984 **   157/872, O37/75
     Miniature Sheets Collection in Three Binders
1939-87, over 200 complete issues, including 570 sheets of 4, 8, 9, 12, 20 or 25, starting with Royal Family and Arms of 1939-45, UPU and Paintings of 1949-50, beautiful topical items, such as Fauna and Flora, Europa, Sports and Olympics, Paintings and Sculptures, Great Personalities, Red Cross, and etc., a few folds or other small flaws possible, generally post office fresh condition, full OG, NH, VF, SBK #147/867, Dienst #36/72, C.v. is over CHF27,000, Est. $3,000-$4,000

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985 **   386/900
     Blocks of Four Accumulation on Stockpages
1964-88, 670 blocks of four generally in complete issues, beautiful topical subjects, such as Animals, Birds, Flowers, Historical Places, Paintings and etc., nice and fresh quality unit, full OG, NH, mostly VF, C.v. is over $1,800
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Raritan Stamps, Inc