Lots 997 - 999, Catalogue of Auction #100 Raritan Stamps, Inc

Lot   Cat.#
997 **   175a
1959, Mongolian Language Congress, 40m multicolored, bottom right corner sheet margin block of four, imperforate vertically between stamps and on the right, full OG partly missing on margin as always, NH, VF
998 **   181 var
1959, Congress of Rural Economy, 30m green, bottom left corner sheet margin block of four, imperforate on the left, full OG, NH, VF and scarce
999 **   
     Collection on Gray Stockpages
1924-97, 1650 mostly mint stamps (almost 270 sets), 121 souvenir and 8 miniature sheets, starting with Scepter of Indra and Soyombo issue, including definitive set of 1932 and 1956, Animals of 1958,apparently all are NH, includes first souvenir sheets, nice range of various topical issues, fresh quality, full OG, NH, mostly VF, C.v. close to $1,900
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Raritan Stamps, Inc