Raritan Stamps, Inc.

PRICE LIST for Stamps of North Korea (1971-1975)

North Korea Stamps- 1946-1960- 1961-1965- 1966-1970- 1971-1975- 1976-1980- 1981-1985- 1986-1990

  Scott Number     Michel Number   Description Price($)
957 979 Traditional House 0.50
959-61 1061-63 Landscapes, mountains, waterfall 4.50
962-64 989-91 Museums 2.00
965 998 Workers 1.50
966-69 992-95 Kim Il Sung, revolutionary activities 3.50
970 997 Labor Day, May day 4.00
971 999 Map and People 1.50
972-74 980-82 Monuments 2.50
976 1000 Emblem, Korean children's Union 0.75
980 1007 Women 0.75
985 1003 Workers, Train 2.50
992 1016 Kim Il Sung university 0.75
993-96 1017-20 Large Machines, heavy truck, bulldozer 6.00
1022 1059 Worker 3.50
1024-26 1129-31 Poultry, chickens 3.50
1029 1100 Battle Scenes, War films 2.00
1030-44 1078-92 Kim Il Sung, strip of 3, pair of 2 and block of 10, comlplete set of 15 12.00
1045 Bl. 5 (1093) Kim Il Sung, s.s. of 1 8.00
1046 1102 Soldiers 4.00
1047-50 1064-67 Traditional Houses, revolutionary sites 2.00
1051-55 1103-07 Sports 4.00
1069-71 1114-16 Machinery 3.50
1072-73 1121-22 Chemical Industry 2.50
1074-76 1123-25 Consumer Good Industry 3.50
1077-79 1126-28 Agriculture 3.50
1096-98 1146-48 Machine Tools 6.00
1099-1100 1144-45 Elections 2.75
1101-03 1149-51 Aviator, Navy, Soldier, Korean People's Army 8.00
1104-08 1156-60 Landscapes, Historic Sites 4.00
1136-39 1189-92 Mountains, Waterfalls 7.00
1140 1164 Building, museum 3.50
1141-45 1195-99 National Sports, Soccer, Sprinters. 6.00
1146 1193 Weightlifter 1.00
1147-50 1206-09 Landscapes, Mountains, Waterfalls 9.00
1151-55 1201-05 Landscapes, Mountains, Bridges 7.50
1156 1200 Magnolia flower 2.00
1159-64 1174-79 Fairy Tails 14.00
1177-79 1213-15 Birds 11.00
1196-1203 1237-44 Sports 9.00
1224-28 1265-69 Roses, flowers 7.00
1230-35 1275-80 Lilies, Wild Flowering Plants 7.00
1239-42 1271-74 Frogs 14.00
1248 Bl. 9 (1289) Space, s.s. 15.00
1249-52 1291-94 Paintings 6.00
1274-77 1318-21 Plants, Oil Producing Crops 7.00
1282-85 1326-29 Monuments 2.50
1286 1330-35 Fishing ships, block of 6 6.50
1288 1342 Table tennis 1.50
1289 Bl. 14 (1343) Table tennis, s.s. 3.00
1290-94 1337-41 Animals 6.00
1295-98 1344-47 Paintings 5.50
1299-1303 1348-52 Paintings 5.00
1343-48 1386-91 Fishes 7.50
1349-53 1397-401 Soccer Championships 4.00
1354 Bl. 17 (1402) Soccer Championships, s.s. 8.00
1355-59 1419-23 Parrots 16.00
1373-78 1408-13 Flowers 6.50
1379-83 1452-56 Parachutists 4.50
1384 Bl. 21 (1457) Parachutists, s.s. 5.50
1385-89 1403-07 Flowers 5.00

North Korea Stamps- 1946-1960- 1961-1965- 1966-1970- 1971-1975- 1976-1980- 1981-1985- 1986-1990


Raritan Stamps, Inc.