North Korea Stamps- 1946-1960- 1961-1965- 1966-1970- 1971-1975- 1976-1980- 1981-1985- 1986-1990
Scott Number | Michel Number | Description | Price($) |
2013 | 2080 | New Year 1981 | 1.00 |
2014-20 | 2081-87 | Fairy Tales | 12.00 |
2020a | 2081-88 | Fairy Tales, m.s. of 8 | 18.00 |
2021 | Bl. 91A (2088) | Fairy Tales, s.s. | 5.50 |
2022 | 2093 | Buildings | 0.75 |
2023-25 | 2094-96 | Soccer Championships | 10.00 |
2025a | 2094-97 | Soccer Championships, m.s. of 4 | 17.00 |
2026 | Bl. 93A (2097) | Soccer Championships, s.s. | 9.00 |
2027-31 | 2099-103 | Soccer Championships | 10.00 |
2031a | 2099-104 | Soccer Championships, m.s. of 6 | 18.00 |
2032 | Bl. 94A (2104) | Soccer Championships, s.s. | 9.00 |
2069-71 | 2118-20 | Naposta'81 | 9.00 |
2072 | Bl. 96A (2121) | Naposta'81, s.s. | 6.00 |
2073 | 2122 | ITU and WHO | 2.50 |
2074-76 | 2126-28 | Flowers | 3.50 |
2076a | 2126-28 | Flowers, m.s. of 3 | 4.00 |
2077-78 | 2123-24 | WIPA'81 | 5.50 |
2079 | Bl. 97A (2125) | WIPA'81, s.s. | 5.50 |
2080-84 | 2130-34 | Gymnastics | 4.00 |
2084a | 2130-35 | Gymnastics, m.s. of 6 | 13.50 |
2085 | Bl. 98A (2135) | Gymnastics, s.s. | 3.00 |
2086 | 2137 | Guerillas | 0.50 |
2087 | 2138 | Museum | 0.50 |
2088 | 2139 | Historical Building | 0.50 |
2091 | 2142 | Jeanne d'Arc | 3.00 |
2092 | Bl. 99A (2143-44) | Jeanne d'Arc, s.s.of 2 stamps | 8.00 |
2094 | Bl. 100A (2144) | Jeanne d'Arc, s.s. | 6.00 |
2096-2099 | 2145-48 | Rembrandt | 7.50 |
2100 | Bl. 101A (2149) | Rembrandt, s.s. | 6.00 |
2109-14 | 2166-71 | Peter P. Rubens | 10.00 |
2115 | Bl. 104A (2172) | Peter P. Rubens, s.s. | 6.00 |
2121-23 | 2154-56 | PHILATOKYO'81, set of 3 | 9.00 |
2124 | Bl. 102A (2157) | PHILATOKYO'81, s.s. | 7.50 |
2125-26 | 2159-60 | PHILATOKYO'81 | 3.50 |
2129 | 2180 | Bulgaria | 0.50 |
2130 | 2181 | G. Dimitrov | 0.50 |
2131 | 2182 | Philatelia'81 | 3.00 |
2138-44 | 2192-98 | Emblem of No. Korea | 6.00 |
2145-48 | 2219-22 | Picasso | 6.50 |
2150 | Bl.110A | Picasso s.s . | 4.00 |
2170, 2171 | Bl. 108 (2217), Bl. 109 (2218) | Kim Il Sung, s.s. | 5.00 |
2173 | 2230A | A. Durer | 5.00 |
2178a-d | 2232-34 | Princess Diana, 3 m.s. of 4 | 16.00 |
2179 | Bl. 115A (2236-39) | Princess Diana, m.s. of 4. | 9.00 |
2184-85 | 2242-43 | Tiger | 6.00 |
2188-93 | 2248-53 | Soccer Championships | 12.00 |
2194 | Bl. 118A (2254) | Soccer Championships, s.s. | 10.00 |
2195-96 | 2255-56 | Space | 4.00 |
2197 | Bl. 120A (2255-56, 58) | Space, m.s. | 6.50 |
2198 | Bl. 119A (2257) | Space, s.s. | 4.00 |
2199-2202 | 2259-62 | Goethe | 4.00 |
2224-25 | 2269-70 | Soccer Championships | 3.50 |
2226 | Bl 124A | Soccer Championships, sheet of 4 | 10.00 |
2235a-d | 2276-80 | Princess Diana, 5 m.s. of 4 | 40.00 |
2235 | Bl. 128A (2283-86) | Princess Diana, m.s. | 16.00 |
2236 | Bl. 129A (2287-89) | Princess Diana, m.s. | 16.00 |
2237 | Bl. 126A (2281) | Princess Diana, s.s. | 12.00 |
2238 | Bl. 127A (2282) | Princess Diana, s.s. | 12.00 |
2251-54 | 2306-09 | Balloons | 12.00 |
2264-67 | 2323-26 | Rembrandt | 8.00 |
2268 | Bl. 138A (2328-32) | Rembrandt, m.s. | 15.00 |
2279 | A2335 | Flags | 0.50 |
2281 | A2336 | Kim Il Sung | 1.50 |
2302-04 | 2363-65 | Sailing Ships | 4.50 |
2306 | Bl. 144A (2366) | Sailing Ships, s.s. | 5.00 |
2318 | 2385 | Sailing Ships | 3.50 |
2319 | Bl. 148A (2386) | Sailing Ships, s.s. | 7.00 |
2326-27 | 2395-96 | Folk games, archer | 4.50 |
2330-31 | 2400-01 | World Communication Year | 8.00 |
2332 | Bl. 153A (2403-05) | World Communication Year, s.s. | 5.00 |
2334 | 2406 | Rubens Paintings | 2.00 |
2342-44 | 2423-25 | Correggio's Paintings | 5.00 |
2346 | Bl. 164A (2426) | Correggio's Paintings, s.s. | 4.50 |
2353-54 | 2443-44 | Worker and Flags | 1.00 |
2355 | 2445 | Farm Worker | 0.50 |
2356-57 | 2446-47 | Kim Il Sung | 1.00 |
2358-59 | 2448-49 | ESPANA'84, painting | 3.00 |
2361 | 2451 | Map and Historical Buildings | 0.75 |
2366 | 2456 | Construction | 0.75 |
2367-68 | 2457-58 | Winter Olympics | 3.50 |
2378 | Bl. 178A (2471) | Degas Paintings, s.s. | 3.75 |
2379 | 2472 | Dam and Ship | 0.75 |
2381 | Bl. 179A (2474) | UPU Congress, Stamp Exhibition, s.s. | 5.00 |
2382 | 2475 | Propaganda | 0.75 |
2385 | Bl. 180A (2478) | A. Nobel, s.s. | 6.50 |
2389-91 | 2482-84 | Flowers, orchids | 3.50 |
2392 | Bl. 181A (2485) | Flowers, orchids, s.s. | 4.50 |
2393-95 | 2486-88 | Fishes | 3.75 |
2398-2400 | 2491-93 | Orient Express | 7.50 |
2401 | Bl. 182A (2494) | Orient Express, s.s. | 6.50 |
2405 | 2498 | Industry | 1.00 |
2406-08 | 2499-501 | Paintings | 4.00 |
2409 | Bl. 184 (2502) | Paintings, s.s. | 3.50 |
2410-11 | 2503-04 | Space | 2.00 |
2412 | Bl. 185 (2505) | Space, s.s. | 4.00 |
2413-15 | 2506-08 | Ships | 4.00 |
2416 | Bl. 186 (2509) | Ships, s.s. | 5.00 |
2422 | 2515 | M. Curie | 4.00 |
2423 | Bl. 188 (2516) | M. Curie, s.s. | 5.00 |
2424-27 | 2517-20 | Birds | 7.50 |
2429-31 | 2522-24 | Space Exploration | 3.00 |
2432 | Bl. 190 (2525) | Space Exploration, s.s. | 4.00 |
2433-34 | 2526-27 | Icebreaker | 3.25 |
2435 | Bl. 191 (2528) | Icebreaker, s.s. | 5.00 |
2436 | 2529 | D. Mendelejev, chemist | 1.50 |
2437 | Bl. 192 (2530) | D. Mendelejev, chemist, s.s. | 3.50 |
2448 | Bl. 196 (2617-20) | Communist leaders, s.s. | 4.50 |
2449 | Bl. 195 (2614-16) | Communist leaders, s.s. | 3.50 |
2450 | Bl. 194 (2613) | Communist leaders, s.s. | 50.00 |
2451 | 2621 | New Year 1985 | 1.50 |
2458 | Bl. 197 (2629) | Cars, s.s. | 4.00 |
2464-68 | 2635-39 | Fairy Tales | 6.00 |
2469-71 | 2640-42 | Mushrooms | 5.25 |
2472-75 | 2643-46 | Soccer Championships 1954-66 | 4.50 |
2476 | Bl. 198 (2647) | Soccer Championships 1954-66,s.s. | 4.00 |
2477-80 | 2648-51 | Soccer Championships 1970-86 | 4.50 |
2481 | Bl. 199 (2652) | Soccer Championships 1970-86,s.s. | 4.00 |
2482 | 2653 | Kim Il Sung | 0.50 |
2483-84 | 2654-55 | Korean Musical Instruments, set of 2 | 3.25 |
2485 | 2656 | Building, Tokyo, Association of Korean Residents in Japan | 0.50 |
2486-87 | 2657-58 | Monkeys, set of 2 | 2.50 |
2489-90 | 2660-61 | Argentina'85, Stamp Exhibition, set of 2 | 3.25 |
2491 | Bl. 201 (2662) | Argentina'85, s.s. | 4.00 |
2492-94 | 2663-65 | Youth Festival in Moscow | 3.50 |
2495-96 | 2666-67 | Buildings | 1.00 |
2497-2503 | 2668-74 | Victory in WW II | 3.50 |
2504 | Bl. 202 (2675) | Victory in WW II, s.s. | 2.00 |
2505-06 | 2676-77 | Haley's Comet | 2.25 |
2507 | Bl. 203 (2678) | Haley's Comet, s.s. | 4.00 |
2508-10 | 2679-81 | Flowers | 6.50 |
2511-14 | 2662-85 | Paintings | 4.00 |
2515 | Bl. 204 (2686) | Paintings, s.s. | 2.75 |
2516-19 | 2687-90 | Communist Party | 1.75 |
2520 | Bl. 205 (2691) | Communist Party, s.s. | 1.75 |
2521 | 2692 | Triumphal Arch, Kim Il Sung Return | 1.00 |
2522-24 | 2693-95 | ITALIA'85, Stamp Exhibition | 2.00 |
2525 | Bl. 206 (2696) | ITALIA'85, Stamp Exhibition, s.s. | 3.50 |
2531-32 | 2702-03 | Soccer Championships | 3.25 |
2533 | Bl. 208 (2704) | Soccer Championships, s.s. | 4.00 |
2534-36 | 2705-07 | Year of Youth, (traditional dance) | 3.50 |
2537 | Bl. 209 (2708) | Year of Youth, s.s. | 4.50 |
2538-39 | 2709-10 | Soccer Championships | 3.00 |
2540 | Bl. 210 (2711) | Soccer Championships, s.s. | 5.00 |
North Korea Stamps- 1946-1960- 1961-1965- 1966-1970- 1971-1975- 1976-1980- 1981-1985- 1986-1990